
20:00 < pleia2> evening :)
20:00 < johnc4510> evening
20:01 < pleia2> hmm, so we have mentors and also some website stuff on the agenda
20:01 < JonReagan> yup
20:01 < pleia2> so while we wait for eightyeight I think we can start with some website stuff
20:02 < JonReagan> k
20:02 < pleia2> so first, yay we got access to update our planet :)
20:02 < pleia2> http://planet.ubuntu-us.org/
20:02 < pleia2> was able to add pennsylvania, arizona and florida so far
20:02 < JonReagan> oh wow
20:03 < JonReagan> how would say... Georgia add to the planet :)
20:03 < MTecknology> hi... just got the email
20:03 < johnc4510> w00t
20:03 < pleia2> and arizona has an adorable icon
20:03 < pleia2> so we all need one
20:03 < pleia2> hehe
20:03 < johnc4510> lol
20:03 < pleia2> JonReagan: just give me the link to the rss feed
20:04 < pleia2> it's news feeds, not team planet feeds
20:04 < JonReagan> oh, k... yeah I'll have to set that up.
20:04 < johnc4510> JonReagan: we are just using our front page for team news as the feed
20:04 < johnc4510> blogging is separate
20:05 < pleia2> us too
20:05 < pleia2> so we have to decide, should only approved teams be on it? or any who have a news feed?
20:05  * pleia2 votes the latter
20:05 < dantalizing> pleia2: florid logo: http://www.ubuntu-fl.org/images/fl_logo.png
20:05 < johnc4510> yeah, i'm not against unapproved teams
20:06 < JonReagan> neither am I ... I really am borderline here
20:06 < JonReagan> on one hand
20:06 < JonReagan> it would be easier to manage the appr teams
20:06 < JonReagan> but then again it would be cool to show what the non approved teams are doing
20:06 < JonReagan> but then the non approved teams do not have web sites to make fancy rss feeds
20:06 < JonReagan> so that could be a problem
20:07 < MTecknology> we discussing planet.ubuntu-us.org?
20:07 < JonReagan> thinking out loud folks... thinking out loud.  :)
20:07 < pleia2> dantalizing: ok, next time it updates it'll be there :)
20:07 < johnc4510> MTecknology: yep
20:07 < dantalizing> i think unapproved is fine as long as they agree to follow the coc and the t&c for loco hosting
20:07 < JonReagan> +1 for that
20:07 < dantalizing> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoHosting
20:07 < pleia2> JonReagan: some unapproved teams have sites, we had one before we were approved
20:07 < JonReagan> so did mine :P
20:07 < MTecknology> opinion about 2 different planets?
20:08 < JonReagan> too much to handle
20:08 < johnc4510> my one question would be: Unapproved teams aren't suppose to have their own site are they?
20:08 < boredandblogging> johnc4510: they are not
20:08 < johnc4510> again, i'm not against this
20:08 < JonReagan> erm... not sure.  I think once it's it reserved, they can use it.
20:08 < johnc4510> hi nick
20:08 < JonReagan> hey nick!
20:09 < johnc4510> we don't want 2 planets i don't think
20:09 < pleia2> < dantalizing> i think unapproved is fine as long as they agree to follow the coc and the t&c for loco hosting <-- +1
20:09 < MTecknology> I was just thinking that non-approved times could chance falling off the earth
20:09 < MTecknology> multiple times
20:09 < JonReagan> hehe
20:10 < MTecknology> could cause a lot of problems in logs
20:10 < pleia2> MTecknology: hm?
20:11 < MTecknology> pleia2: just a lot of errors if a loco decides to quit hosting a site because they get sick of it
20:11 < pleia2> "a lot of errors"?
20:11 < johnc4510> isn't that just a matter of dropping their feed?
