
rinputd is the short name of the Remote Input server program. It listens for remote input clients and handles input events.


Ubuntu 11.04 and later

Open Ubuntu Software Center and search for rinputd. Install the package.

If you prefer to use the terminal, the following can be run to install rinputd:

$ sudo apt-get install rinputd

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

You can install the rinputd package from the rinputd package archive.

First, we must install the rinputd package archive. Run the following in a terminal:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chasedouglas/ppa

Now we can install rinputd. Open the Synaptic Package Manager in the System > Administration menu. In the list at the left side of the screen highlight ppa.launchpad.net/main. Mark the rinputd package for installation by clicking the checkbox to the left of the package in the window to the right. Finally, click the Apply button in the toolbar at the top of the window to install rinputd.

If you prefer to use the terminal, the following can be run to install rinputd:

$ sudo apt-get install rinputd

Debian Sid and Later

The rinputd package is in the testing repository. If you have version 1.0.3-1 installed, please follow the instructions in the Configuration section after installing rinputd. If you have version 1.0.3-2 or later, no further configuration is needed unless multiple user accounts are required.

Fedora 12 and later

The rinputd package is in the Fedora 12 repository. Simply install it by running the following in a terminal:

$ sudo yum install rinputd

Other Linux

You will need to build and install the rinputd server from the source code. The latest the latest source code release can be found at the Remote Input download page.

Mac OS X

Download the OS X installation package from the Remote Input download page. Open the package to install the remote input server.



If you have installed the rinputd package version 1.0.3-2 or later in Ubuntu or Debian, this step may be skipped unless multiple users are required.

After installing the package add users for rinputd:

$ sudo saslpasswd2 -c -u rinput <username>

Mac OS X

No configuration is necessary. Use the username and password of the currently logged in user to control the computer.

Advanced Usage

rinputd supports the following arguments:

Short Switch Long Switch Argument Description Default
-r --realm string Realm to authenticate clients against rinput
-c --cert certificate file path SSL certificate file /etc/rinput/rinput.crt
-k --key private key file path SSL private key file /etc/rinput/rinput.key
-p --port number between 0 and 65535 Port to listen for clients on, set to 0 to listen on any available port 8771
-n --no-broadcast none Do not advertise rinput service through mDNS
-v --verbose none Verbose output
-q --quiet none Quiet output

In Linux, the arguments supplied to rinputd when run by the init script can be modified in the file /etc/default/rinputd.


If you encounter a bug in rinputd, please file a report in the Remote Input bug tracker.

If you have a question about rinputd, please browse other questions or ask a new one in the Remote Input answer tracker.

RemoteInput/rinputd (last edited 2012-04-04 02:13:54 by c-67-170-185-42)