

18:57   MootBot Meeting started at 18:57. The chair is heno.
18:57   MootBot Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
18:58   heno    first some admin: can we do meeting minutes on rotation?
18:58   heno    I seem to be very bad at doing them
18:59   heno    In return I'll make sure the agenda is out the day before each time :)
18:59   ogasawara       heno:  what's required, just sending a summary to distro-team ml?
19:00   heno    ogasawara: yes, just the agenda + what we decided
19:00   heno    it should go to ubuntu-qa as well
19:00   ogasawara       heno: ok, I can do it for today's meeting
19:00   heno    ogasawara: thanks!
19:01   heno    [TOPIC] SRU verification testing (Riddell asked about 133944, 184149 and 173890)
19:01   MootBot New Topic:  SRU verification testing (Riddell asked about 133944, 184149 and 173890)
19:01   heno    what is the current SRU backlog?
19:01   davmor2 bug 133944
19:01   ubotu   Launchpad bug 133944 in kdepim "package kitchensync 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ksync/ksyncui.rc', which is also in package ksync" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133944
19:02   liw     oh, a summary to the mailing list? I didn't do that last week
19:02   heno    Is there anyone other than the QA team doing these now?
19:02   bdmurray        None of those bugs have test cases
19:02   heno    (mvo was doing them before)
19:02   bdmurray        One person is doing some universe sru verification
19:03   heno    bdmurray: and that would usually be the responsibility of the bug-fixer?
19:03   heno    (writing a test case)
19:03   bdmurray        Right, that is part of the SRU process and should be done by the person who uploaded the package to proposed
19:04   bdmurray        133944 looks fairly obvious but I'm not certain about the other 2
19:04   pedro_  the flash one looks like an installation issue, i can give it a try
19:04   heno    ok, I'll post a clarification somewhere
19:04   pedro_  it's a universe one but anyways, don't mind
19:05   heno    perhaps we should change the tag from needs-verification to needs-testcase in those cases
19:05   bdmurray        I think it is important that the process is followed though
19:05   heno    bdmurray: agreed, esp now that it's distributed over more people
19:06   heno    I have raised the manpower issue here with Matt
19:07   heno    thanks, bdmurray i'll report back to Riddell
19:07   heno    [TOPIC] Bug days this week: 'no package' and Evolution
19:07   MootBot New Topic:  Bug days this week: 'no package' and Evolution
19:07   heno    just a bit of advertising for those :)
19:08   heno    how was yesterday's bug day?
19:08   bdmurray        We had about 15 participants - based off a review of the wiki page
19:08   heno    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080205
19:09   bdmurray        I have some numbers about how many each person did too
19:09   heno    I'll discuss the 'no package' question with the LP team on friday
19:10   pedro_  bdmurray: do you have a bughelper query for that ?
19:10   bdmurray        pedro_: I have some nasty script for parsing the wiki page
19:10   pedro_  ah ok
19:11   heno    bdmurray: hm, should we publish such stats at the end of bug days?
19:11   heno    how do people feel about that?
19:11   davmor2 heno: might be good for selfesteem
19:11   bdmurray        I think it could promote some healthy competition
19:11   liw     I think publishing stats would be good
19:12   pedro_  indeed
19:12   liw     not because of competition, but because it shows that they have an actual, positive impact
19:12   heno    ok, I guess it can just go on the wiki page
19:12   heno    and people can optionally blog about it
19:12   bdmurray        I think mailing the bugsquad / desktop team with information about the top triager (not Canonical) would be good too
19:13   heno    (I'm setting up my blog today ...)
19:14   heno    while on that topic, let's skip to ' 5-A-Day initiative'
19:14   heno    [TOPIC]  5-A-Day initiative
19:14   MootBot New Topic:   5-A-Day initiative
19:14   bdmurray        Regarding the nopackage bugs I wonder if we are enabling people by filing their bug to a package
19:15   liw     bdmurray, you mean it would be better to teach them to select the package for their bug themselves?