20:11 < pleia2> yes
20:11 < dantalizing> feed data wont be generated thats all
20:11 < pleia2> it's not a big deal
20:12 < MTecknology> oh... I was thinking my planet module - not planetplanet :P
20:12 < pleia2> and planet will make their link show up with a red underline if it's a dead link, so it's easy to notice
20:12 < pleia2> ah
20:12 < MTecknology> ubuntu-drupal team made a planet module for drupal :P
20:14 < pleia2> so, unapproved teams on the planet are ok?
20:14 < MTecknology> do most unapproved loco's generate ubuntu related stuff, or would it tend to be random junk?
20:14 < pleia2> it's the same as any approved team
20:15 < MTecknology> I don't see any problems w/ it then
20:15 < johnc4510> boredandblogging: is this a problem for you and the loco board?
20:15 < johnc4510> or council
20:16 < pleia2> I mean, I don't think we should encourage teams to have sites
20:16 < pleia2> but if they have one and ask us to add their feed, I don't see a problem with it
20:16 < johnc4510> nods
20:16 < johnc4510> i don't either
20:16 < JonReagan> +1 for that.
20:16 < johnc4510> and it's a good way to easily monitor what they are doing i think
20:16 < dantalizing> +1
20:17 < dantalizing> yes
20:17 < boredandblogging> unapproved teams really shouldn't have sites
20:17 < johnc4510> and encourage them to watch the planet feed for ideas
20:17 < boredandblogging> if they want to point domains at the wiki, fine
20:17 < johnc4510> boredandblogging: thx
20:17 < boredandblogging> but unapproved teams have a habit of spending too much time on websites instead of doing the real work
20:17 < boredandblogging> just saying
20:17 < MTecknology> a loco like mine - I didn't create the site because of the loco - I created a site for the loco because of the ubuntu-drupal team
20:17 < JonReagan> good point
20:17 < dantalizing> boredandblogging: when you say 'sites' are you talking about official "ubuntu" domains, or any site?
20:17 < MTecknology> dantalizing: any site
20:18 < pleia2> MTecknology: that's not entirely true :) you were hacking away at your site LONG before you got involved with that team
20:18 < pleia2> anyway
20:18 < johnc4510> :)
20:18 < pleia2> we stick with "any team who has a feed, can be considered for the planet"
20:18 < pleia2> now... the website!
20:19 < pleia2> Joe_CoT has agreed to hand over the administrative keys to the canonical-hosted drupal site
20:19 < johnc4510> great
20:19 < pleia2> JonReagan: do you know much about drupal?
20:19 < JonReagan> not a thing
20:19 < pleia2> hehe
20:19 < MTecknology>  o/
20:20 < pleia2> MTecknology: we want you focusing on getting your loco going!
20:20 < MTecknology> pleia2: I just got a poster made :)
20:20 < pleia2> cool
20:20 < MTecknology> I'm just saying - if you need support with drupal, the #ubuntu-drupal channel exists
20:20 < johnc4510> i not a whiz but we did just set this up: http://azloco.com/
20:20 < johnc4510> and it's drupal
20:21 < pleia2> ok, so I haven't a clue about drupal either, so we want to get a team together to head up the effort
20:21 < JonReagan> ooh, good job johnc4510
20:21 < pleia2> we pretty much need to decide what the page is going to be for, and whether canonical hosting is sufficient
20:21 < johnc4510> JonReagan: thx
20:22 < JonReagan> waitaminute... are you talking about the ubuntu-us.org site or the actual ubuntu-us planet?
