05:17   ubuntugeek      Well al-rightly then.. Welcome to the first Forum council meeting.
05:17   ubuntugeek      Running late, but hey thats the way we roll :)
05:19   ubuntugeek      agenda can be found here
05:19   ubuntugeek      https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumCouncilAgenda
05:21   ubuntugeek      ok so
05:22   ubuntugeek      Hopefully we'll build up some more people attending as this catches on :)
05:22   jdong   :) the wonders of IRC meetings
05:22   ubuntugeek      heh yeah :)
=== ubuntugeek trys to fill time with rambles
05:22   jdong   lol
05:23   ubuntugeek      Anyone here not know the purpose of the FC and wish to know the purpose?
=== forumsmatthew suggests a welcome and introduction to what the FC is
=== forumsmatthew was slow
05:23   PriceChild      ubuntugeek, first item has a lot of rambling potential :)
05:23   ubuntugeek      Yes it does
05:23   ubuntugeek      So the FC was recently setup as a governance council for the ubuntuforums.org site.
05:24   ubuntugeek      the purpose of the FC is to make decisions on forum issues and resolve conflicts etc within the forums.
05:24   ubuntugeek      whats up?
05:25   ubuntugeek      Today at the CC meeting Matthew and Mike will be hopefully elected on to the FC council giving us a 5 member team.
05:26   forumsmatthew   FYI... Matthew=me
05:26   ubuntugeek      :)
05:27   ubuntugeek      Ok lets discuss setting up forum teams. I know pricechild you are ready to roll on this idea.. what thoughts do you have
05:27   PriceChild      Well shall we start with the leadership applications?
05:27   PriceChild      make a small shortlist?
05:28   ubuntugeek      yep
05:28   ubuntugeek      I think we need to take the leadership applications and make a list for sure.
05:28   jdong   yes
05:28   forumsmatthew   are those who applied here?
05:29   Vorian_ i'll speak for jacobmp92[away]  - he's in school right now
05:29   PriceChild      http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=289810
05:29   ubuntugeek      we might have to do the electing at the next time.. to give more ample time for people to attend.
05:29   jdong   forumsmatthew: let's first make a list of everyone and do one-by-one
05:29   PriceChild      that thread contains applications only
05:29   ubuntugeek      but we can get a more official list going now
05:30   jdong   shall we go down the list in order of application?
05:31   PriceChild      jdong, ok so starting with plb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1695126&postcount=2
05:31   jdong   is plb present?
05:31   PriceChild      I don't think many are jd
05:32   jdong   it looks that way :-/
05:32   PriceChild      any comments on plb?
05:33   jdong   ok, different approach: who is here seeking application as a Team Leader?
05:33   forumsmatthew   this is an interesting quote from his application
05:33   jdong   so far, I see Vorian_
05:33   forumsmatthew   "the majority of my posts here are more or less rants in the Cafe and suggestions for development"
05:33   Vorian_ jdong: I'm shooting for secretary... not team leader
05:34   jdong   Vorian_: ah, ok
05:34   jdong   forumsmatthew: yeah, I saw that too
05:34   PriceChild      I'm much more impressed by Lord Illian's application which is up next http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1695147&postcount=3
05:35   PriceChild      it is also for abs beginners against plb (and also hardware)
05:35   ubuntugeek      pricechild: I like his application as wel
05:35   ubuntugeek      well*
05:35   forumsmatthew   he's been an active member for some time and a good one as well
05:35   ubuntugeek      Anyone else have comments on him?
05:36   jdong   he looks ideal for beginners
05:36   PriceChild      Lord Illian has also made a sustained positive contribution to the forums
05:36   ubuntugeek      I'll make a list of people then we can make a finalization after we go through the list
05:36   jdong   he seems to have the motivation to help beginners
05:36   ubuntugeek      Ok i'll mark him as a candidate for beginners area
05:37   ubuntugeek      Next, we have http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1695371&postcount=4
05:37   ubuntugeek      for beginners as well
05:37   PriceChild      jeffrc313
05:38   forumsmatthew   I think he has the potential to be a good team member
05:38   PriceChild      he's reasonably active it seems
05:38   ubuntugeek      Matthew: I agree
05:38   jdong   he's not the most active ever, but does regularly visit the forums
05:39   jdong   I find his signature... questionable though?
