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Revision 3 as of 2008-08-06 16:34:09
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|| Approve ["MozillaTeam/Governance"] || DavidFarning ||
|| Approve ["MozillaTeam/Membership"] || DavidFarning ||
|| Approve ["MozillaTeam/Upstream"] || DavidFarning ||
|| Approve [[MozillaTeam/Governance]] || DavidFarning ||
|| Approve [[MozillaTeam/Membership]] || DavidFarning ||
|| Approve [[MozillaTeam/Upstream]] || DavidFarning ||
Line 25: Line 25:
|| GUI Consistency. [https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/42263 Bug 42263] || AlexLatchford ||
|| Dapper / Fx 2.0 policy [https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/89704 Bug 89704] || Freddy Martinez ||
|| GUI Consistency. [[https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/42263|Bug 42263]] || AlexLatchford ||
|| Dapper / Fx 2.0 policy [[https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/89704|Bug 89704]] || Freddy Martinez ||
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 * Approve ["MozillaTeam/Governance"]  * Approve [[MozillaTeam/Governance]]
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 * Approve ["MozillaTeam/Membership"]  * Approve [[MozillaTeam/Membership]]
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 * Approve ["MozillaTeam/Upstream"]  * Approve [[MozillaTeam/Upstream]]
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 * GUI Consistency. [https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/42263 Bug 42263]  * GUI Consistency. [[https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/42263|Bug 42263]]
Line 44: Line 44:
 * Dapper / Fx 2.0 policy [https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/89704 Bug 89704]
  * Already answered with.. [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperFirefoxSupport this].
 * Dapper / Fx 2.0 policy [[https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/89704|Bug 89704]]
  * Already answered with.. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperFirefoxSupport|this]].

This is the 4th meeting of the Mozilla Team, starting at 18:00 GMT and finishing at 19:05 GMT


Please type PRESENT at the start of the meeting to ensure we are all clear who is online and paying attention. Active Atendees:


When adding an agenda item please "sign" it by leaving your name next to it. If you won't be attending the meeting please also spell out your item in detail, otherwise we can't fruitfully discuss it.

Items we will be discussing:



Approve MozillaTeam/Governance


Approve MozillaTeam/Membership


Approve MozillaTeam/Upstream


Accessibility testing and issues, where we can help.


Extension / Theme policy


GUI Consistency. Bug 42263


Dapper / Fx 2.0 policy Bug 89704

Freddy Martinez

Greasemonkey script maintainer wanted



  • Approve MozillaTeam/Governance

    • Approved with dfarning, asac, gnomefreak, AlexLatchford, Admiral_Chicago and hjmf as start up members until end of Feisty+1 Development Cycle.

  • Approve MozillaTeam/Membership

    • Blocked, dfarning to talk to jono about making it flexible so it is a middle ground between 'new person friendly' & 'QA'.

  • Approve MozillaTeam/Upstream

    • Blocked, needs more discussion on the mailing list before this can be approved.
  • Accessibility testing and issues, where we can help.
    • The team has now been made aware of the procedures in place, have any queries please discuss on mailing list.
  • Extension / Theme policy
    • Approved, Freddy to flesh out extension list page and then post to mailing list for additions & approval at next meeting for structure.

  • GUI Consistency. Bug 42263

    • Blocked, will be discussed at next meeting as asac was unavailable
    • gnomefreak believes it is unneeded.
  • Dapper / Fx 2.0 policy Bug 89704

    • Already answered with.. this.

  • Greasemonkey script maintainer wanted.
    • Blocked, Will be evaluated once Extension/Theme list is started.

Any Other Business

  • gnomefreak: ok anyone going through bugs please assign edgy retraces to me.