20:22 < pleia2> JonReagan: talking about the ubuntu-us.org site now
20:22 < MTecknology> pleia2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SouthDakotaTeam/Materials?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Poster.png
20:22 < pleia2> planet is chugging along nicely :)
20:22 < pleia2> site is still floating out there
20:23 < JonReagan> oh
20:23 < JonReagan> lol
20:23 < Yasumoto> johnc4510: that's awesome, great job
20:23 < johnc4510> Yasumoto: thx
20:23 < pleia2> yeah, the az site is like, the best loco page I've ever seen
20:23 < pleia2> so shiny
20:24 < MTecknology> :( ... :P
20:24 < JonReagan> so who do we need to contact to get the site in order
20:24 < johnc4510> pleia2: you're too kind
20:24 < johnc4510> :)
20:24 < johnc4510> thx
20:24 < pleia2> JonReagan: Joe_CoT is handing the keys over, once he has someone to hand keys to :)
20:24 < JonReagan> cool
20:24 < pleia2> so I can get them any time, we just need a team
20:25 < JonReagan> need a team?
20:25 < pleia2> well, we need a couple people who know what they're doing
20:25 < johnc4510> someone to manage the site and contents
20:27 < pleia2> so getting some people together is sorta on our todo list, but we do have access to things now
20:27 < JonReagan> ah, k.
20:27 < johnc4510> i would be willing to help until a team is in place if you want pleia2
20:27 < pleia2> johnc4510: cool, thanks :)
20:27  * pleia2 might put you in charge ;)
20:28 < pleia2> hehe
20:28 < johnc4510> lol
20:28 < johnc4510> volunteered again   hee hee
20:28 < Yasumoto> johnc4510: if you need a helping hand, I'd be down to assist with some grunt work
20:28 < johnc4510> Yasumoto: k
20:28 < johnc4510> thx
20:28 < pleia2> cool
20:28 < pleia2> ok, we'll talk about that more soon
20:29 < pleia2> switching back to the planet for a moment
20:29 < pleia2> it needs a more US theme
20:29 < pleia2> it was sort of the regular ubuntu theme stolen and hacked at a little
20:29 < MTecknology> oh ya - gotta throw it out there - there's also an ubuntu-drupal mailing list - if I can't help via it - I'm sure david can
20:29 < pleia2> but I'd like to see it hacked at some more
20:30 < pleia2> so I think I'll put a little time into this, and nag folks on the list if I need help
20:30 < JonReagan> awesome
20:30 < johnc4510> maybe a little american flag or something
20:30 < pleia2> yeah
20:30 < JonReagan> so, what else needs to be decided with the web site?
20:31 < pleia2> JonReagan: everything :)
20:31 < pleia2> what is it for?
20:31 < JonReagan> information on the project, links to the states -- oh, and a big shiny map
20:31 < Yasumoto> JonReagan: map++
20:31 < JonReagan> that's about the only reason I went there :P
20:31 < pleia2> so what it has now, but kept up to date and with more info added?
20:31  * pleia2 nods
20:32 < johnc4510> the links at the top could be re-defined too i think
20:32 < JonReagan> So, we need to also add news to it... maybe use the drupal planet rss feed thing
20:32 < johnc4510> tabs i meant
20:32 < JonReagan> for news
20:32 < JonReagan> coming from the planet.ubuntu-us.org
20:32 < pleia2> who is writing the news? what is newsworthy for us?
20:32 < pleia2> there is a planet rss feed thing on it
20:32 < JonReagan> not yet
20:32 < pleia2> yes there is
20:33 < johnc4510> nods
20:33 < MTecknology> example -> http://www.ubuntu-qc.org/planet
20:33 < MTecknology> JonReagan: ^
20:33 < pleia2> MTecknology: we're not integrating the planet into drupal
20:33 < JonReagan> individual teams submit the news on their progress in Ubuntu domination :)
20:33 < pleia2> JonReagan: kind of redundant with the planet, I think
20:34 < johnc4510> MTecknology: very nice, will the image header get changed with the new version coming out?
