
Novacut Wiki Home > Meetings > 2012-01-15

IRC logs from meeting

Progress from last week

  • Barry Warsaw's python3-dbus port is good to go, available in ppa:barry/python and ppa:novacut/daily, including Oneiric builds

  • James Raymond has been doing amazing, amazing UI design for the editor cutting workflow... maybe he'll share some screenshots during the meeting, if not, stay tuned... you'll see it use on the live app
  • Dmedia 910451: Sorry, we have to split up - Jason has been working on this for the last 2 weeks, ended up being massive as some other work was rolled into it

  • David Jordan has been working more on audio sync, although he can't make today's meeting as he is moving today

Discussion items

Please feel free to add things you'd like discussed during the meeting!

Plans for this week

Get involved

Novacut/Meetings/2012-01-15 (last edited 2012-01-19 19:14:57 by 173-14-15-225-Colorado)