07:00   Admiral_Chicago he won't be back until 18.30
07:00   gnomefreak      me too
07:00   asac    ready
07:00   tonyyarusso     Have an agenda link handy?
07:00   gnomefreak      Admiral_Chicago: what to chair?
07:00   gnomefreak      tonyyarusso: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Meetings
07:01   Admiral_Chicago gnomefreak: no thank you, i have to be in and out due to school reponsibilities
07:02   dfarning        gnomefreak, you are the one with experience;)
07:02   AlexLatchford   meh?
07:02   gnomefreak      thanks but im in middle of something atm if someone wants to start
07:02   gnomefreak      dfarning: your up first anyway iirc
07:02   AlexLatchford   Okay ill chair
07:02   gnomefreak      ty AlexLatchford
07:02   dfarning        ty
07:03   AlexLatchford   dfarning: Approve MozillaTeam/Governance
07:03   dfarning        https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Governance
07:03   gnomefreak      btw we dont have council page so i changed it
07:03   dfarning        Wanted to formally approve this
07:03   gnomefreak      but i see you found out :)
07:03   dfarning        ty
07:04   AlexLatchford   Personally I have no problems with the Council at the moment
07:04   AlexLatchford   the document as it stands is great
07:04   gnomefreak      +1
07:04   AlexLatchford   Maybe the whole 2 weeks meeting should be changed to monthly
07:04   gnomefreak      oh crap
07:04   asac    monthly is better i guess
07:05   dfarning        ok things were busy busy last month;)
07:05   dfarning        1 per month
07:05   Admiral_Chicago +1
07:05   AlexLatchford   well we can call one if we need one in between
07:05   gnomefreak      +1 unless needed otherwise
07:05   AlexLatchford   +1
07:05   AlexLatchford   who is on the Council so we know?
07:05   dfarning        nominate asac, john, alex, and freddy
07:05   AlexLatchford   I nominate dfarning
07:06   AlexLatchford   do we need CC approval?
07:06   Admiral_Chicago i would nominate hilario
07:06   asac    don't know
07:06   dfarning        talk to johno we are ok
07:06   Admiral_Chicago err i nominate hilario as well
07:06   gnomefreak      no we wouldnt really
07:06   dfarning        talked
07:06   dfarning        very clear we are under cc
07:06   gnomefreak      correct
07:06   AlexLatchford   hmm okay
07:07   gnomefreak      we need to decide on couuncil since
07:07   dfarning        ??
07:07   gnomefreak      wow wtf was that
07:07   Admiral_Chicago So to be clear, the council would take effect immedietly?
07:08   Admiral_Chicago and last until feisty+1 came out?
07:08   dfarning        yes until feisty comes out in a couple of wee
07:08   gnomefreak      Admiral_Chicago: not as of now with new nominations
07:08   AlexLatchford   erm, well we have nominations for dfarning, AlexLatchford, gnomefreak, Admiral_Chicago, asac and hjmf
07:08   dfarning        I fine with that
07:09   AlexLatchford   cool, anyone know if hjmf has a problem with this?
07:09   Admiral_Chicago ditto
07:09   gnomefreak      thats fine. has anyone checked with hjmf?
07:09   AlexLatchford   as I dont believe he is here
07:09   gnomefreak      he left a little while ago
07:09   dfarning        he is pretty busy with school
07:09   Admiral_Chicago hes afk.
07:09   Admiral_Chicago from what i recalll
07:09   AlexLatchford   aha okay, ewll we can include him and if his status changes we can rethink
07:09   AlexLatchford   +1 on all candidates
07:09   dfarning        +1
07:10   gnomefreak      i say we finish that up on ML
07:10   asac    +1 (though a pretty large group imo) :)
07:10   Admiral_Chicago +1
07:10   dfarning        ok finish on ML
07:10   AlexLatchford   okay, dfarning can you make a new LP.net team and add the various members?
07:11   dfarning        yes
07:11   gnomefreak      if i remember i will send out a post to list
07:11   AlexLatchford   okay, thanks john
07:11   gnomefreak      yw
07:11   AlexLatchford   Next: Approve MozillaTeam/Membership
07:11   dfarning        https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Membership
07:11   AlexLatchford   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Membership
07:12   dfarning        I would like to postpone until i talk more with jono
07:12   dfarning        new person friendly vs QA is hard;(
07:12   AlexLatchford   yeah you have a point there
07:13   gnomefreak      agreed dfarning you gonna handle talking to jono?
07:13   dfarning        I will do so
07:13   gnomefreak      i may have something else for you to run by him if i cant find elkbuntu
07:13   dfarning        ok