20:34 < JonReagan> if we had a newsletter, it couldn't be much more than telling what the teams did
20:34 < MTecknology> pleia2: I was just referring to that because JonReagan said "drupal planet rss feed thing"
20:34 < JonReagan> yeah, the plugin that was mentioned earlier
20:34 < MTecknology> johnc4510: ya, not sure what to yet
20:34 < johnc4510> k]
20:35 < pleia2> so right now we have planet feed links and fridge feed links
20:35 < pleia2> and the map
20:35 < pleia2> probably link to mailing list and stuff too
20:36 < pleia2> s/link/want to link
20:36 < johnc4510> pleia2: i think the .org can be improved, but we need more teams adding content too
20:36 < pleia2> johnc4510: I just worry that it wonh't happen
20:36 < pleia2> us-pa has a hard enough time keeping our own site up to date, let alone trying to contribute elsewhere too
20:36 < JonReagan> it may not, we just need to get the basics on there now
20:37 < johnc4510> i hear you. we'll just have to create some excitement
20:37 < johnc4510> :)
20:37 < leftyfb> HOLY SH.....
20:37 < leftyfb> http://news.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/03/05/215209&from=rss
20:37 < pleia2> sustained excitement :)
20:37 < leftyfb> how can people like that be put in charge of such things
20:37 < pleia2> else all the news gets stale and everyone thinks we're a dead project again
20:37 < pleia2> so I'm skeptical about news other than planet stuff
20:37  * pleia2 prods eightyeight
20:38 < JonReagan> 8O!!!  wow... didn't expect that
20:38 < JonReagan> colorado, you got some work ahead of ya
20:38 < johnc4510> pleia2: agreed
20:38 < JonReagan> where is he?
20:38 < Yasumoto> I think it's important that we have one source of a flow for updates
20:39 < Yasumoto> if some teams update one thing, and other teams update something else, then that disunity will diminish our unity
20:39 < pleia2> yeah
20:39 < JonReagan> do what?
20:40 < pleia2> plus, USTeams is more of an oversight thing, we want to help teams, not make them submit more reports and things
20:40 < pleia2> hmm, we could snag the US portion of the TeamReports each month
20:40 < Yasumoto> exactly, it needs to be really easy for them to get their info out
20:40 < johnc4510> agreed
20:40 < johnc4510> pleia2: that's good
20:41 < Yasumoto> once more teams get approved, part of the process of making their site should be to push to the us planet
20:41 < pleia2> "we" as in some committed volunteer who is not me :)
20:41 < johnc4510> and the AZ team will try to keep content flowing to the planet
20:41 < pleia2> yeah, PA will try to get better :)
20:41 < pleia2> there is motivation for it with the planet, people will actually read it!
20:41 < johnc4510> i can volunteer JonReagan for georgia  lol
20:41 < JonReagan> alright, so what else needs to be decided?
20:42 < johnc4510> for more content
20:42  * JonReagan hides :P
20:42 < pleia2> JonReagan: moving on from the website?
20:42 < johnc4510> lol
20:42 < Yasumoto> haha
20:42 -!- jimmacdonald [n=jimmacdo@196-28-178-69.gci.net] has quit ["Be back later"]
20:42 < JonReagan> no, I was asking what else needs to be decided on the web site
20:42 < pleia2> oh, right
20:42 < MTecknology> once I finish the planet module I can guarantee a sustained level of contribution - probably low, but it will be sustained :P
20:42 < pleia2> JonReagan: nothing, I don't think, we'll get the team together and discuss more
20:43 < JonReagan> k, cool.
20:43 < JonReagan> so, on to mentor stuff?
20:43 < pleia2> I don't think eightyeight is going to show
20:43 < pleia2> yeah
20:43 < johnc4510> :(
20:43 < pleia2> just need 2/3 to get approved as a mentor anyway, I think :)
20:43 < JonReagan> if it's unanimous we can pull forward with the nomination
20:43 < pleia2> yeah
20:43 < JonReagan> lol, yeah... sry I'm a slow typer on this keyboard
20:44 < pleia2> hehe
20:44 < JonReagan> we've got some good folks signed up
20:44 < pleia2> yeah
20:44 < pleia2> nixternal: are you around?