05:39   PriceChild      Checking his last posts though... are mostly asking for support
05:39   PriceChild      not much giving
05:39   jdong   my site: www.theironknuckle.com
05:39   jdong   "I drop science like girls be droppin' babies"
05:39   jdong   hmm
05:39   ubuntugeek      hmm yeah..
05:39   jdong   the site doesn't load
05:39   ubuntugeek      ok lets move on
05:39   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1695486&postcount=5
05:39   ubuntugeek      dillbertdabomb
05:40   PriceChild      didn't follow instructions on format of application :P
05:40   forumsmatthew   asks to be a member, he didn't apply for leadership
05:40   jdong   PriceChild: I was gonna say :)
05:40   forumsmatthew   "I would like to be a team member for the beginner section."
05:40   PriceChild      ah ok
05:40   ubuntugeek      dillbert is just wanted to be a team member soo
05:40   PriceChild      shall we move on
05:40   jdong   yes, doesn't seem like leader is the role he wanted
05:40   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1695640&postcount=6
05:40   ubuntugeek      raqball
05:41   ubuntugeek      unanswered posts area
05:41   forumsmatthew   has serious potential
05:41   jdong   I like his dedication to unanswered posts
05:41   ubuntugeek      Ok just wants to be a team member as well
05:41   forumsmatthew   looking through his posts now...
05:42   ubuntugeek      at least thats how i took his answer to the 1. question
05:42   forumsmatthew   they don't really match his application statements
05:42   jdong   ubuntugeek: it seems like he's ok with being either
05:42   ubuntugeek      or is he saying he wants to be a team leader and wants to be on a team?
05:42   ubuntugeek      ok
05:42   forumsmatthew   he didn't lie, he has just been more active other ways
05:42   jdong   ubuntugeek: all the credentials he gave seem to be leadership-oriented
05:42   forumsmatthew   mainly cafe since early November
05:43   ubuntugeek      good candidate for the answered team leader then?
05:43   PriceChild      let put him on the list? :)
05:43   jdong   wait a sec please
=== jdong still looking through the posts
05:43   PriceChild      hehe :)
05:43   jdong   seeing a lot of chatter and not much support
05:43   PriceChild      doesn't seem to be the most helpful
05:44   PriceChild      yeah
05:44   jdong   currently digging to nov 1st
05:44   ubuntugeek      jdong agreed
05:44   forumsmatthew   @jdong agreed
05:44   Bonzodog        Can I just a very slightly in-a-roundabout-way related question?
05:44   Bonzodog        +ask
05:44   ubuntugeek      lets put him on and move on we can come back to a more detailed approach after we get the list
05:44   PriceChild      !ask|Bonzodog
05:44   jdong   yeah
05:44   PriceChild      no ubotu :P
05:44   Bonzodog        Is there any plans to ressurect a team related to the UDSF?
05:45   jdong   Bonzodog: please put that on the agenda if you want it discussed
05:45   jdong   it really isn't related :)
05:45   jdong   even in the most roundabout ways
05:45   PriceChild      David Corrales  http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1695718&postcount=7 also seems to be mainly asking to be a member
05:45   forumsmatthew   agreed
05:45   ubuntugeek      agreed
05:45   jdong   k, skip
05:45   jdong   let's process the leaders first
05:46   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1695911&postcount=8
05:46   PriceChild      rekahsoft http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1695911&postcount=8
05:46   jdong   his application looks very nice
05:46   PriceChild      not many posts in abs beginners...
05:46   PriceChild      mostly in gaming and leisure / programming
05:46   ubuntugeek      mostly posts in gaming it appears
05:46   jdong   a young one, too
05:47   PriceChild      not the youngest on the list ;)
05:47   ubuntugeek      i think the people applying for a position need to be pretty active in the area
05:47   forumsmatthew   that would seem appropriate
05:47   ubuntugeek      so.. with that said lets move on to the next one
05:48   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1696101&postcount=9
=== jdong answers his doom question anyway :D
05:48   ubuntugeek      djsroknrol
05:48   ubuntugeek      unanswered or beginners area
05:48   PriceChild      not very active... and latest are chatty
05:49   PriceChild      well not the least active though
05:49   ubuntugeek      agreed
05:49   jdong   so far I'm not seeing anyone near Lord Illian's activity level
05:49   PriceChild      agreed
05:49   forumsmatthew   jdong: agreed
05:49   PriceChild      whoa!!!