07:13   AlexLatchford   okay
07:13   dfarning        next?
07:14   AlexLatchford   -1 on Membership Wiki, postpone to next meeting
07:14   AlexLatchford   you again david
07:14   AlexLatchford   Approve MozillaTeam/Upstream
07:14   Admiral_Chicago -1
07:14   Admiral_Chicago err membership
07:14   dfarning        https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Upstream
07:14   AlexLatchford   lol Freddy
07:15   asac    postpone
07:15   asac    ups
07:15   asac    late :)
07:15   gnomefreak      why -1?
07:15   asac    about membership ;)
07:15   dfarning        asac, what are your thoughts?
07:16   gnomefreak      im happy with postponing it until david speaks with jono
07:16   asac    the document is good, but i don't know if we need a official policy for that
07:17   dfarning        I would like to set a standard of behavior
07:17   dfarning        that other can depend on
07:17   dfarning        others
07:17   dfarning        so they know we will not send crap/spam
07:17   asac    ah ok
=== gnomefreak wants to stop what has happned the past week with triaging
07:18   dfarning        exactly;(
07:18   asac    patches should only be pushed upstream as well as bugs
07:18   asac    after being reviewed by someone experienced imo
07:18   asac    if that is in that document then its fine
07:18   asac    its important not to stress upstream relationship ... as you said with "crap/spam"
07:19   AlexLatchford   Personally I feel the document needs a little more work before it should be approved
07:19   dfarning        i'll add that
07:19   dfarning        AlexLatchford, what other work?
07:19   gnomefreak      lets get up with jono see what he says than add it to agenda after wiki is fixed in jonos idea of it
07:19   AlexLatchford   Saying who to contact to confirm patches, I am on the team but do not know much about Patches
07:20   AlexLatchford   for instance..
07:20   Admiral_Chicago i think we need to be more visible so people don't do work outside of our policies
07:20   gnomefreak      asac: would be the contact maybe david also?
07:20   AlexLatchford   Admiral_Chicago: True
=== gnomefreak not good with patches but i can apply them for testing
07:21   Admiral_Chicago for example, having to go and undo peoples tagging after we set a tag library
07:21   dfarning        I have been trying to be an admin contact letting you guys do all the tech stuff
07:21   gnomefreak      dfarning: tagging closing remarking ect...
07:21   asac    gnomefreak: contact for upstream bug review?
07:22   dfarning        ok with this in mind i'll rewrite and ask for more feed back on ML
07:22   AlexLatchford   +1 on dfarning's suggestion
07:22   gnomefreak      remarking example = after full crash report is attached people are "please install -dbg and run backtrace" or " not enough info closing..."
07:22   asac    ok .... action: improve upstream directions
07:23   Admiral_Chicago +1 to a rewrite as well
07:23   AlexLatchford   Yes, it still needs a bit more discussion in my eyes
07:23   AlexLatchford   on the mailing list
07:23   dfarning        next?
07:23   asac    Admiral_Chicago: about the visibility
07:23   asac    there is a general debuggingprocedures page
07:23   asac    which links to our policy
07:23   AlexLatchford   Next: Extension / Theme policy - Admiral_Chicago
07:24   Admiral_Chicago doesn't mean people read it
07:24   asac    bug triagers should read that page from time to time ... though they probably don't do
07:24   Admiral_Chicago i mean in the community
07:24   asac    yes
07:24   AlexLatchford   maybe we can link it in from the Bugsquad page..
07:24   gnomefreak      they dont they are using -bugs responces
07:24   asac    i am working on convincing lp folks for adding special hints for packages
07:24   Admiral_Chicago well i put this agenda item to be clear about which themes / extensions we can support
07:25   asac    like: bugs for this package are processed following procedures on http://xxx
07:25   gnomefreak      so far only what we have afaik
07:25   Admiral_Chicago as I know of, we have a handful of themes and extensions in the repositories
07:26   dfarning        I did have enough tech knowledge to determine why we were packaging certain extensions
07:26   dfarning        did not
07:26   gnomefreak      asac: should we get a list and go one by one down list to see what ones would be worth adding for feisty+1 (somehow i doubt they will end up in feisty)
07:26   asac    please lets not add more to feisty
07:26   asac    others that crash
07:26   Admiral_Chicago so i suggest we build a library of supported packages
