

(09:00:27 AM) Keybuk: let's get going anyway
(09:00:34 AM) Keybuk: I've been collecting agenda items at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/DevelopmentMeeting
(09:00:42 AM) Keybuk: (and this also links to the previous meeting minutes now)
(09:01:16 AM) Keybuk: so previous meeting actions
(09:01:29 AM) Keybuk: kwwii: is the art-team spec ready for review?
(09:01:37 AM) kwwii: Keybuk: yes
(09:01:44 AM) Keybuk: kwwii: could you mark it as Review in LP?
(09:01:51 AM) MacSlow: desktopEffects I'll have finished by tomorrow, face-browser is done and the other two are also done by the weekend
(09:01:55 AM) kwwii: Keybuk: will do
(09:02:00 AM) MacSlow: hi kwwii
(09:02:09 AM) kwwii: hi MacSlow
(09:02:45 AM) Keybuk: ok, so the following actions get carried over
(09:02:45 AM) Keybuk: ACTION: kwwii to complete hardy-theme and hardy-icon-theme after decision at London presentation
(09:03:01 AM) Keybuk: ACTION: MacSlow to complete drafting of hardy-desktop-effects and other assigned specs
(09:03:59 AM) Keybuk: ok, so spec progress
(09:04:19 AM) Keybuk: not expecting anything significant at this point, but if you have any interesting highlights, please shout out when your name is called ;)
(09:04:21 AM) Keybuk: Riddell: ?
(09:04:40 AM) Riddell: KDE 4 packages are all done for this round
(09:04:50 AM) Keybuk: cool, so updated beta for alpha 1?
(09:05:03 AM) Riddell: release candiate infact
(09:05:07 AM) Keybuk: which RC?
(09:05:13 AM) Riddell: KDE 4 rc 1
(09:05:20 AM) Keybuk: good work!
(09:05:27 AM) Riddell: although KDE 4 will probably be delayed until early january
(09:05:43 AM) Keybuk: oh, why the hold up?
(09:06:07 AM) Riddell: lots of bits are broken
(09:06:21 AM) Riddell: people were complining you can't change the desktop background, that seems to be a favourite feature
(09:06:43 AM) Riddell: I also packaged trolltech's webkitkde for konqueror, still very experimental but promising
(09:06:54 AM) Keybuk: oh, the confusement
(09:07:14 AM) Keybuk: so webkit started as khtml, used by konq, and now knoq uses webkit? :)
(09:07:36 AM) Riddell: that's the circle of life
(09:07:42 AM) Keybuk: indeed
(09:07:44 AM) Keybuk: ok, thanks
(09:07:51 AM) Keybuk: kwwii: your specs are largely blocking on the london meeting next week, but any interesting developments?
(09:08:03 AM) Riddell: (New queue processing on webkitkde appreciated archive admins)
(09:08:23 AM) pitti: noted ^
(09:08:28 AM) kwwii: nothing amazing, I have just about every idea under the sun in the presentation, we'll see what comes of that
(09:08:39 AM) Keybuk: :-)  If you want to send me another draft, please feel free
(09:08:51 AM) kwwii: one thing with the art team that we are blocked on is getting out the new art.ubuntu.com site
(09:08:59 AM) Keybuk: who is that blocking on?
(09:09:03 AM) kwwii: Keybuk: I'll send you something in a few hours
(09:09:19 AM) kwwii: it is waiting for some code review
(09:09:30 AM) Keybuk: LP?  IS?  newz2000?
(09:10:12 AM) kwwii: yeah, newz2000 got the new stuff running but he told me it is waiting for review
(09:10:23 AM) kwwii: I am guessing it is some lp functionality which was missing before
(09:11:17 AM) Keybuk: ok
(09:11:26 AM) Keybuk: do you need any pressure from me to help that through?  do you have bug#s or anything?
(09:11:57 AM) kwwii: at this point we have only been waiting for a couple of weeks, if it gets to be a month and nothing happens I'll move the pressure up a notch
(09:12:23 AM) Keybuk: ok
(09:12:26 AM) Keybuk: please do let me know
(09:12:38 AM) kwwii: will do
(09:12:38 AM) Keybuk: pitti: any interesting developments/progress to report this early?
(09:12:54 AM) pitti: nothing beyond my weekly report
(09:12:55 AM) asac_ is now known as asac
(09:13:01 AM) pitti: I was mainly hacking on r-m and doing archive/release stuff
(09:13:09 AM) pitti: but there's nothing shiny about the new r-m yet
(09:13:33 AM) pitti: (and dapper.2, but nothing for this meeting)
(09:13:36 AM) MacSlow: pitti, hey... we can do widget-reflections now ;)
(09:14:08 AM) Keybuk: *nods*  I have added the discussion about weekly reports to the team leads meeting later today; my preference is just to include all of yours in our own team meeting report
(09:14:53 AM) tedg: Keybuk: versus what?