05:49   PriceChild      Vorian_, has a big point to make
05:49   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1696423&postcount=10
=== PriceChild pushes Vorian_ onto the stage
05:49   ubuntugeek      blendmaster
05:49   Vorian_ djsroknrol is a mod on mod free
05:50   ubuntugeek      beginner forums team
05:50   jdong   Vorian_: good point, thanks for bringing it up
05:50   forumsmatthew   @Vorian_ hmm
05:50   jdong   though we need to investigate more into that
05:50   ubuntugeek      most of his posts are in the beginners area
05:50   jdong   I'd rather we not be labeling anyone by their out-of-forums affiliations
05:51   ubuntugeek      anyone have thoughts on blendmaster?
05:51   jdong   blendmaster, yet another member seeker
05:51   ubuntugeek      ah yes
05:51   PriceChild      "maybe" not all his posts are the most helpful
05:51   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1696468&postcount=11
05:51   jdong   (wow the forums must really hate how much we're using find all posts right now :D)
05:52   ubuntugeek      lyceum
05:52   ubuntugeek      unaswered team
05:52   forumsmatthew   isp issues
05:52   jdong   ubuntugeek: where'd you get unanswered team from?
05:53   PriceChild      He seems very chatty
05:53   Vorian_ he is active in the beginners area
05:53   PriceChild      jdong, he says active and unanswered at hte bottom of psot
05:53   ubuntugeek      "I have answered questions I know as I find them. If I am not selected, I would like to join the team that helps new users or the unanswered posts. I am applying here for team-leader of either."
05:53   jdong   oh :)
05:53   jdong   so beginners or unanswered
=== jdong braces for his next suggestion
05:53   ubuntugeek      unaswered looks good.. he seems pretty active i think
05:53   forumsmatthew   Is he still active?
05:54   jdong   let's quickly find all the leader-candidates by a high-bean count....
05:54   forumsmatthew   last post is see is from November
05:54   jdong   I'm seeing a lot of member applications so far
05:54   ubuntugeek      jdong yeah
05:54   jdong   Lord Illian is a good benchmark (in my mind) of leadership candidacy
05:54   PriceChild      kuja?
05:55   forumsmatthew   jdong: agreed
05:55   ubuntugeek      Lord Illian looks good yeah
05:55   PriceChild      hehe
05:55   jdong   kuja seems to do a lot of 64-bit work
05:55   PriceChild      why isn't everyone like Lord Illian :)
05:55   PriceChild      jdong, yeah
05:55   PriceChild      not sure where else though]
05:55   jdong   but he's chatty too
05:56   jdong   I don't see much else
05:56   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1700569&postcount=19
05:56   ubuntugeek      unaswered team
05:56   ubuntugeek      jeesh i wish i could spell today lol
05:56   jdong   we should've added "give 5 examples of posts you made that best represent your identity at the forums"
05:57   PriceChild      I remember mr jacobmp92 from somewhere
05:57   jdong   ubuntugeek: I'm not doing much better; this room is 50 degrees and I'm frezing my fingers off
05:57   Vorian_ ubuntugeek: He has been a very valuable member of our loco team
05:57   PriceChild      jacobmp92 seems quite good
=== jdong sprays frozen blob of dust-off at the thermostat
05:58   Vorian_ PriceChild: agreed
05:58   forumsmatthew   he has several very helpful posts
05:58   ubuntugeek      agreed ok i'll add him to my list
05:58   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1703030&postcount=20
05:58   ubuntugeek      mssever
05:58   ubuntugeek      unanswered posts
05:58   PriceChild      active
05:58   jdong   one of the most elegantly organized applications to this point
05:59   forumsmatthew   application is very promising
05:59   forumsmatthew   I'm off to review post
05:59   forumsmatthew   posts
05:59   PriceChild      helpful
05:59   jdong   helpful indeed
05:59   jdong   most of his posts are help oriented
05:59   forumsmatthew   I give him high marks
05:59   ubuntugeek      ok i'll add him to the list
05:59   PriceChild      seems to have dropped off this past month from his "4 posts a day"
06:00   jdong   yes, high regards to this guy
06:00   ubuntugeek      next
06:00   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1703265&postcount=21
06:00   ubuntugeek      apjone
06:00   ubuntugeek      beginner or hardware
06:00   jdong   PriceChild: given the december season, I can understand :)
06:00   PriceChild      jdong, yeah :)
06:00   Vorian_ haven't had many hardware candidates...
