
Revision 60 as of 2013-11-12 14:09:46

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Ubuntu Official Ubuntu Membership means recognition of significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu or the Ubuntu community.

Ubuntu community

Together we have the opportunity to bring real technological freedom to every part of the world, across multiple devices and the cloud, and clothed in an elegant, beautiful, experience. It is a bold vision, but our greatest strength in Ubuntu is our community and together we can do this. Come and join us and be a part of bringing Ubuntu to the masses.

Jono Bacon, Ubuntu Community Manager


We help to build Ubuntu, the most popular Free Operating System out there, we do packaging, translation, quality assurance, marketing, support, writing, design, art... We're currently more that 500 active members, from at least 100 countries. Join us!

ubuntu members map


There are many different ways of contributing to Ubuntu. Contributions are valued and recognized whether you contribute to artwork, any of the LoCoTeams, documentation, providing support on the forums, the answers tracker, IRC support, bug triage, translation, development and packaging, marketing and advocacy, or anything else. The whole community needs each other and depends on each other. Whichever way you choose to bring benefit to Ubuntu and help others is very much appreciated.

ways to collaborate

Contributions in all areas are welcome

Ubuntu also benefits from contributions to upstream projects and Debian specifically. However, while contributions to those projects are appreciated and worth being recognized, involvement in downstream Ubuntu is required for membership. After all it’s all about Ubuntu membership. Smile :)

ways to collaborate

The idea that only technical contributions (like patches or uploads of packages) or only contributions which give rise to karma in Launchpad is incorrect. The community is much broader and more diverse than that and it is sufficient to demonstrate significant and sustained contributions in any area of the Ubuntu community. It is important that members demonstrate the ability to interact with others, so detailed endorsements from others are important criteria that are evaluated during your application, because they give better insight into specific parts of the community. Testimonials from members of various parts of the community are appreciated, even if they're not Ubuntu members themselves.


ways to collaborate

The work done in other Open Source communities is vitally important to Ubuntu. If you are part of one of Ubuntu's Upstreams we appreciate your work. If your collaboration with the Ubuntu project and involvement in the Ubuntu project constitutes as a significant and sustained contribution, you are eligible to Ubuntu membership.

Some examples in what constitute valuable contributions for getting the Ubuntu membership follow:

  • Somebody working hard on Launchpad or some other piece of infrastructure, supporting and coordinating with the Ubuntu developers for months.
  • Somebody working on upstream project X that dealt with loads of Ubuntu bugs and coordinated releases together with Ubuntu developers.
  • Somebody working with hardware manufacturers to get Ubuntu pre-installed in an specific market.

When applying for Ubuntu membership, please make the relevance of your work to the Ubuntu project very clear.

Benefits of Membership

ways to collaborate

Ubuntu Community

3rd Party

If you have a question, you've found an error|improvement on this page or wish to give private testimonials email (your message may initially be held for moderation).