
UTC -6

Jun 04 12:00:43 -->     You are now talking on #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 12:00:43 ---     Topic for #ubuntu-testing is Testing of Ubuntu | Hardy Final testing, download script: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Isoscript | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing | Reports: http://qa.ubuntu.com | Your ideas are welcome: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com
Jun 04 12:00:43 ---     Topic for #ubuntu-testing set by stgraber at Tue Apr 22 12:25:42 2008
Jun 04 12:00:48 -->     persia (n=persia@ubuntu/member/persia) has joined #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 12:00:57 *       ogasawara waves
Jun 04 12:01:06 *       cgregan hello!
Jun 04 12:01:10 <pedro_>        ahoj!
Jun 04 12:01:15 -->     ecubuntu_bb (n=ecubuntu@ has joined #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 12:01:18 <stgraber>      hello
Jun 04 12:01:23 <bdmurray>      hi
Jun 04 12:01:37 <sbeattie>      hey
Jun 04 12:02:03 <heno>  hello all!
Jun 04 12:02:17 <cgregan>       What type of rain in Portland today? :-)
Jun 04 12:02:36 *       bdmurray cries
Jun 04 12:02:43 <pedro_>        I also have rain here :-((
Jun 04 12:02:49 <cgregan>       here too
Jun 04 12:02:55 <sbeattie>      bdmurray: it is rose festival, it's supposed to rain now.
Jun 04 12:03:00 <heno>  greetings from sunny Oxford :)
Jun 04 12:03:02 <stgraber>      I had rain an hour ago
Jun 04 12:03:06 <bdmurray>      Its been raining all year though
Jun 04 12:03:10 -->     effie_jayx (n=effie_ja@ubuntu/member/effie-jayx) has joined #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 12:03:12 <stgraber>      now it's sunny again (maybe a bit too much ? :))
Jun 04 12:03:12 <cgregan>       thunder and lightning as a bonus here
Jun 04 12:03:25 <davmor2>       hello from sunny, sunny wolverhampton :)
Jun 04 12:03:49 <heno>  my home town of Bergen, Norway had 100+ days of consecutive rain days last year
Jun 04 12:04:07 <davmor2>       are we having the meeting here today then as there already seems to be one in the #ubuntu-meeting
Jun 04 12:04:18 <stgraber>      davmor2: yep
Jun 04 12:04:20 <heno>  ok, shall we start?
Jun 04 12:04:25 <cgregan>       heno: wow..the most I saw was 90 straight in Portland
Jun 04 12:04:41 <pedro_>        gosh and i'm complaining for having a week of it
Jun 04 12:04:48 <heno>  we fittingly have an agenda item about meeting times at the end
Jun 04 12:04:58 <heno>  #startmeeting
Jun 04 12:05:21 <heno>  TOPIC: Intrepid QA specifications - Decide which specifications we actually target for Intrepid
Jun 04 12:05:58 <heno>  let's work our way down https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs
Jun 04 12:06:34 <heno>  * kernel-bug-migration is well under way
Jun 04 12:06:38 <stgraber>      sorry for not writing mines (except from the subject) but it's a busy week here :(
Jun 04 12:06:47 <effie_jayx>    I'm from my cellphone . I'll be in my desktop in a couple of minutes
Jun 04 12:07:24 <heno>  * fixed-bug-verification - this needs some updating for intrepid
Jun 04 12:07:56 <heno>  but basically it's sbeattie taking over this task from pedro_ this cycle
Jun 04 12:08:19 <heno>  we should also move the tracking from the wiki to something better
Jun 04 12:09:08 <heno>  * useful-bug-metrics - spec looks good, though I'd like to see a few more metric examples
Jun 04 12:09:28 <heno>  bdmurray: do you agree with my latest updates there?
Jun 04 12:10:36 <bdmurray>      heno: yes
Jun 04 12:11:18 <heno>  bdmurray: ok, can you flesh that out with some more examples?