06:01   ubuntugeek      seems like a good canidate for hardware
06:01   PriceChild      yeah
06:01   PriceChild      agreed ubijtsa2
06:01   PriceChild      argh
06:01   PriceChild      annying autocomplete
=== jdong digs thru posts
06:01   forumsmatthew   hardware...
06:01   PriceChild      Nothing much in the hardware forum.... but most posts revolving around hardware
06:01   forumsmatthew   PC yep
06:01   jdong   he helps a lot
06:02   jdong   answers a lot of beginner or driver related questions
06:02   ubuntugeek      k, added to the list
06:02   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1704006&postcount=22
06:02   ubuntugeek      klaidas
06:02   ubuntugeek      beginner
=== PriceChild notices Kladias isn't online in irc - grr lol :)
06:02   jdong   he seems active :)
06:03   PriceChild      and sustained
06:03   jdong   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1985143#post1985143
06:03   jdong   :-/
06:03   jdong   interesting statement
06:03   PriceChild      hmmm not the most helpful posts
06:03   ubuntugeek      yeah
06:04   forumsmatthew   we have better candidates
06:04   ubuntugeek      ok lets move on
06:04   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1707025&postcount=24
06:04   ubuntugeek      wayward
06:04   ubuntugeek      unanswered posts
06:05   ubuntugeek      only has 9 posts
06:05   jdong   wow
06:05   PriceChild      impressive application but only 9 posts
06:05   ubuntugeek      ok next
06:05   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1763295&postcount=26
06:05   ubuntugeek      bodhi.zazen
06:05   ubuntugeek      beginner
06:05   ubuntugeek      begineer
06:05   ubuntugeek      bah
06:05   ubuntugeek      lol
06:05   PriceChild      why does he have to take on Lord Illian :(
06:05   forumsmatthew   he's been quite impressive for some time
06:05   ubuntugeek      matthew i agree
06:06   PriceChild      yup
06:06   Vorian_ lord illian can do hardware... right?
06:06   PriceChild      hehe he gave 5 helpeful contributions ;)
06:06   forumsmatthew   note: "Please consider my application for a position with the Beginner Area Team."
06:06   jdong   I like his application
06:06   ubuntugeek      me too adding him to the list
06:06   jdong   PriceChild: it's beter than the 0 I've seen so far
06:06   jdong   PriceChild: plus I think I haven't written more than 5 howtos either :)
06:06   ubuntugeek      lastly
06:06   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1763747&postcount=27
06:06   ubuntugeek      saphira
06:07   PriceChild      not active enough?
06:07   ubuntugeek      not sure which team either
06:07   forumsmatthew   PC: that's my thought
06:07   jdong   short paragraph
06:07   jdong   liberal interpretation of short paragraph :)
06:07   Vorian_ lol
06:08   jdong   he seems to have his way of linnking to gwos for everything
06:08   jdong   let's look through gwos
=== PriceChild runs off for a second
06:08   jdong   and measure his contribution level there
06:08   jdong   I have a feeling his work might be concentrated there
06:08   jdong   grr, doesn't load
06:08   jdong   his loss
06:08   jdong   NEXT :)
06:08   ubuntugeek      OK so
06:09   ubuntugeek      these are the canidates
06:09   ubuntugeek      beginners
06:09   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1763295&postcount=26 - bodhi.zazen
06:09   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1695147&postcount=3 - Lord Illidan
06:09   ubuntugeek      hardware
06:09   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1703265&postcount=21 - apjone
06:09   ubuntugeek      Unanswered
06:09   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1700569&postcount=19 - jacobmp92
06:09   ubuntugeek      http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1703030&postcount=20 - mssever
06:09   jdong   good
06:09   jdong   I think to proceed we'll need to be able to speak with these people
06:09   ubuntugeek      The next step, lets schedule the finalization for the next meeting. This way we can give them time to bring examples along with them.
06:09   jdong   either by IRC, interview in forum thread.... etc
06:10   PriceChild      wb again matthew5
06:10   ubuntugeek      The next meeting we can finalize those canidates and make sure they come to the meeting prepared with stuff to back themselves up
06:10   jdong   yes
06:10   ubuntugeek      sound good?