(09:15:03 AM) Keybuk: versus a single one for the entire distro team, for example
(09:15:10 AM) tedg: Ah okay.
(09:15:13 AM) Keybuk: (which was the original plan which has never happened :p)
(09:15:34 AM) Keybuk: mvo: anything interesting?
(09:15:42 AM) mvo: compiz: git HEAD packages almost ready for upload, keybinding settings
(09:15:42 AM) mvo:         changed, need to be updated
(09:15:50 AM) mvo: but otherwise its good to go
(09:15:55 AM) Keybuk: is git head based on 0.6 or 0.7?
(09:15:59 AM) mvo: 0.7
(09:16:09 AM) Keybuk: what's the progress like on that?
(09:16:22 AM) mvo: all packages are ready, the complete stack needs to get uploaded
(09:16:45 AM) Keybuk: upstream, I mean
(09:16:47 AM) mvo: not too much new stuff in 0.7 yet, it seems everyone is waiting for the new object system branch to get merged
(09:16:50 AM) seb128: is 0.7 an unstable serie?
(09:16:53 AM) mvo: yes
(09:17:01 AM) seb128: will they get a stable one before hardy?
(09:17:05 AM) seb128: (just curious there)
(09:17:18 AM) mvo: they told us they will branch  a stable in time
(09:17:25 AM) seb128: ok
(09:17:27 AM) mvo: MacSlow: any word from david yet?
(09:17:53 AM) mvo: upgrades are working okish too, dapper->hardy inside kvm with the release-upgrader and backported apt/dpkg works now (server upgrade only)
(09:17:57 AM) MacSlow: mvo, no :/ I'll tell you first once I do get a reply
(09:18:17 AM) mvo: dapper->hardy with ubuntu-desktop is currently runnig on my machine, I got some file overwrite problems and postinst issues, but its not yet finished
(09:18:39 AM) mvo: (thats all)
(09:18:42 AM) Keybuk: ok, thanks
(09:18:50 AM) Keybuk: MacSlow: ?
(09:19:09 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, you too don't worry :)
(09:19:27 AM) Keybuk: I mean any interesting highlights to report for the past week?
(09:20:25 AM) MacSlow: well the most interesting thing is probably that I got redirected widget-rendering working in gtk+ (with some cairo-magic) http://macslow.thepimp.net/clips/reflected-widgets-1.ogg
(09:21:07 AM) kwwii: boah, killer
(09:21:09 AM) MacSlow: in the works and not done are similar experiments with redirected gtk+-widgets _ontop_ of a OpenG-context
(09:21:09 AM) tedg: MacSlow: That's pretty cool.
(09:21:26 AM) MacSlow: but that will probably still take a day or two more
(09:22:05 AM) Keybuk: very shiny :-)
(09:22:21 AM) Keybuk: tedg: any interesting news to report?  I know you've spent the past week on gnome-screensaver, etc.
(09:22:35 AM) tedg: Nothing interesting.
(09:22:42 AM) tedg: Working on the screensaver blueprint.
(09:22:55 AM) tedg: Do you want to look at removing "boring" screensavers?
(09:22:59 AM) Keybuk: I saw a question about a Debian screensaver?
(09:23:04 AM) ogra: tedg, i guess it would make sense to review our default hacks selection in xscreensaver
(09:23:09 AM) Keybuk: boring ones, those that are impossible to use without configuration, etc.
(09:23:17 AM) ogra: the list we ship is quite old
(09:23:23 AM) Keybuk: (the question of actually getting configuration back is +n material)
(09:23:24 AM) MacSlow: tedg, are the rss-screensavers in main?
(09:23:27 AM) ogra: there are surely new intresting ones
(09:23:32 AM) tedg: Yeah, apparently adding the Debian logo screensaver might offend Debian.  I don't get it, but that was the chat last night.
(09:23:32 AM) ogra: MacSlow, yep
(09:23:40 AM) MacSlow: I like those
(09:23:43 AM) kwwii: it would be better to offer only a few really good ones that including a long list of useless/ugly crap
(09:23:56 AM) kwwii: s/that/than
(09:23:58 AM) ogra: MacSlow, very expensive ressource wise though
(09:24:08 AM) MacSlow: screensavers are something so useless... but so fun thing to hack on
(09:24:15 AM) tedg: Okay, we might need to have a selection for older computers and such.
(09:24:27 AM) ogra: if you take them away expect people to show up at yur door :)
(09:24:31 AM) MacSlow: ogra, hm... joa... kind of battery-burning
(09:24:33 AM) ***Keybuk uses "Blank Screen" and the f-spot screensaver, heh
(09:24:37 AM) ogra: users love screensavers ... whyever
(09:25:09 AM) Keybuk: we can always have a -extra ;)
(09:25:12 AM) MacSlow: ogra, funky and shiny screensavers rock on booth-computers at computer-fairs
(09:25:18 AM) ogra: we already have that  :)
(09:25:18 AM) tedg: Should we break the "Ubuntu Screensaver" into it's own package so that it's easier to theme?