19:15   heno    bdmurray: there is that worry. I would rather have it set automatically to incomplete with an email explaining why
19:16   heno    that way it will eventually expire too
19:16   bdmurray        liw: Right a mindset like "I don't need to find the package because somebody will do it for me"
19:16   davmor2 bdmurray: I think the problem is that people just don't know what's broken so don't know what to report it to
19:16   liw     I've felt like that, early on in my Ubuntu career
19:17   liw     (one of the nice things about reportbug in Debian is that it chooses the package (and reports the version) automatically)
19:17   heno    I don't think we can just ignore existing bugs, but we need a way to reduce it happening
19:18   heno    liw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs
19:18   heno    i'm hoping that will help
19:19   heno    we should try to find out where people get their bug filing info from
19:19   bdmurray        I agree that can finding the right package can be hard but we have done some work at documenting how to determine the source package and there are some packages which can get general bug reports and then set to a more specific package if necessary
19:19   heno    what link do they follow to ...+filebug
19:19   heno    do they navigate ubuntu.com, LP or google?
19:20   heno    we should then make sure those paths have the right info
19:20   bdmurray        heno: would the lp team have information on that?
19:20   heno    I can ask them and IS as well
* heno makes note
19:20   bdmurray        Additionally knowing how many people use the advanced file bug form would be good to know.
19:21   bdmurray        Since that has no guided bug filing instructions
19:21   heno    yep
19:21   pedro_  and it's _really_ difficult to find
19:21   heno    we could also try a survey of 50 random bug filers
19:22   davmor2 so five-a-day?
19:23   heno    indeed; this is an initiative to get a broader group of people to do some bug work daily
19:23   heno    developers and power users for example
19:24   heno    we should have a 5-a-day link button for blogs
19:24   heno    like we are planning for the poll
19:24   davmor2 it's an interesting concept and it sounds plausible
19:25   heno    so ideas for key bug categories to look at are welcome
19:25   heno    both 'easy' and 'hard' tasks
19:26   heno    can we leverage the bug day preparations?
19:26   heno    perhaps mop up bugs not covered on the day?
19:27   davmor2 heno: it might also be an interesting way to get the no-package bugs linked to a package.  If people like me search for 5 no-package bugs ask for more info where needed and add a package
19:28   davmor2 then the experts can take over :)
19:28   heno    I guess this is mostly ready for launch; I'll check with dholbach
19:28   bdmurray        Right, I think the nopackage bugs can be very easy sometimes
19:28   bdmurray        And moving them to the proper package is very helpful
19:29   heno    because then the responsible teams may actually look at them :)
19:29   heno    [TOPIC] Upstream bug tracker wiki pages (help wanted)
19:29   MootBot New Topic:  Upstream bug tracker wiki pages (help wanted)
19:29   heno    (moving on)
19:29   davmor2 bdmurray: That's what I'm thinking if you get newer people to start there where it's useful and easy plus not so many questions to the devs for help
19:30   heno    thanks to those who have added tracker info!
19:30   pedro_  oh there's a Debian one
* pedro_ looks at liw
19:30   pedro_  ;-)
* heno looks at liw too :)
19:31   liw     actually there _isn't_ a Debian one, as far as I can see :)
19:31   heno    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream
19:31   heno    just a stub link
19:31   liw     writing one is already on my todo list
19:31   heno    \o/
19:31   pedro_  woohoo
19:31   heno    thanks :)  i know very little about the Debian BTS
19:32   heno    I'll have a go at OOo
19:32   bdmurray        Isn't the Linking bit http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Watches ?
19:32   heno    the 'issue tracker'
19:32   bdmurray        re OOo we are pretty divergent from upstream as I understand it
19:32   heno    yes, we should just link to that and not repeat it
19:33   heno    bdmurray: yeah, I'll need to get calc's advice
19:33   heno    Bugs/Watches looks very nice, btw
19:34   bdmurray        Well, that's mostly due to ogasawara
19:35   heno    looks like a team effort on the get info page
19:35   heno    so once those are in  shape we can promote them a bit
19:35   heno    next -
19:35   heno    [TOPIC] QAPoll testing
19:35   MootBot New Topic:  QAPoll testing
19:36   heno    nand, stgraber?
19:36   stgraber        ok, so we updated QA-Poll and QA-Tracker yesterday and QA-Poll is now ready for a private beta
19:36   heno    what the current URL?
19:36   stgraber        The idea part being: http://qa.ubuntu.com/qapoll/ideas/
19:37   stgraber        and the bug part: http://qa.ubuntu.com/qapoll/bugs/
19:37   heno    looks lovely with the artwork :)
19:38   stgraber        yes, and it's also full of JS :)
19:38   heno    stgraber: are you happy with those URLs or should it be poll.qa.u.c/bugs ?
