
  • Review ACTION points from previous meeting.
  • Review progress made on the specification listed on the Roadmap.

  • Open Discussion.
  • Agree on next meeting date and time.



ttx created a draft spec document where he copied his notes on Hadoop packaging: the analysis of the dependencies that would need to be packaged and a review of the current Hadoop deb packaging by Cloudera. Anyone interested in packaging Hadoop can take the spec (and blueprint) from here to make it a reality.


jmdault confirmed that the target for karmic should be Asterisk 1.6, as there is not so much interest around in keeping 1.4. Upstream in particular doesn't commit to any particular stable version. jmdault will start working on a 1.6 version of his DKMS-enabled Asterisk packaging.

ACTION: jmdault to start packaging asterisk 1.6+dkms


nijaba created a wikipage and asked for comments about it. He reported no strong reaction against it from the community, more of an approval. The next step is to create an ubuntu-tips package, even if there aren't many tips so far on the page, as they can be added later. ttx asked about rules on what makes an acceptable tip, and nijaba will add proposed rules to the wikipage. ttx also pointed out the need to be able to follow-up on some tips, so rules on what would make a good external reference link are also needed.

ACTION: nijaba to add rules detailing what makes a relevant tip and what's not

Review progress made on the specification listed on the Roadmap

ttx commented that the current ServerTeam/Roadmap document is slightly out of date, so a general overhaul of that page seems to be needed. This should be discussed as a specific agenda point in the next meeting, so that everyone can prepare to the discussion.

ACTION: ttx to add Roadmap Review to next meeting agenda

As far as KarmicReleaseSchedule is concerned, please note that we passed DebianImportFreeze last week, so now syncs from Debian are subject to specific sync requests. Next milestone is Alpha3 release on July 23.

Open Discussion

alexm reported multiple recent requests about monitoring tools. zul mentioned nagios as the recommended tool, but alexm noticed that there wasn't any mention of it in the Server Guide. sommer indicated that there is a nagios section in the Karmic Server Guide, however the only way to access it so far is to pull the bzr branch. sommer will make sure doc.ubuntu.com is updated. alexm offered to review this section contents.

Agree on next meeting date and time

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, July 7th at 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


