

This is meant to be an idea pool for the redesign of the Ubuntu Media Center website. This is primarily a task for the Marketing Strike Force, but all team input is very welcome.


  1. Wordpress

    • Used to post news.
    • Functions as a light CMS for serving static content (About, Downloads, Screenshots, etc.).

  1. DokuWiki

    • Used to house documentation, howtos, user-generated content, and information for developers.
  2. PunBB

    • Serves as the discussion forum.


A top navigation shall be used. This will allow easier integration with the wiki and forum. A side navigation would limit the width of PunBB and DokuWiki and this is unacceptable.

Home: brief description of UMC, widgets for recent news and releases

About: full description of UMC; its purpose, goals, history, etc.

  • Screenshots

    Members: List of members

News: main Wordpress blog page with news and announcements

  • Archive: Wordpress Archives page

    Categories: Wordpress categorized archives page

Download: static page with links to releases

Development: static page with links to Launchpad team, source code repositories, how to get started contributing, etc.

  • Coding Standards: describe the expected appearance and formatting of contributed code

Contact: Details about mailing lists, IRC, etc.

Forums: Link PunBB

Wiki: Link DokuWiki

Forum Hierarchy

TODO: determine non-artwork related forums

This is the hierarchy of the forums and their sections. Presumably, this will be offered in French and English.

Brainstorming (open section where people can dump ideas and concepts)


  • - Logo
    - icons
    - background
    - main menu
    - standard menu
    - players and playlists
    - configuration
    - usplash theme


  • - general concept
    - tree by sections
    - main menu
    - standard menu
    - players/playlist
    - configuration
    - boot process (from usplash to elisa)


  • - main menu
    - standard menu
    - transition between players and standard menu
    - photos slideshow
    - boot process (from usplash to elisa)

Wiki Hierarchy



Each component mentioned above will have it's own authentication backend. Perhaps it can be unified in the future.



We should follow the palette described at Media_Center_Artwork. This will likely involve a primarily green color scheme.

To be determined. See Media_Center_Artwork.


MediaCenter/Website (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:40 by localhost)