20:44 < pleia2> hmm, so how do we want to do this?
20:44 < JonReagan> just call em up
20:44 < pleia2> johnc4510: tell us how awesome you are
20:44 < johnc4510> lol
20:44 < johnc4510> k
20:44 < JonReagan> that's pretty much it.
20:44 < johnc4510> Hi, I'm John aka johnc4510 in IRC. I am the team leader of the Ubuntu Arizona LoCo Team. AZ team in Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-arizona - AZ team Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam - AZ team website: http://azloco.com/ For those of you who don't know me, here is my Launchpad page: https://launchpad.net/~johnc4510 and my Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JohnCrawford
20:44 < johnc4510> .
20:45 < johnc4510> fast typing
20:45 < johnc4510> lol
20:45 < pleia2> hehe
20:45 < johnc4510> most of you know me
20:45 < JonReagan> awesome... I've already looked over your stuff
20:45 < johnc4510> and what i've done
20:45 < JonReagan> :)
20:45 < JonReagan> yup
20:45 < johnc4510> but i'm willing to answer any questions
20:45 < johnc4510> you might have
20:45 < johnc4510> :)
20:45 < JonReagan> so, how many teams are you willing to help?
20:45 < johnc4510> lol
20:45 < JonReagan> hehe
20:45 < johnc4510> i do help a few
20:45 < MTecknology> !enter
20:45 < JonReagan> si?
20:46 < pleia2> cool
20:46 < JonReagan> well, it's a +1 from me
20:46 < johnc4510> i've done a little mentoring in the past
20:46 < JonReagan> pleia2?
20:46 < johnc4510> as pleia2 probably knows
20:46 < pleia2> yep
20:46 < pleia2> +1 from me
20:46 < JonReagan> congrats johnc4510
20:46 < johnc4510> thx
20:46 < johnc4510> i think
20:46 < johnc4510> lol
20:47 < pleia2> hehe
20:47 < pleia2> nixternal doesn't seem to be about
20:47 < JonReagan> lol, yeah.  We'll contact very soon and talk to you about a team assignment/preferences
20:47 < pleia2> dantalizing: tell us how awesome you are!
20:47 < dantalizing> right, so i dont type as fast as johnc4510
20:47 < johnc4510> JonReagan: k
20:47 < johnc4510> dantalizing: copy and paste
20:47 < johnc4510> :)
20:48 < dantalizing> I was the florida loco team lead for a long while
20:48 < dantalizing> i've was one of teh active people when florida was trying to become approved
20:48 < dantalizing> mostly i try to help the georgia team out as much as i can
20:48 < dantalizing> cause they need it
20:48 < dantalizing> ;)
20:48 < JonReagan> :D lol!
20:48 < pleia2> JonReagan: you going to take that?
20:48 < pleia2> hehe
20:49 < dantalizing> i thik we have a lot of yellow to work on
20:49  * pleia2 nods
20:49 < dantalizing> and i wanna paint the map green
20:49 < johnc4510> dantalizing did great work with FL
20:49 < JonReagan> heck yeah!
20:49 < johnc4510> would make a good mentor i think
20:49 < JonReagan> it's a +1 from me
20:49 < pleia2> +1 from me
20:49 < pleia2> these were easy :) we already know you guys
20:50 < MTecknology> heh - I wanted to apply :P
20:50 < pleia2> nixternal on the other hand, he's a lot of trouble
20:50 < pleia2> (hehe)
20:50 < JonReagan> lol
20:50 < dantalizing> +1
20:50 < MTecknology> I make my state green first :P
20:50 < johnc4510> .
20:50 < JonReagan> mtecknology:  awesome!
20:50 < Bamojr> i wish someone would join my team :(
20:50 < JonReagan> which state are you from mteck?
20:50 < pleia2> Bamojr: where are you?