07:26   asac    feisty is pretty late
07:26   gnomefreak      asac: thats why i said feisty+1 :)
07:26   asac    sorry :)
07:26   asac    sure
07:27   asac    anyway, i guess there are only a few extensions are valid candidates
07:27   AlexLatchford   Well, which extensions are we going to include, how do we decide?
07:27   Admiral_Chicago once we get a valid bug report, those would have to be pushed upstream
07:27   gnomefreak      Admiral_Chicago: get a list of what you are thinking we support and add it to agenda for future meeting (IMHO) i have one nad asac had one we were looking into
07:27   dfarning        I am thinking remove unless there is a good reason to keep
07:28   asac    yes ... good reason: extension is really popular; ubuntu specific; or uses native component
07:28   dfarning        asac,  +1
07:28   AlexLatchford   +1 for me
07:28   gnomefreak      dfarning: i would rather in respect to community add some extensions/themes but only ones that can erally provide help and are throughly checked out
07:28   asac    native components are really rare ... so there should be only a handful in the end
07:28   dfarning        not becaue a MOTU thinks it would be a good place to start packaging
07:28   dfarning        ;(
07:29   asac    dfarning: imo we cannot do much, but deny that we will take care for them
07:29   gnomefreak      colorzilla == popular but imho crap since it is cause of alot of crashes
07:29   AlexLatchford   so what action are we taking?
07:29   asac    if they add such packages, packagers have to take care on bug triage alone
07:29   Admiral_Chicago could we assign them back to the packager?
07:29   asac    colorzilla qualifies by "native component" which is why it crashes :)
07:29   gnomefreak      ah
07:29   asac    however colorzilla has not been released under free license
07:30   asac    so not yet a valid candidate
07:30   AlexLatchford   so what action are we taking?
07:30   dfarning        I'll post something to MOTU ML for consideration
07:30   asac    Admiral_Chicago: yes you can assign back to packager
07:30   AlexLatchford   are we going to make a list of extensions that are working, etc..
07:30   Admiral_Chicago no i mean, let them deal with the bug reports
07:30   asac    don't know ... document which extensions qualify for mozilla team support
07:30   gnomefreak      mine has but i dont know where to even think about beginning on that one since i couldnt find the files we were looking for and i think i have since made it go away
07:30   asac    e.g. by guidelines i posted above
07:30   Admiral_Chicago AlexLatchford: i was hoping we could get a list of extensions we support.
07:31   dfarning        would can do the list
07:31   gnomefreak      Admiral_Chicago: i would say start there
07:31   AlexLatchford   Admiral_Chicago: could you flesh out a wiki page and then post it to the ML for discussion?
07:31   Admiral_Chicago AlexLatchford: can do chief
07:31   asac    Admiral_Chicago: i think we should decide if request pops up ... we can of course screen what is currently in archive and say "yes or no"
07:31   AlexLatchford   ta
07:31   gnomefreak      maybe on your rounds in irc look for what people like and use but try not to ask in support channels
07:32   Admiral_Chicago yes
07:32   AlexLatchford   well look for bug reports, only package extensions that do not work without it
07:32   gnomefreak      im guessing we have a bit of time on that but would be good to have around feisty's release
07:32   Admiral_Chicago i'll get a wiki going, send it to the ML, maybe post on the planet about it
07:32   gnomefreak      k
07:32   AlexLatchford   good idea
07:32   asac    k
07:32   dfarning        Admiral_Chicago, +1
07:33   AlexLatchford   Next: Greasemonkey script maintainer wanted - asac
07:33   gnomefreak      lol
07:33   asac    its just a request
07:33   asac    if someone knows .js
07:33   asac    and wants to improve life for us all :)
07:33   AlexLatchford   meh fair enough
07:33   gnomefreak      +1 for asac as maintainer ;) j/k
07:33   AlexLatchford   thought I would link it
07:33   asac    otherwise, i will try to do at some point
07:33   AlexLatchford   lol
07:33   Admiral_Chicago i know a little java but not too much
07:33   gnomefreak      i havent looked at it yet
07:33   gnomefreak      Admiral_Chicago: its JS not so much java
07:33   asac    its just javascript
07:33   asac    like you do in html pages
07:33   gnomefreak      JS is easier
07:34   Admiral_Chicago eh.
07:34   asac    maybe lets open a task page :) ... to add such jobs that still have no owner :)