[16:03] <ttx> #startmeeting
[16:03] <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:03. The chair is ttx.
[16:03] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[16:03] <ttx> Today's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting
[16:03]  * nijaba signals that ttx just got approved as a core dev less than 20min ago...
[16:03] <ttx> Last week minutes:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20090623
[16:04] <sommer> congrat :)!
[16:04]  * ttx passes the champagne bottle around
[16:04] <alexm> congrats, ttx
[16:04] <ttx> [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[16:04] <MootBot> New Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[16:05] <ttx> * ivoks to work on providing DRBD package using dkms
[16:05] <ttx> ivoks: around ?
[16:05] <nijaba> does not seem to be
[16:06] <ttx> ok, we'll pass
[16:06] <ttx> * ttx to write down his hadoop analysis in a wiki page
[16:06] <ttx> ttx: around ?
[16:06] <ttx> o/
[16:06] <nijaba> :D
[16:06] <ttx> I've published my anaylsis notes so far on a draft spec document
[16:07] <ttx> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HadoopPackagingSpec
[16:07] <MootBot> LINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HadoopPackagingSpec
[16:07] <ttx> There is the dependency analysis and the cloudera packaging review
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
[16:08] <ttx> This, as well as the related blueprint (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-karmic-hadoop) is free for interested people to take over
[16:08] <ttx> since I don't expect to havce any free time left in Karmic to make this happen.
[16:08] <ttx> have, even
[16:09] <ttx> Questions, anyone ?
[16:10] <ttx> ok... if it's crystal-clear, let's move to next action...
[16:10] <ttx> * jmdault to research which version of asterisk should be in karmic
[16:10] <ttx> jmdault: around ?
[16:10] <jmdault> ttx yup
[16:10] <jmdault> ttx: 1.6
[16:11] <ttx> jmdault: did you get soe feedback from outside stakeholders on the subject ?
[16:11] <ttx> s/soe/some/
[16:12] <ttx> Debian VoIP team / Digium ?
[16:12] <jmdault> From Debian, basically they said "if you want 1.4, use Lenny"
[16:12] <jmdault> They want to go forward
[16:13] <jmdault> From Digium, they won't commit to a version
[16:13] <jmdault> http://www.asterisk.org/node/48602
[16:13] <MootBot> LINK received:  http://www.asterisk.org/node/48602
[16:13] <ttx> jmdault: did you have a look at the merge ?
[16:14] <jmdault> ttx: not yet.
[16:15] <ttx> jmdault: so the idea would be to push the version in your PPA to 1.6 soon ?
[16:15] <jmdault> ttx: yes, I'm planning that for next week
[16:16] <ttx> [ACTION] jmdault to start packaging asterisk 1.6+dkms
[16:16] <MootBot> ACTION received:  jmdault to start packaging asterisk 1.6+dkms
[16:17] <ttx> jmdault: anything to add ?
[16:17] <jmdault> not at the moment
[16:18] <ttx> jmdault: ok, many thanks for looking into this... it's not something that's easy to work on out of the blue :)
[16:18] <ttx> Next...
[16:18] <ttx> * nijaba to start a wiki page with proposed 2 liners
[16:18] <ttx> * nijaba to send the url to the ubuntu-server@ and ask for other input
[16:19] <nijaba> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/server-tips
[16:19] <nijaba> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2009-June/003009.html
[16:20] <ttx> nijaba: Cool, any other progress/feedback to report, outside of what we are able to see on ubuntu-server ML ?
[16:20] <nijaba> ttx: a few updates to the wiki, but that's it
[16:20] <nijaba> ttx: no strong reaction against it from the community
[16:21] <nijaba> ttx: I felt more of an approval
[16:21] <ttx> nijaba: How many people contributed tips ?
[16:21] <nijaba> ttx: 3 or 4
[16:21] <ttx> nijaba: yes, the reaction was generally positive.
[16:22] <ttx> nijaba: what are the next steps ?
[16:22] <nijaba> ttx: create the package?
[16:23] <ttx> nijaba: do you think there are enough tips at that point for the package ? Or would we need more ?
[16:23] <nijaba> ttx: I do not think we need that many for it to be usefull, and nothing prevents us from addind until string freeze
[16:24] <ttx> nijaba: is there somewhere rules (except line size) of what's relevant as a tip and what's not ?
[16:25] <nijaba> ttx: no, but I could add that to the wiki page
[16:26] <ttx> nijaba: that would make sense. I doubt anyone would object to the tips already present, but some people might object to general rules...
[16:26] <alexm> some rules will be helpful, indeed
[16:26] <ttx> nijaba: I've asked a question about pointers... I feel like short tips are useful if you can follow them up
[16:27] <nijaba> ttx: depends on the type of tips, but that's noted
[16:27] <ttx> like talking about etckeeper, where do I go if I want more material to decide if it's good for me or not ?
[16:27] <nijaba> ttx: ie I do not think a tip on bash would need a pointed
[16:28] <ttx> nijaba: of course. It's just that a general follow-up mechanism to some reference page (or the manpage site) might make sense
[16:28] <ttx> obviously it's dangerous to make the target of such links a wikipage
[16:28] <nijaba> ttx: why is that?
[16:28] <nijaba> ttx: afraid of wiki defacing?
[16:28] <ttx> nijaba: yes.
[16:29] <nijaba> ttx: ok, I'll add that in the rules
[16:29] <ttx> OK, anyone else has comments on the ubuntu-tips effort ?
[16:30] <sommer> I think it's great :)
[16:30] <ttx> [ACTION] nijaba to add rules detailing what makes a relevant tip and what's not
[16:30] <MootBot> ACTION received:  nijaba to add rules detailing what makes a relevant tip and what's not
[16:31] <ttx> Moving on...
[16:31] <ttx> [TOPIC] Review progress made on the specification listed on the Roadmap
[16:31] <MootBot> New Topic:  Review progress made on the specification listed on the Roadmap
[16:31] <ttx> One issue with this agenda point is that the Roadmap is somewhat out of date and incomplete
[16:32]  * sommer can update the documentation section
[16:32] <ttx> So I propose that we put on next week meeting agenda a discussion on the Roadmap, what we want to have in it and how we track progress on it.
[16:32] <ttx> sommer: the doc section (and the merges one) are about the only one up-to-date :)
[16:33] <ttx> [ACTION] ttx to add Roadmap Review to next meeting agenda
[16:33] <MootBot> ACTION received:  ttx to add Roadmap Review to next meeting agenda
[16:34] <sommer> ttx: mmm, looks like the doc corner could use some adjusting for karmic, heh
[16:34] <ttx> Anyone has progress on something that is (or should be) on the Roadmap to report ?
[16:35] <ttx> As far as KarmicReleaseSchedule is concerned, we passed DebianImportFreeze last week, so now syncs from Debian are subject to specific sync requests
[16:36] <ttx> Next up is alpha3 release on July 23
[16:36] <ttx> [TOPIC] Open Discussion
[16:36] <MootBot> New Topic:  Open Discussion
[16:37]  * ttx opens the bar for all questions / jokes / subjects
[16:38] <alexm> several people have asked for a monitoring tool recently
[16:38] <zul> ummm...nagios?
[16:38] <alexm> nagios seems the right one but it's not mentioned on the serverguide
[16:38] <dholbach> A bear, a bee and an alligator meet in a bar...
[16:38] <ttx> dholbach: we said, no Michael Jackson jokes.
[16:38] <sommer> alexm: there's actually a new section on nagios in the karmic guide
[16:39] <alexm> sommer: that's good news :-)
[16:39] <zul> oooh....whats the difference between michael jackson and disney?
[16:39] <zul> disney can still touch kids
[16:39] <sommer> lol
[16:40] <alexm> sommer: is there a link with karmic serverguide available or should we check the bzr branch out?
[16:40] <sommer> alexm: the doc.ubuntu.com site doesn't seem to be updated so ya the bzr branch is the best way
[16:40] <sommer> alexm: I'll ping the doc team about getting it updated though
[16:41] <alexm> sommer: thanks, I think it'll be quite handy
[16:41] <sommer> alexm: I hope so... all feedback is greatly appreciated :-)
[16:41] <zul> sommer: i have meaner ones
[16:42] <sommer> zul: I don't doubt it, heeeh
[16:42] <ttx> hm time to wrap up then
[16:42] <alexm> sommer: we plan to move to nagios at work, so i'm going to review it for sure
[16:43] <ttx> [TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time
[16:43] <MootBot> New Topic:  Agree on next meeting date and time
[16:43] <ttx> next week, same place, same time, different chair?
[16:43]  * sommer agrees
[16:44] <ttx> alrighty
[16:44] <ttx> #endmeeting
[16:44] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 10:44.

MeetingLogs/Server/20090630 (last edited 2009-07-01 09:00:59 by lns-bzn-48f-81-56-218-246)