Jun 04 12:11:34 <bdmurray>      heno: suer
Jun 04 12:12:17 <heno>  * self-testing-desktop - this is an optional item for Ara after desktop test automation, Low priority target
Jun 04 12:13:09 <heno>  * mobile-automated-tests - needs a bit more drafting IMO, use cases and such
Jun 04 12:13:35 <cgregan>       heno: Yes...I plan to put some more time into it this week
Jun 04 12:13:54 <heno>  cgregan: do you need some guidance with that? we could do a phone call about it. let me know
Jun 04 12:13:54 <cgregan>       put gobby notes in from UDS, but need to flesh out
Jun 04 12:14:02 <heno>  ok
Jun 04 12:14:09 -->     LaserJock (n=LaserJoc@ubuntu/member/laserjock) has joined #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 12:14:15 <cgregan>       heno: I will look at others for inspiration
Jun 04 12:14:27 <cgregan>       If I have questions I will ping you
Jun 04 12:14:41 <heno>  right. I know mobile is in a crunch ATM
Jun 04 12:14:58 <heno>  with your wonky release schedule :)
Jun 04 12:15:18 <cgregan>       heno: hehe...true...but I should still have a couple hours to put toward the spec
Jun 04 12:16:11 <heno>  * desktop-automated-tests - needs updating post UDS
Jun 04 12:16:23 <heno>  I don't think Ara is here today
Jun 04 12:16:48 <--     effie_jayx has quit (Remote closed the connection)
Jun 04 12:16:54 <heno>  pedro_: could you help her merge in some notes from UDS?
Jun 04 12:17:06 -->     yuriy (n=yuriy@ubuntu/member/yuriy) has joined #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 12:17:16 <heno>  We will focus on LDTP AFAIK this time, etc.
Jun 04 12:17:18 <pedro_>        heno: sure
Jun 04 12:17:25 <heno>  pedro_: thanks
Jun 04 12:17:27 <--     ecubuntu_bb has quit ("used jmIrc")
Jun 04 12:18:11 *       stgraber has to go afk for a minute
Jun 04 12:19:23 <heno>  * fix-validation-tracking - should we not merge this in with 'fixed-bug-verification'? There is a slight difference, but it will cause endless confusion as it is
Jun 04 12:19:41 <heno>  the infrastructure we use to track it might be the same
Jun 04 12:20:01 <LaserJock>     heno: if I may, I've been working on a script for MOTU SRU to better keep track of the SRUs
Jun 04 12:20:13 *       stgraber is back
Jun 04 12:20:30 <heno>  LaserJock: ok great, it that viewable somewhere?
Jun 04 12:20:32 <LaserJock>     I would be happy to contribute it or work with somebody on a plan
Jun 04 12:20:53 <LaserJock>     heno: current results are at http://laserjock.us/files/ubuntu/bug_list.html
Jun 04 12:20:54 <sbeattie>      LaserJock: I'm interested
Jun 04 12:21:01 <heno>  cool, perhaps it should be merged with http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html
Jun 04 12:21:27 <LaserJock>     heno: yeah, I was planning on having a couple pages for different SRU issues
Jun 04 12:21:36 <stgraber>      LaserJock's one looks better :)
Jun 04 12:21:44 <persia>        heno: I think those two pages serve different purposes.
Jun 04 12:21:49 <heno>  is it on UbuntuWire?
Jun 04 12:22:02 <LaserJock>     if bdmurray's -proposed bugs tag goes through I'd like to add support for that as well
Jun 04 12:22:03 <persia>        One helps track aging of current -proposed, and the other helps track work-in-progress pre-proposed
Jun 04 12:22:20 -->     effie_jayx (n=evalles@ubuntu/member/effie-jayx) has joined #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 12:22:23 <LaserJock>     heno: not yet, I've just been recently hacking on it. I wanted it a little further along before making it "live"
Jun 04 12:22:30 <bdmurray>      LaserJock: one thing we do is tag bugs if they are hardware specific does your script look at tags at all?  Are many *verse bugs hardware specific?