07:34   gnomefreak      i remember bits and peices from classes i took in java. we had to work with some JS
07:34   AlexLatchford   asac: +1
07:34   gnomefreak      asac: +1
07:34   dfarning        got one on /Roadmap
07:34   AlexLatchford   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Roadmap
07:35   AlexLatchford   add it to the Roadmap Tasks
07:35   gnomefreak      btw everyone stay i have something to ask at end of meeting :)
07:35   Admiral_Chicago will do gnomefreak
07:35   AlexLatchford   okay, next?
07:35   dfarning        next?
07:35   asac    ok maybe make another table for tasks that need a maintainer?
07:35   Admiral_Chicago wait, we skipped AlexLatchford 's big
07:35   asac    i think we are through
07:35   Admiral_Chicago bug*
07:35   asac    oh
07:35   AlexLatchford   Next: Dapper / Fx 2.0 policy [WWW]  Bug 89704 - Admiral_Chicago
07:35   Ubugtu  Malone bug 89704 in firefox "No backport of Firefox 2.o to Dapper" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/89704
07:36   AlexLatchford   Admiral_Chicago: yeah we are not going in order, my points are not High on the list
07:36   gnomefreak      thats stated in bug
07:36   Admiral_Chicago asac: maybe you can say something about out 1.5 policy
07:36   gnomefreak      there isnt much we can do with it
07:36   Admiral_Chicago our*
07:36   dfarning        Asac can you write a faq on why we can build 2.0 on dapper
07:36   AlexLatchford   Yes I read the response from cjwatson
07:36   asac    ah
07:36   dfarning        cann't
07:36   asac    look at the bug
07:36   gnomefreak      dfarning: the upgrade page shouyld be fine for htat
07:36   asac    its already done
07:36   gnomefreak      that
07:36   asac    we posted official wiki page
07:37   asac    that states how we approach dapper long term security
07:37   dfarning        where, I missed that;(
07:37   asac    see comment from colin
07:37   Admiral_Chicago looking now
07:37   gnomefreak      http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperFirefoxSupport
07:37   Admiral_Chicago the Beta LP page is slower than molasses
07:37   asac    yes thats the content
07:38   gnomefreak      Admiral_Chicago: yes i know but i think because everyone went looking at it
07:38   dfarning        reading
07:38   AlexLatchford   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/FAQ
07:38   AlexLatchford   have added this for now
07:38   asac    good
07:39   AlexLatchford   So this issue is sorted...
07:39   Admiral_Chicago alright
07:39   dfarning        sound good
07:39   asac    should be ... official statement exists
07:39   AlexLatchford   Next: Accessibility testing and issues, where we can help...
07:39   asac    e.g. canonical statement
07:39   Admiral_Chicago gnomefreak: no, i think in general
07:39   AlexLatchford   This is more of a 'Be Aware' than a discussion point
07:40   Admiral_Chicago the beta page is just slow...
07:40   gnomefreak      Admiral_Chicago: its not slow for me anymore
07:40   Admiral_Chicago maybe its my network, i'll test at home
=== asac agrees that beta is slow
07:40   gnomefreak      agreed in most cases is
07:40   gnomefreak      moving on?
07:40   AlexLatchford   Next: Accessibility testing and issues, where we can help...
07:40   AlexLatchford   This is more of a 'Be Aware' than a discussion point
07:40   asac    i have no idea about accessibility
07:41   dfarning        me neither;(
07:41   asac    i don't like this
07:41   AlexLatchford   Basically the Accessibility Team has been working hard on Orca in Firefox to make sure it actually works
07:41   gnomefreak      me neither to both comments
07:41   asac    but someone who knows should setup some introduction on something
07:41   dfarning        I'll look into in
07:41   asac    e.g. what tools are used for what
07:41   asac    etc.
07:41   AlexLatchford   well Orca is the main program
07:41   AlexLatchford   currently they are implementing colour filters for the colour blind I believe
07:41   gnomefreak      AlexLatchford: is it orcas issues or ff?
07:41   dfarning        I'll ask the ocra guy for a introduction to the issues
07:41   Admiral_Chicago afaik, orca has a lot of problems building
07:41   AlexLatchford   Well it is Orca issues that will probably be reported to Firefox
07:42   asac    if its a firefox specific issue, someone who knows should probably come up with some details
07:42   gnomefreak      IMHO orca should be filed against orca
07:42   AlexLatchford   Well, this is what we are trying to discover, we need to work closely with them as sometimes it is their bug and sometimes it is ours