06:10   ubuntugeek      ok
=== matthew5 is now known as forumsmatthew
06:11   jdong   poor forumsmatthew :)
06:11   ubuntugeek      at the next meeting lets do that process first, then afterwards discuss the implementation of the teams
06:11   ubuntugeek      when the new team leaders are on board
06:11   jdong   yes
06:11   PriceChild      agreed :)
06:11   ubuntugeek      k
06:11   ubuntugeek      Next
06:11   jdong   I'd like to see team leaders involved in picking out their team
06:11   ubuntugeek      agreed
06:12   ubuntugeek      team leaders will be able to approve people who apply to their team via the forums user cp
06:12   ubuntugeek      Forum Secretary Position
06:12   ubuntugeek      two canidates
06:12   ubuntugeek      vorian and pricechild
=== Vorian_ waves
06:12   ubuntugeek      waves
06:12   forumsmatthew   both are good candidates
06:12   ubuntugeek      both are good candidates
06:13   forumsmatthew   jinx
06:13   PriceChild      hehe... now ubuntugeek can't talk :P
06:13   ubuntugeek      lol
06:13   jdong   ubuntugeek ubuntugeek ubuntugeek
06:13   jdong   or something like that :)
06:13   ubuntugeek      ok so..
06:13   forumsmatthew   how about something like
06:13   jdong   battle to the death?
06:13   forumsmatthew   tell us why to choose you
06:13   jdong   ok, works for me
06:13   jdong   :)
06:13   forumsmatthew   without saying anything bad
06:14   ubuntugeek      yep sounds good
06:14   forumsmatthew   about the other candidate
06:14   ubuntugeek      Vorian go for it
06:14   Vorian_ well
06:14   Vorian_ Like i said in my post
06:15   PriceChild      http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=323554
06:15   Vorian_ I have gained alot from UF, and I appreciate all that I have gained
06:15   Vorian_ I want to give back in what ever way I can...
06:15   Vorian_ I am a manager by profession, and this kind of work is right up my alley
06:16   Vorian_ PLUS
06:16   Vorian_ I love Ubuntu Forums :-)
06:16   ubuntugeek      ;)
06:16   jdong   Vorian_: does your schedule allow you to regularly attend Forum Council meetings?
06:16   Vorian_ I make my own schedule
06:16   jdong   ah, ideal :)
06:16   Vorian_ :)
06:16   ubuntugeek      our goal is the first tuesday of every month at 16:00 utc
06:16   ubuntugeek      ok great
06:16   ubuntugeek      Pricechild?
06:16   ubuntugeek      your up
06:16   PriceChild      Vorian_, has also got a lot of experience with helping lead the Ohio LoCo
06:17   PriceChild      When people ask me why I spend time hepling out on these forums, I normally tell them that because of the Ubuntu community, I have a completely free and feature rich computer sitting infront of me, but its more than that. Despite the reputation ubuntuforums.org has amongst a large majority of the core Ubuntu community, I'm extremely proud to have been "educated" here, and hope to give this back. Being a mod, and hopefully with this
06:17   PriceChild      position I want to help take ubuntuforums.org to the core group, further integration is only a good thing. Towards this aim, I'm part of the forum ambassadors project, and am opping a couple more channels on irc.
=== PriceChild should have corrected spelling mistakes :P
06:17   ubuntugeek      :)
06:17   jdong   look who pre-authored his speech :)
06:17   Vorian_ cut and paste....
06:17   Vorian_ er*lol
=== jdong examines it with added scrutiny :)
06:17   forumsmatthew   thanks, PriceChild
06:17   ubuntugeek      guys i got a work meeting in 5.. shoot..
06:18   ubuntugeek      jodng? thoughts
06:18   jdong   hmm
=== PriceChild posts vorian's to matthew also
06:19   jdong   both of you are well qualified for the job
06:19   PriceChild      lol he's gone again...
06:19   PriceChild      poor matthew
06:20   Vorian_ PriceChild: arm wrestle?
06:21   ubuntugeek      I think the fairest route will be to give vorian a +1. He isn't a staff member (pricey already has fun) and this will allow for some new blood to get on the team.
=== Vorian_ does a backflip
06:22   jdong   +1, ubuntugeek; in addition a non-staff secretary has the added benefit of neutrality
06:22   PriceChild      woo go Vorian_ :)
06:22   forumsmatthew   He's also been around for a long time and has a good feel
=== Vorian_ does a backflip again!
06:22   forumsmatthew   +1
06:22   ubuntugeek      great
06:22   ubuntugeek      ok settled
06:22   Vorian_ thanks guys!