19:39   stgraber        so nand would like you to use it and report any usability issues, bugs, english problems, layout, feature, ...
19:39   heno    and .../ideas
19:39   stgraber        that's the next point, we don't like the current URLs and would like to move to sub-domains
19:39   heno    I spoke with the sysadmins and we'd like to keep it under qa.u.c
19:40   heno    to avoid to much proliferation of domains
19:40   stgraber        ok, that was nand's question
19:40   stgraber        so we'll have two sub-domains, one for the idea tracker and one for the bug part
19:40   heno    poll.qa.ubuntu.com/<poll-name> seems good, no?
19:41   stgraber        IIRC he sent you a mail about that, I'm not sure of the exact domains he had in mind
19:41   bdmurray        davmor2: can you add information about your video card to bug 173130?  'lspci -vvnn' would be great
19:41   ubotu   Launchpad bug 173130 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "hardy 64bit live cd GFX issues" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173130
19:41   stgraber        heno: we can't do that with Drupal
19:41   stgraber        it'll have to be poll.qa.ubuntu.com/qapoll/ideas/idea/x
19:41   heno    stgraber: yes I think he wanted something.ubuntu.com for each
19:41   davmor2 bdmurray: I got 3 different ones that it doesn't work on properly do you want them all?
19:41   stgraber        though having two different sub-domains will let us default on the right module
19:42   heno    stgraber: but we can do it with apache though right?
19:42   stgraber        heno: indeed, but we can also do it on qa.ubuntu.com, it would have been shorter and easier to remember on qa.ubuntu.com though
19:42   heno    can we do bugs.poll.qa.u.c ?
19:43   stgraber        heno: we would have to see how easy it's with the URL rewritting as Drupal is also using quite a lot of it and we don't want a conflict :)
19:43   stgraber        heno: that seems a bit hard to remember, no ?
19:43   bdmurray        davmor2: yes
19:43   heno    stgraber: right let's investigate and discuss on ubuntu-qa
19:43   davmor2 bdmurray: np
19:44   stgraber        next point is the testing window and release date
19:44   stgraber        our current plan is to have it tested from after-Alpha4 (now) till after-Alpha5
19:44   heno    should we start filling up with semi-real data during testing?
19:45   heno    so we can launch with some real examples
19:45   heno    stgraber: sounds good
19:45   stgraber        if no major bug have been reported, we'll upload the fix, test it for 1-2 extra days and send the anouncement
19:45   davmor2 heno: made more sense to me to do that than not
19:45   stgraber        I think that the DB will be wiped before making it public
19:46   stgraber        but we can add some examples in the installation scripts so they are added the same time we make it public
19:46   davmor2 that's okay it can be added again :)
19:46   heno    ok, we should put in 2-3 real samples before launch though
19:46   stgraber        but real examples even for testing are a good idea as it's the best way to find bugs :) (test with real data)
19:46   heno    I'll show this to the LP bugs team on Friday
19:47   heno    so, please test!
19:47   stgraber        a question I have is : How will we anounce it ?
19:47   stgraber        do we have a good way to advertise it widely (!= blog post on the planet)
19:47   heno    we should coordinate a bit with the community team
19:47   davmor2 stgraber: with trumpets and fanfares of course
19:48   heno    I'll talk with marketing on Friday too; we might do a press release
19:48   stgraber        sounds good
19:48   heno    if they think it's appropriate
19:49   heno    just so we get the /. effect :)
19:49   heno    any other topics?
19:49   stgraber        you'll have to warn the sysadmins too in this case :)
19:49   heno    our time is soon up
19:49   davmor2 stgraber: I think the more useful thing at first which will get real data in is let the bug team/other ubuntu dev mailing lists know, then move on to the real public.
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Edubuntu Community Council meeting Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 07 Feb 16:00 UTC: Fridge Editors | 13 Feb 22:30 UTC: Forum Council | 15 Feb 04:00 UTC: MOTU | 20 Feb 01:00 UTC: TriLoCo-Midwest
19:51   heno    #endmeeting
19:51   MootBot Meeting finished at 19:51.

MeetingLogs/QATeam/20080206 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:51 by localhost)