07:43   dfarning        I'll start the discussion
07:43   asac    sure ... they should just join us :) ... at least from time to time
07:43   AlexLatchford   but if you see a bug that you believe is Accessibility related, say if it only occuring with Orca enabled
07:43   AlexLatchford   yeah, i will invite Henrik to the next meeting
07:43   Admiral_Chicago he was at our last one iirc.
07:43   AlexLatchford   ..then tag it 'Accessibility' and also subscribe the Accessibility Team to the bug
07:43   asac    haven't seen any ... maybe orca people can do us a favor and search our bts for orca issues?
07:43   AlexLatchford   Admiral_Chicago: yes he was
07:44   gnomefreak      my point being we have more than enough bugs to spread out to 35 teams and still not be fixed by end of year why add more if its not related to fx or tb
07:44   AlexLatchford   gnomefreak: this is what I am saying, we need to reassign it when it is an issue..
07:44   asac    yes ... if its not related, its not our problem
07:44   asac    reassign
07:44   AlexLatchford   as we cannot fix it
07:45   AlexLatchford   it is more of a be aware of this problem
07:45   AlexLatchford   than what we need to do
07:45   asac    ok :)
07:45   gnomefreak      AlexLatchford: you have the link to them as tagged still on the tags wiki right?
07:45   AlexLatchford   Believe so
07:45   AlexLatchford   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Tags
07:45   gnomefreak      dfarning: who are you planning on talking to?
07:46   gnomefreak      btw ther eis only 1
07:46   AlexLatchford   Well I have emailed the Accessibility list
07:46   dfarning        who ever know anything about accessability:)
07:46   AlexLatchford   and they are kind of aware of the problem, the response I got back was a little quiet
07:46   gnomefreak      lol dfarning
07:46   gnomefreak      ok who has free time this week
07:46   AlexLatchford   ill investigate this more
07:46   gnomefreak      lets kill all birds ;) with this
07:46   AlexLatchford   as I started it
07:47   dfarning        ubutnu accessability, firefox accessibilty, ...
07:47   AlexLatchford   Okay.. moving on?
07:47   gnomefreak      asac: any patches/testing need to be done this week?
07:47   gnomefreak      AlexLatchford: one sec please
07:47   AlexLatchford   okay
=== gnomefreak thinking outloud
07:48   dfarning        did the apport patch make it?
07:48   asac    gnomefreak: not yet :)
07:48   asac    ^^ about patches/testing that needs to be done
07:48   gnomefreak      asac: ok i need someone else with me on bug triaging this week. start at one end and work your way through tagging them and assigning them
07:49   AlexLatchford   I have added the testing repository to my sources.list
07:49   gnomefreak      s/asac/everyone
=== dfarning can do 2 hour per day
07:49   asac    it might be a bit tricky to install testing repository versions for the first time
07:49   gnomefreak      it seems like we got caught up with other things nad forgot about it
07:49   asac    after that they should automatically upgrade
=== dfarning wil have a lot of questions
07:49   gnomefreak      dfarning: thats fine.
07:49   gnomefreak      dfarning: ill be here most of day during week
07:50   asac    okay ... are we through
07:50   asac    ??
07:50   dfarning        sounds good
07:50   gnomefreak      dfarning: just remember crash report/edgy/coredump please assign to me
07:50   dfarning        ok
07:50   AlexLatchford   Next: GUI Consistency. [WWW]  Bug 42263
07:50   Ubugtu  Malone bug 42263 in firefox "Toolbar display should be "Icons and text" for consistency" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/42263
07:50   gnomefreak      ick still on that one
07:50   AlexLatchford   meh?
=== gnomefreak likes the icons without text.
07:51   AlexLatchford   well there is an option to turn it off
07:51   gnomefreak      hover mouse over it and text is there
07:51   AlexLatchford   agreed, but it is more for consistency
07:51   dfarning        we may want to postpone this one
07:51   dfarning        talk of mozilla starting a linux gui group
07:51   AlexLatchford   Really?
07:52   gnomefreak      you can add text fairly easy
07:52   Admiral_Chicago yes postpone it.
07:52   dfarning        so all distros can work together to improve interface on gtk kde
07:52   AlexLatchford   gnomefreak: I know, but it is more of a consistency across the desktop
07:52   AlexLatchford   TB, Nautilus, gEdit all use Text too
07:53   Admiral_Chicago Konqueror doesn't
07:53   AlexLatchford   *rolls eyes*