20:50 < Bamojr> WV
20:51 < johnc4510> ah
20:51 < pleia2> ah yes, WV didn't have a team for a long time
20:51 < MTecknology> JonReagan: we're already doing monthly meetings and planning on activities
20:51 < MTecknology> JonReagan: south dakota
20:51 < JonReagan> oh wow
20:52 < JonReagan> that's awesome you have stuff cookin
20:52 < MTecknology> I'm getting a lot done in a few months :)
20:52 < Bamojr> pleia2: ive been trying but no one seems interested here
20:52 < JonReagan> agreed :)
20:52 < JonReagan> which state are you from bamojr?
20:52 < Bamojr> JonReagan:wv
20:53 < JonReagan> oh, west virginia... how many members do you have?
20:53 < Bamojr> JonReagan: that im aware of....me
20:53 < JonReagan> oh wow.
20:53 < Bamojr> JonReagan: no one else is rfeally active
20:53 < Bamojr> there are a few guys that i hear from every now and then
20:53 < pleia2> a lot of teamsstart out like that
20:53 < JonReagan> yeah, and some states are harder than others
20:53 < MTecknology> i'm in that boat
20:54 < pleia2> dantalizing: fl has shiny logo on the planet now :)
20:54 < Yasumoto> Bamojr: yeah, we were like that for a long time
20:54 < johnc4510> :)
20:54 < MTecknology> Bamojr: posters help a lot
20:54 < dantalizing> pleia2 is th3 4w3s0m3
20:54 < Bamojr> MTecknology: wish i had time
20:54 < johnc4510> if it was easy, we wouldn't be needed
20:54 < Bamojr> or the resources
20:54 < Bamojr> indeed
20:54 < JonReagan> are the people spread out across your state?
20:54 < Bamojr> JonReagan: somewhat
20:55 < JonReagan> how far would travel be to meet in a central location?
20:55 < MTecknology> Bamojr: http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org/
20:55 < johnc4510> btw, americas board meeting in 5 mins   just an FYI
20:55 < Bamojr> JonReagan: well all the lug guys are from around west side of the state
20:56 < Bamojr> their the only base we really have
20:56 < Bamojr> and thats pretty inactive anymore
20:56 < JonReagan> hrmm... ever set up a face to face meeting with them?  this kind of a proposition is bound to get people involved
20:57 < Bamojr> well they used to have meeting and ive been trying to get more
20:57 < Bamojr> but most are inactive now
20:57 < MTecknology> I got 1/2 of my active members from one of the 2 lug's in the state - the other lug.. .I still can't reach
20:57 < dantalizing> south east linux fest is coming up in SC  ... might be able to get some excitement around exhibiting there
20:57 < Bamojr> i joined in the LUG after it started cooling down
20:58 < johnc4510> maybe offer to help host a Jaunty release party where interaction can start   somewhere in between locals
20:58 < Bamojr> johnc4510: possible but hard to reach these folks
20:58 < johnc4510> nods
20:58 < Bamojr> and posters only get so far
20:59 < JonReagan> ooh ubuntu podcast live stream is on...
20:59 < Bamojr> <-- in college with broken car
20:59 < Bamojr> hehe
20:59  * JonReagan will be doubletasking atm
20:59 < johnc4510> pleia2: are we done, i'd like to move to -meeting for the membership exams :)
21:00 < JonReagan> I'm done with all I didn't have to talk about :P
21:00 < johnc4510> ok, thx to all then
21:00 < johnc4510> pleia2: i'll get with you soon about the site
21:00 < Yasumoto> johnc4510: touch base when you need anything
21:00 < dantalizing> thx JonReagan, johnc4510, pleia2
21:00 < pleia2> johnc4510: great, thanks
21:01 < JonReagan> congrats guys!
21:02 < JonReagan> I'll be in contact soon about the teams that need help.  thanks for volunteering!
21:02 < johnc4510> thx

USTeams/Meetings/IRCLogs/2009-03-05 (last edited 2009-03-13 04:38:31 by alderaan)