Jun 04 12:22:38 <heno>  it would be nice to track the issues before they go into -proposed where possible and they should go into an archive after release
Jun 04 12:23:07 <LaserJock>     bdmurray: I do look at tags (verification-done for instance), and no, we don't often have hardware specific bugs
Jun 04 12:23:17 <LaserJock>     my script uses python-launchpad-bugs
Jun 04 12:23:26 <LaserJock>     so kinda whatever you can get out of that we can do
Jun 04 12:23:29 <heno>  persia: ok, it would be great to cover that in one place
Jun 04 12:24:09 <persia>        heno: Quite possibly, or at least one portal with a few views.  Might want to confirm with the archive-admins just in case they have some other use for pending-sru.html
Jun 04 12:24:32 <heno>  indeed
Jun 04 12:24:43 <LaserJock>     for me as a MOTU SRU person there's sort of 3 things I want to track. 1) stuff that's not on my radar and maybe should be. SRUs that perhaps having had our team subscribed or bugs in -proposed packages
Jun 04 12:24:58 <LaserJock>     2) The current list of packages needing approval
Jun 04 12:25:16 <LaserJock>     3) list of packages needing testing so we can move that along
Jun 04 12:25:31 <LaserJock>     and of course knowing when their done so we make sure pitti gets to them
Jun 04 12:26:42 <LaserJock>     that's what I'm working on and would be happy to contribute what I've got and a bit of time to work on it with people if they'd like
Jun 04 12:26:56 <heno>  none of these pages actually track test submissions as the qa.u.c site currently does
Jun 04 12:27:21 <LaserJock>     yes, that's the key that I'd love to see
Jun 04 12:27:29 <heno>  should we simply make a template for tracking that on the bug itself
Jun 04 12:27:32 <LaserJock>     currently testing can get a bit wild
Jun 04 12:27:47 <LaserJock>     right now the SRU policy has people write a Test Case
Jun 04 12:27:49 <heno>  it could contain key words that we could grep for
Jun 04 12:28:04 <persia>        Or we could use tags in some way
Jun 04 12:28:11 <heno>  and then display the result in summary for on the page
Jun 04 12:28:32 <LaserJock>     what I would love would be to have a qa.u.c tracker grab that Test Case and display it and let people submit results there
Jun 04 12:28:52 <bdmurray>      I was thinking the test case could also be an attachment with a standarized name
Jun 04 12:29:07 <sbeattie>      I suspect that would be easier to pull out.
Jun 04 12:29:12 <bdmurray>      python-launchpad-bugs could be modified to to get that attachment
Jun 04 12:29:36 <persia>        bdmurray: The problem with attachments is that they are hard to see except programatically.
Jun 04 12:29:59 <heno>  right. There is benefit to storing everything on the bug and then pulling it out for display
Jun 04 12:30:13 <--     nand has quit ("leaving work")
Jun 04 12:30:21 <sbeattie>      hmm, could we extend the greasmonkey scripts to inline testcase attachments?
Jun 04 12:30:30 <heno>  but you can use search in your browser :)
Jun 04 12:30:35 <bdmurray>      I think there must be a technical solution where you can do both
Jun 04 12:30:45 <persia>        sbeattie: That doesn't help lots of people who don't use the greasemonkey scripts :(
Jun 04 12:31:05 <bdmurray>      Whether it be greasemonkey or python-launchpad-bugs putting the attachment in the description
Jun 04 12:31:15 <persia>        Maybe someone could check with the LP team about a clean solution that works both programmatically and visually?
Jun 04 12:32:20 <heno>  ok, this clearly needs more discussion; let's take it to the mailing list or after the meeting
Jun 04 12:32:45 <heno>  sbeattie: can you organise that and get input from everyone?
Jun 04 12:32:52 <sbeattie>      heno: yes.
Jun 04 12:32:58 <LaserJock>     anyway, I'd like to offer what I can for this project
Jun 04 12:33:18 <LaserJock>     though that may not be a whole lot :-)
Jun 04 12:33:36 <heno>  I think we can agree that this will be targeted this cycle, but some details still need sorting out
Jun 04 12:33:49 <sbeattie>      LaserJock: one extension I'd like to see is tracking of released updates, they disappear once they fall off of the tracking webpages.