(09:25:28 AM) ogra: Keybuk, -extra-extra you mean ;)
(09:25:35 AM) Keybuk: -read-all-about-it
(09:25:38 AM) Keybuk: (or is that rss?)
(09:25:55 AM) Keybuk: tedg: I can't remember what the theme plans are this time?  kwwii would know
(09:26:03 AM) tedg: Also, my other question: does it make sense to have an "Ubuntu your video card sucks" and a "Ubuntu it looks nice"?
(09:27:08 AM) Keybuk: I have no problem with it only working on decent video cards
(09:27:55 AM) Keybuk: ok, thanks
(09:28:15 AM) Keybuk: I didn't receive any additional agenda items this week
(09:28:19 AM) Keybuk: so we do have any other business?
(09:28:30 AM) tedg: Keybuk: Okay.  I think we should keep it simple though -- for things like LTSP.  Not over the top.
(09:28:57 AM) tedg: I wanted to ask about the art-packages, who got stuck with those?  kwwii?
(09:29:14 AM) kwwii: tedg: yeah
(09:29:24 AM) kwwii: apparently so
(09:29:30 AM) ogra: tedg, LTSP wrt screensaver you mean  ?
(09:29:31 AM) MacSlow: tedg, Keybuk: i915 are decent... as long as you're not a hard-core fps-gamer
(09:29:46 AM) tedg: ogra: Yeah.
(09:29:50 AM) kwwii: tedg: I think the screensaver should be in a seperate packge
(09:29:59 AM) ogra: tedg, there is a patch that disables anything but blanking for LTSP clients
(09:30:14 AM) tedg: Keybuk: Okay, I knew I was on the list at some point, I wanted to make sure I didn't miss getting tagged :)
(09:30:19 AM) MacSlow: tedg, Keybuk: unfortunately "decent" is more dependent on driver and exposed GL-features
(09:30:35 AM) ogra: kwwii, the "screensaver" is in 6 separate packages atm, how much fragmentation do you want ?
(09:31:11 AM) MacSlow: tedg, Keybuk: I wonder if it would make sense to write a cairo-only screensaver-module (assuming proper EXA-support)
(09:31:12 AM) tedg: ogra: Good to know, no performance issues on blank :)
(09:31:17 AM) kwwii: ogra: I just want the ubuntu one to be in a package of it's own so that art people can update it without a problem, in addition to allowing other variants to use their logo
(09:32:00 AM) tedg: Yeah, it would be nice of there was a default Ubuntu Studio screensaver that would work there also by default.
(09:32:02 AM) ogra: kwwii, thats the purpose of xscreensaver-data
(09:32:14 AM) ogra: it just needs a cleanup of the list it ships
(09:32:52 AM) ogra: (-data are all non GL screensavers we ship by default ... the GL ones are in xscreensaver-gl)
(09:33:16 AM) tedg: Does data have .desktop files in it?
(09:33:21 AM) ogra: yep
(09:33:31 AM) ogra: it generates them in debian/rules iirc
(09:34:03 AM) kwwii: how easy is it or variants to change the logo and include only their version in their variant atm?
(09:34:53 AM) ogra: they can just add their hack and change the gconf setting
(09:34:55 AM) tedg: ogra: Wow, that's a complex rules file -- I'll take your word on it :)
(09:35:16 AM) ogra: tedg, feel free to pick my brain if you stumble over anything :)
(09:35:35 AM) kwwii: ogra: but that would still install the ubuntu version as well, or?
(09:35:37 AM) Keybuk: ok, sounds like this can be taken offline now :-)
(09:35:41 AM) tedg: kwwii: To replace the Ubuntu one they'd have to spin gnome-screen-saver
(09:35:58 AM) ogra: kwwii, right
(09:36:01 AM) Keybuk: any other any other business?
(09:36:08 AM) ogra: kwwii, but yzu can make the other one default easily
(09:36:22 AM) tedg: Keybuk: nope.
(09:36:30 AM) kwwii: ogra: right, but the inclusion of an extra logo is what I want to avoid, anyway...we can talk about it later
(09:36:59 AM) ogra: kwwii, look at /usr/share/gconf/defaults/10_gnome-screensaver .... if you make a /usr/share/gconf/defaults/20_ubuntustudio-screensaver it will override the settings and you can put "/apps/gnome-screensaver/theme screensavers-ubuntustudio_theme" in it
(09:37:17 AM) ogra: the ubuntu one would still be in the selection indeed
(09:37:26 AM) Keybuk: ok, adjourned

MeetingLogs/Desktop/20071129 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:18 by localhost)