06:22   ubuntugeek      ok the last thing on the agenda
06:22   frodon  congrats Vorian_ ;)
06:22   ubuntugeek      from Henrik
06:22   ubuntugeek      henrik you here?
06:22   Vorian_ frodon: thanks :)
06:22   PriceChild      ping heno,
06:22   jdong   heno: ping, you're up :)
06:22   ubuntugeek      Cause i gotta fly in like 1 minutes
06:23   ubuntugeek      jdong. matthew can you guys finish up?
06:23   forumsmatthew   yes
06:23   ubuntugeek      i'll post the notes later on
06:23   jdong   ubuntugeek: sure thing
06:23   ubuntugeek      thanks guys
06:23   heno    Just introducing myself really :)
06:23   jdong   heno: we'd love to hear :)
06:23   heno    I'd love to see some involvement from forum mods/leaders in the ISO testing of Herd 2
06:24   heno    starting this week
06:24   heno    (we think)
06:24   jdong   ok
06:24   jdong   what can we do to help with the ISO testing?
06:24   heno    And generally you can contact me with development related items
06:25   heno    jdong: see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=201
06:25   jdong   viewing it right now
06:25   heno    I'd like help in collating the test data as it comes in
06:26   heno    It might be just a few testers or a whole flood, who knows ;)
06:26   jdong   first we need to get the word out more prominently
06:26   heno    I also look forward to working with the Forum Ambassadors when they get going
06:26   jdong   I don't think many people will find or look for that particular subforum
06:26   heno    jdong: agreed
06:26   jdong   forumsmatthew, PriceChild, staff, how should we go about it?
06:27   jdong   the forums will have a large base of users willing to conduct such testing
06:27   heno    It needs to be promoted, but a slow, rolling start is OK too
06:27   heno    so we can figure out the mechanics of collating the data
06:27   heno    we need to be able to trust the results also ...
06:28   jdong   I'm currently reading the testing howto
06:28   jdong   does testing require the instalation of ubuntu from the candidate ISO's
06:28   jdong   or just booting them up and making sure they function
06:29   heno    usually, yes
06:29   jdong   ok
06:29   heno    testing the Live CD is just the simplest test
06:29   jdong   heno: first, I think the testing how-to needs to be tweaked a bit to be simpler to understand
06:29   heno    installation (in various ways) is important
06:29   jdong   exactly what is being asked
06:30   heno    the one in the forum, or wiki (or both)?
06:30   jdong   the one in the forum
06:30   jdong   make it more clear what you want users to do in order to be helpful
06:30   jdong   i.e. "find a spare computer that you can do ubuntu installations on, etc"
06:30   heno    btw, also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Current
06:31   heno    the current test results page
06:31   heno    right, I see. good point
06:31   jdong   right now, the documents are pretty easy to understand for developers
06:31   forumsmatthew   I think if you make it clear for people who are not used to doing this sort of thing
06:31   forumsmatthew   how to do it
06:31   forumsmatthew   you will get some good volunteers
06:31   jdong   right
06:32   heno    ok, cool
06:32   forumsmatthew   most forums members are new at this sort of thing
06:32   forumsmatthew   but want to help
06:32   forumsmatthew   they just don't know how
06:32   forumsmatthew   give clear steps and I think they will come
06:32   heno    great, ok. I'll fix that
06:32   jdong   we'd be glad to allow you to post a linking thread in a prominent area of the forum whenever testing is requested
06:32   jdong   just right now, I think you'll get a lot of "huh?" and not much useful input
06:33   heno    is there any other place we should post a basic introduction
06:33   jdong   an introduction paragraph explaining in easy to understand terms of what ISO testing is, why it needs to be done, and what it involves from the user
06:33   heno    the Cafe or something?
06:33   jdong   would be nice for the howto
06:33   heno    right
06:33   forumsmatthew   I agree: howto
06:33   jdong   heno: revise the testing how-to to be an easy-to-understand document
06:34   jdong   with a quick summary at the top so users can quickly determine if they want to do it or not
06:34   heno    yep, ok
06:34   heno    thanks, good feedback
06:34   jdong   then, every time a candidate CD rolls out, you can post a "ISO Testers Required" post in, say, the cafe, linking to that howto
06:35   jdong   or perhaps such postings would be more appropriate in the Feisty Fawn development forum
06:35   heno    Yes, I'm already a bit active there
06:35   forumsmatthew   I think the development forum is the place where you are most likely to find people interested
06:35   jdong   (http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=179)
06:36   forumsmatthew   but an announement in the cafe with a link to the howto couldn't hurt
06:36   heno    It also helps if they have some Linux familiarity too
06:36   PriceChild      We really need to make the dev forum useful....