Jun 04 12:34:02 <heno>  Let's try to have the spec finalised by Monday
Jun 04 12:34:16 <LaserJock>     sbeattie: ah, yes, I think that can be done
Jun 04 12:34:44 <sbeattie>      heno: did you still want to merge this in with fix-validation-tracking
Jun 04 12:35:50 <heno>  sbeattie: or if not we should rename that to hot-bug-watch or something to reduce confusion
Jun 04 12:36:10 <heno>  the tracking required is similar
Jun 04 12:36:25 <heno>  but the audience may be quite different
Jun 04 12:37:00 <heno>  the sru tacking will be used by more people
Jun 04 12:37:13 <heno>  tracking even
Jun 04 12:38:33 <heno>  IMO we should use the same technology for these two cases
Jun 04 12:38:45 <heno>  anyone else have strong views?
Jun 04 12:38:55 <--     effie_jayx has quit (Nick collision from services.)
Jun 04 12:39:30 -->     hggdh (n=hggdh@pool-96-226-96-202.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) has joined #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 12:39:35 <heno>  The main point of fix-validation-tracking is to track testing of fixes that have gone in after Beta, RC and final freezes
Jun 04 12:39:48 <heno>  to make sure they don't break things
Jun 04 12:40:01 <heno>  so very similar to the SRU case
Jun 04 12:40:13 <heno>  but needs a separate page of course
Jun 04 12:40:34 <heno>  sbeattie: but yeah, I think those could live on the same spec
Jun 04 12:40:49 <sbeattie>      that's fine with me.
Jun 04 12:41:48 <heno>  * package-status-pages - UI Changes is 'TBD', but could perhaps just be removed
Jun 04 12:42:12 <heno>  stgraber: did you read my mail about this and the QA site?
Jun 04 12:42:23 <stgraber>      yep
Jun 04 12:42:51 <heno>  what do you think about implementing this in python outside of any CMS?
Jun 04 12:43:22 <stgraber>      we'll have to see how we want the output to be
Jun 04 12:43:29 <heno>  that would allow us to simply build on the work already done by Leann and Brian
Jun 04 12:43:37 <stgraber>      it may be some generic report, parsable page instead of html as they currently are
Jun 04 12:43:55 <stgraber>      or eventually replacing the output by DB queries in some cases but I'm fine with keeping the base scripts as standard python
Jun 04 12:43:59 <heno>  stgraber: see the two layout proposals on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs/PackageStatusPages :)
Jun 04 12:44:30 <stgraber>      we also do that with our current LP integration scripts, so that's similar to what we currently do :)
Jun 04 12:44:40 <heno>  we should actually make machine-friendly versions from the start too
Jun 04 12:44:50 <stgraber>      well, if that's only taking a .png from a place and displaying it, that'll be easy :)
Jun 04 12:44:53 <heno>  ok, cool
Jun 04 12:45:10 <stgraber>      yeah, I love machine-friendly (cdimage.u.c would also need that :))
Jun 04 12:45:48 <heno>  so do we need to vote on the layout? :) or take further suggestions?
Jun 04 12:46:15 <davmor2>       no 2
Jun 04 12:47:10 <bdmurray>      2 is hot
Jun 04 12:47:48 <davmor2>       I don't think no 1 will lend itself to the rest of the site.
Jun 04 12:47:53 <stgraber>      +1 for no2 (of course :))
Jun 04 12:48:07 <stgraber>      sorry, I need to leave for 15-20 minutes ...
Jun 04 12:48:46 <ogasawara>     I'll update the spec
Jun 04 12:49:02 <heno>  so, should we do that as static pages via python, or use the drupal infrastructure?
Jun 04 12:49:25 <heno>  the latter would save us doing theme work
Jun 04 12:49:29 <davmor2>       heno: what ever is easiest to implement and maintain
Jun 04 12:49:51 <bdmurray>      I think we want to be able to make changes quickly as we are developing it
Jun 04 12:49:58 <heno>  we could just pull in the main page part from pre-generated HTML (?)
Jun 04 12:50:17 <davmor2>       heno: couldn't you use the drupal framework and just insert the image create in python
Jun 04 12:50:42 <persia>        images tend to be a separate http call, which makes that sort of thing fairly easy
Jun 04 12:51:25 <heno>  ok, so the example has only images in the middle, but we would probably want more content there too
Jun 04 12:52:14 <heno>  stgraber: could you make a proof-of-concept page in drupal that pulls in static content to the main page and portlets?