07:53   gnomefreak      asac: ?
07:54   Riddell Admiral_Chicago: doesn't what?
07:54   AlexLatchford   Personally it wouldn't bother me too much if the change was made
07:54   gnomefreak      Riddell: have text and icons
07:54   Riddell gnomefreak: it does in KDE 4
07:54   AlexLatchford   as default?
07:54   Riddell yes
07:54   gnomefreak      yes
07:55   AlexLatchford   well if we are after consistency I really think the change needs to be made, but whether or not we wait until Feisty+1 for it if we need more debate time..
07:55   gnomefreak      we should beablet o change it with very little feedback from mozilla but im opposed to the change personally. it just adds one more thing to slow fx down
07:55   asac    sorry ... have no time ... tel conference
07:56   gnomefreak      asac: k
07:56   Admiral_Chicago i meant in 3.5.6.
07:56   gnomefreak      ok lets posepone this than wait for asac feedback on it
07:56   dfarning        ok
07:56   AlexLatchford   gnomefreak: agreed
07:56   gnomefreak      Admiral_Chicago: text is off there
07:56   Admiral_Chicago i know that is one thing that has been worked on
07:56   gnomefreak      it should be as simple as a option in rules during ./configure
07:57   gnomefreak      but im not positive on that
07:57   AlexLatchford   just fired up OOo and it doesn't use text
07:57   Admiral_Chicago to be fair, we have to realize we are packaging from MF, it is really up to them
07:57   AlexLatchford   maybe this is a decision the TechBoard should take
07:57   Admiral_Chicago the best we can do is file upstream
07:57   gnomefreak      MF? and please dont say what i think you mean
07:57   Admiral_Chicago Mozilla Foundation...
07:58   gnomefreak      oh ok good :)
07:58   Admiral_Chicago haha.
07:58   dfarning        this it for meeting?
07:58   gnomefreak      but again ITS A UBUNTU CHANGE afaik
07:58   gnomefreak      not mozillas
07:58   AlexLatchford   well that change will never be included in Firefox default, but we can change it in Ubuntu Firefox
07:59   Admiral_Chicago really? hmm, we may need to look at that
07:59   gnomefreak      we had one more i think
07:59   dfarning        all ubuntu changes need mozilla approval
07:59   dfarning        to keep trademark
07:59   AlexLatchford   gnomefreak: we have done everything on the list
07:59   gnomefreak      dfarning: its provided as a ./configure option i think
07:59   gnomefreak      AlexLatchford: ah ok goodie
07:59   AlexLatchford   lol what do you have to say..
07:59   dfarning        ok
07:59   gnomefreak      ok anyone going through bugs please assign edgy retraces to me
08:00   dfarning        ok
08:00   AlexLatchford   okay
08:00   gnomefreak      i want to get them out asap
08:00   AlexLatchford   We have any news of Thunderbird-dbg
08:00   gnomefreak      and since i cant always be here that doesnt mean im not infront of pc
08:00   gnomefreak      dfarning: thats your department
08:00   gnomefreak      what email was i going to write? :(
08:00   gnomefreak      council?
08:01   dfarning        Are we still missing the latest build -dbgsym
08:01   Admiral_Chicago gnomefreak: will do if i see any
08:01   dfarning        for tb
08:01   gnomefreak      dfarning: we have no tb-dbg or dbgsym for edgy at all there is a dbg-sym for feisty i think
08:01   AlexLatchford   dfarning: I am running Feisty and there is no Thunderbird-dbg package
08:01   dfarning        ill follow up with martin
=== dfarning wonders what is going wrong
08:02   AlexLatchford   maybe I am looking in the wrong place..
08:02   gnomefreak      mozilla-thunderbird-dbgsym in feisty
08:02   gnomefreak      AlexLatchford: add universe and multiverse restricted to pittis repo :)
08:03   gnomefreak      its in main
08:03   AlexLatchford   I need pitti's own repository?
08:03   tonyyarusso     What is dbgsym?
08:03   gnomefreak      for the dbgsym you do
08:03   AlexLatchford   gnomefreak: aha okay, this is probably why it is not showing
08:03   gnomefreak      they are debugging symbols for packages
08:03   tonyyarusso     ah
08:03   gnomefreak      AlexLatchford: its not dbg so you cant get backtrace with it
08:04   dfarning        they are the debug symbols striped out of the executables
08:04   AlexLatchford   hmm okay
08:05   gnomefreak      ok are we done i need a smoke
08:05   AlexLatchford   Meeting Closed I guess
08:05   AlexLatchford   thanks guys
08:05   gnomefreak      :)
08:05   gnomefreak      ty
08:05   dfarning        adjourn


MeetingLogs/Mozilla/20070306 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:34:09 by localhost)