06:36   jdong   right
06:36   heno    so they can file good bug reports with logs, etc
06:36   PriceChild      edgy's was great but feisty's been a bit pants... a project like this would help loads :)
06:36   jdong   heno: you can request any level of experience you think appropriate, just make it clear what you expect from testers please :)
06:36   jdong   I also noticed this from heno: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=333915
06:37   jdong   some of that should probably be expanded or updated
06:37   jdong   i.e. AFAIK new specs aren't gonna be accepted for feisty anymore
06:37   jdong   bug reporting, triaging, and testing ISO images should be expanded a bit
06:38   heno    or reworded, rather
06:38   jdong   with more info on what would be helpful
06:38   jdong   and in the case of triaging, how to go about it
06:38   heno    (I posted it just yesterday)
06:38   heno    the point is basically that there is little point suggesting new features now
06:39   heno    but you can always start on a spec for Feisty+1
06:39   jdong   right
06:39   heno    I should make that more clear
06:39   jdong   say that bluntly :)
06:39   heno    ok
06:39   jdong   also, reword the bug triaging stuff to be a bit more 'threatening'
06:39   jdong   more to the likening of "if you don't help us find these bugs, don't cry about the bugs on release day"
06:40   jdong   ;-)
06:40   PriceChild      come on you're a dev heno, you should know that already ;)
06:40   heno    I've lived in England too long :)
06:40   jdong   in any communicatons medium, people will skim and read with ADHD
06:40   heno    yeah, need to sharpen my terseness a bit
06:40   PriceChild      big bold red writing helps I find :P
06:40   jdong   heno: at one point my backports guidelines were bumped to size-108 fonts
06:41   jdong   because nobody would freakin listen :)
06:41   heno    heh, ok
06:42   heno    right, I think that's all from me for now
06:42   jdong   heno: and whenever you see the forums having unholy behavior (using the forums as a bug tracker, posting unsafe checkinstalled debs or other unsafe instructions, etc) please let us know :)
06:42   jdong   we'd like to keep that sort of behavior controlled
06:42   heno    I'll check in on these meetings regularly
06:42   jdong   don't be afraid to use the Report Posts button when you see stuff like that, heno
06:42   heno    right, ok
06:43   heno    I might apply for mod rights in the feisty forum too
06:43   heno    (as I have in the ISO testing forum)
06:43   jdong   heno: right now we have technical issues with vbulletin and making limited-mods
06:43   jdong   heno: you say you have mod access in iso testing?
06:43   heno    yes
06:43   jdong   ok, perhaps things have changed :)
06:43   heno    and I've used it sucessfully
06:44   jdong   I +1 your mod rights to feisty forum
06:44   jdong   ubuntugeek will have to apply that when I talk to him later
06:44   jdong   ok, that takes care of the official agenda
06:44   heno    right
06:44   jdong   right?
06:44   PriceChild      jdong, could we also maybe have the forum council subforum on the frontpage?
06:44   vorian_ according to the wiki yes
06:45   jdong   PriceChild: that's stuff you talk to Ryan about :D
06:45   PriceChild      hehe ok
06:45   jdong   I don't like touching that part of admincp :D
06:45   PriceChild      will ask him later
06:45   jdong   there is one more thing I'd like to take this time to discuss....
06:45   PriceChild      jdong, what do you touch? ;)
06:45   jdong   PriceChild: I spent a good portion of yesterday reading vbulletin documentation
06:45   jdong   so I'm getting better darnit :)
06:46   vorian_ lol
06:46   PriceChild      he he i was only joking sorry :)
06:46   jdong   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=330230
06:46   jdong   we still have this unaddressed res center thread
06:46   jdong   regarding where to draw the line with spamming
06:47   vorian_ it is borderline....
06:47   jdong   vorian_ indeed it is, but in this case the user seems to have good intentions at heart
06:47   jdong   and from that thread, he is cooperative
06:47   vorian_ agreed, I see no self promotion
06:48   vorian_ it is for the betterment of ubuntu
06:48   jdong   currently we have very weak/vague guidelines as to advertising vs spam
06:48   jdong   "If a thread is spam it will be moved to the forum jail."