Jun 04 12:52:55 <heno>  the super-plain html version could double as the machine-readable one perhaps
Jun 04 12:54:42 -->     fbs (n=felipe@124-78-246-201.adsl.terra.cl) has joined #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 12:54:47 <heno>  re remaining specs are for the qa website. I'm happy to extend the timeline for finalising those
Jun 04 12:55:01 <heno>  since stgraber has exams ATM
Jun 04 12:55:37 <heno>  are there any items we should spec up that are not currently on that page?
Jun 04 12:57:44 <heno>  ok, let's move to the next topic
Jun 04 12:57:55 <heno>  TOPIC: Hardy SRU Verifications for 8.04.1
Jun 04 12:59:08 <heno>  I guess the most difficult verifications are left towards the end
Jun 04 12:59:35 <heno>  sbeattie: do you have a feel for how we are positioned at this point?
Jun 04 13:00:11 <sbeattie>      I think we're doing okay, if lagging a little on verifications.
Jun 04 13:00:37 <sbeattie>      Some of the more difficult ones to verify involve bugfixes in the installation process, I believe.
Jun 04 13:01:18 -->     slangasek (n=vorlon@cl-177.ewr-01.us.sixxs.net) has joined #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 13:01:19 -->     pitti (n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti) has joined #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 13:01:21 <pitti> hi
Jun 04 13:01:22 <slangasek>     bweep
Jun 04 13:01:35 <heno>  I've invited pitti and slangasek to give their views also
Jun 04 13:01:46 <pitti> what's the question?
Jun 04 13:01:49 -->     zul (n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul) has joined #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 13:02:08 <heno>  we are talking about how we are doing in terms of getting verifications in place for hardy.1
Jun 04 13:02:39 <heno>  pitti: I remember that we were often stuck with some stragglers in the past at the end
Jun 04 13:02:48 <heno>  often blocked on available hw
Jun 04 13:03:03 <pitti> I'd say that about 2/3 of SRUs get verified within 7 days
Jun 04 13:03:11 <heno>  we should try to get an overview of such potential blockers early this time
Jun 04 13:03:16 <pitti> but many of the 'less interesting' ones have bad or no feedback
Jun 04 13:03:30 <pitti> http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html mentions the #days a package resides in -proposed already
Jun 04 13:03:48 <pitti> some of them are installer related
Jun 04 13:03:50 <heno>  bad as in reported failures or not good enough quality of feedback?
Jun 04 13:03:58 -->     seb128 (n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128) has joined #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 13:04:07 <pitti> solving that will require to wait until linux -19 is in, build d-i against it, and build CDs
Jun 04 13:04:14 <pitti> everything else can be tested on an installed system
Jun 04 13:04:21 <pitti> heno: no feedback
Jun 04 13:04:37 <pitti> heno: we have a few with "regression!" feedback, they are marked as v-failed
Jun 04 13:04:49 <heno>  right
Jun 04 13:04:54 <stgraber>      re
Jun 04 13:04:57 <sbeattie>      or that the fix was incomplete.
Jun 04 13:05:18 <pitti> sbeattie: right, that happens sometimes
Jun 04 13:05:31 <pitti> but an incomplete fix is not a reason to reject the entire SRU if it fixes other things
Jun 04 13:05:35 <pitti> we just keep the bug open
Jun 04 13:05:41 <heno>  pedro_: suggested we appeal more widely for help with SRU testing
Jun 04 13:05:51 <pitti> a regression needs a followup upload, of course
Jun 04 13:06:00 <pitti> yeah, that would be very good
Jun 04 13:06:06 <heno>  stgraber: could you arrange QA blog access for sbeattie so he can use that?
Jun 04 13:06:15 <stgraber>      sure
Jun 04 13:06:41 <heno>  ok so so far so good, we just need more hamsters :)
Jun 04 13:06:54 <heno>  we'll revisit this next week as well
Jun 04 13:07:08 <pitti> if a bug even just says "I have used that new version for three days without a problem", that's already very useful
Jun 04 13:07:26 <--     LaserJock has quit ("Leaving")
Jun 04 13:07:40 <sbeattie>      Yeah, there's two aspects of increasing interest:
Jun 04 13:07:52 <sbeattie>      1) validating specific fixes
Jun 04 13:08:05 <heno>  pitti: have you seen https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/proposed-tracking/+bugs ?
Jun 04 13:08:07 <sbeattie>      2) general usage to catch regressions.
Jun 04 13:08:43 <pitti> heno: no, I didn't; what is it?
Jun 04 13:09:03 <heno>  counting people using hardy-proposed
Jun 04 13:09:19 <heno>  (in a very improvised maner)
Jun 04 13:09:21 <--     melat0nin (n=laurence@80-192-82-243.cable.ubr02.edin.blueyonder.co.uk) has left #ubuntu-testing
Jun 04 13:09:40 <pitti> oh, nice!
Jun 04 13:10:29 <heno>  bdmurray: could you set up a p-lp-b query to count the comments in those bugs?
Jun 04 13:10:52 <bdmurray>      heno: sure
Jun 04 13:11:13 <heno>  sbeattie: right. perhaps you should blog about a few examples from #1
Jun 04 13:11:29 <sbeattie>      heno: sure, can do.
Jun 04 13:11:41 <heno>  I've already blogged about #2, but we can revisit that on mailing lists also
Jun 04 13:12:03 <heno>  ok, final topic: Weekly Meeting Scheduling
Jun 04 13:12:27 <stgraber>      sbeattie: done you can now access http://qa.ubuntu.com/node/add/story
Jun 04 13:12:35 <heno>  I wonder if we should bring the meeting time back to a fixed time each week?
Jun 04 13:12:49 <heno>  that would reduce confusion
Jun 04 13:13:06 <heno>  I would suggest 17.00 UTC
Jun 04 13:13:13 <stgraber>      ane make sure it's posted on the fridge :)
Jun 04 13:13:23 <heno>  indeed
Jun 04 13:13:41 <stgraber>      +1 for 17:00 UTC
Jun 04 13:13:41 <davmor2>       +1
Jun 04 13:13:51 <bdmurray>      +1
Jun 04 13:13:54 <ogasawara>     +1
Jun 04 13:14:06 <pedro_>        ok for me +1 
Jun 04 13:14:20 <sbeattie>      +1 as long as no other meeting conflicts.
Jun 04 13:14:31 <heno>  stgraber has a change of schedule now and liw is not required for these meetings anymore (and those were there original reasons for the split)
Jun 04 13:14:53 <heno>  that was easy :)
Jun 04 13:14:58 <stgraber>      yeah
Jun 04 13:15:02 <heno>  17.00 UTC it is
Jun 04 13:15:15 *       persia likes rotation.  This has been an informative meeting, but I'd never make 17:00 unless there were exceptional circumstances
Jun 04 13:15:15 <persia>        (on the other hand, you all do all the work, so my vote oughtn't count for much)
Jun 04 13:16:18 <cgregan>       17.00 works for me.
Jun 04 13:16:22 <heno>  persia: what are the boundaries of sane hours for you?
Jun 04 13:16:41 <heno>  (and why are you up now? :) )
Jun 04 13:17:10 <persia>        heno: My preferred hours of sleep are about 15:00 - 21:00, although I don't always reach them.
Jun 04 13:17:41 <persia>        (14:00 meeting overran, and interesting 16:00 meetings to watch rather than going straight to bed)
Jun 04 13:17:58 <heno>  ok, we have at least 3 people for whom those are core work hours :-/
Jun 04 13:18:03 <persia>        Plus I wanted to make sure that Jordan's code got shared during the spec review
Jun 04 13:18:47 <persia>        heno: No worries.  I'll only visit occasionally.  I'm more interested in integration, and with well publicised meetings and minutes, I oughtn't miss much that can't be fed by proxy :)
Jun 04 13:19:11 <heno>  pedro_: can you update the wiki and chase the Fridge?
Jun 04 13:19:41 <pedro_>        heno: yep, np 
Jun 04 13:19:59 <heno>  persia: ok cool. I'm sure we'll meet regularly now anyway
Jun 04 13:20:09 <heno>  any other topics?
Jun 04 13:20:14 <heno>  (briefly)
Jun 04 13:20:40 <heno>  thanks everyone!
Jun 04 13:20:46 <heno>  #endmeeting

MeetingLogs/QATeam/20080604 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:43 by localhost)