06:49   vorian_ what about community market
06:49   vorian_ ?
06:49   jdong   vorian_ that says "please do not spam" :D
06:49   PriceChild      I think its best we leave it to staff's discression
06:49   jdong   aye, I think it should be left at the staff's discretion
=== vorian_ sorry
06:50   jdong   I was thinking obtaining staff approval too
06:50   jdong   particularly low-bean-count people
06:50   heno    Perhaps let him re-post a slightly altered version, say without the '$$$'
06:51   heno    at some clause about good taste to border-line spam case decisions
06:51   heno    add, rather
06:51   jdong   right
06:51   jdong   I'm all for allowing tousimis to continue with his service
06:53   PriceChild      I'm happy with him also
06:54   jdong   so far I'm gonna reply to him that (1) He may continue promoting/developing/offering his service (2) Spam vs not spam decisions will be made on a per-case basis at the discretion of the staff member handling the thread (3) If you have low-bean count it's helpful to first clear it by PM'ing an administrator or staff member
06:54   jdong   any objections?
06:54   PriceChild      in addition to no. 1
06:54   PriceChild      the promoting in the appropriate subforum
06:55   PriceChild      and signature
06:55   jdong   (marketplace?)
06:55   PriceChild      yup
06:56   jdong   what currently happens when a user is banned?
06:56   jdong   are they unable to log in?
06:57   PriceChild      depends on the type of ban?
06:57   jdong   spam infractions?
06:57   PriceChild      that's just a ban on the name
06:57   jdong   the OP seems to state that he couldn't read his PM's?
06:57   jdong   once he was banned
06:57   PriceChild      yeah
06:57   jdong   heh
06:57   PriceChild      when you log in because of spam infraction you can't see aything
06:58   jdong   can you see your infraction notices
06:58   PriceChild      jdong, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=332163
06:58   PriceChild      Nope
06:58   jdong   and can you contact staff members for a rebuttal?
06:58   PriceChild      vorian_, sorry but you can't see that link
06:58   PriceChild      No
06:58   jdong   uhm, lovely :)
06:58   PriceChild      jdong, my issues with it were outlined int hat thread :)
06:58   vorian_ PriceChild: :)
06:59   jdong   ok
06:59   jdong   I think we need to refine the behavior of infraction-based bans
06:59   PriceChild      uip
06:59   jdong   but at a later meeting when all staff members are present
06:59   jdong   it simply doesn't make sense at the moment
06:59   PriceChild      jdong, arg rav tux has changed his avatar again lol :P
07:00   vorian_ hehe
07:00   PriceChild      ubuntugeek mentioned making another meeting within a week or two because of the approval of matthew and mikeb
07:00   PriceChild      we can sort things out then :)
07:02   PriceChild      So....
=== jdong still typing out a flowery version of what he said
07:03   vorian_ jdong: Does this council have a launchpad entry?
07:03   jdong   vorian_: err i dont know :D
07:03   jdong   lol
07:03   vorian_ hehe
07:03   jdong   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1989441#post1989441 , my response
07:04   PriceChild      looks good :)
07:04   jdong   ok, anything further?
07:04   PriceChild      vorian_, not yet no
07:04   PriceChild      Im' happy :)
07:04   jdong   I'd like to play starcraft on my large screen
07:04   vorian_ jd
07:04   PriceChild      I'll post logs to the subforum and wiki
07:05   jdong   ok, PriceChild
07:05   jdong   and vorian_ gets to have fun too :D
07:05   PriceChild      seen as vorian_ got d/c and missed out bits :P
07:05   jdong   yep
07:05   jdong   ok, anything futher?
07:05   vorian_ PriceChild: thanks
07:05   jdong   can I bang the hammer thingie?
=== vorian_ stands in applause!
=== jdong bangs hammer
07:06   jdong   meeting is over, thanks to those who showed up and contributed
07:06   vorian_ thanks everyone!
07:06   jdong   next meeting scheduled.... err... whenever :)
07:06   vorian_ that will be a fun one
07:06   jdong   (we will likely have a follow-up meeting)
07:06   PriceChild      13th of february
07:06   PriceChild      although there'll be one inbetween
07:06   jdong   PriceChild: yeah
07:07   jdong   anyway
07:07   jdong   we can hammer out the agendas later :)
07:07   jdong   alright, starcraft time :)

MeetingLogs/ForumCouncil/2006-01-09 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:23:55 by localhost)