
Reporte - Julio 2008

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  • Hicimos parte de forma no oficial en http://www.campus-party.com.co Bogotá, Colombia, como equipo y organizando 2 actividades de modding de escritorios y entornos gráficos, ademas de hacer parte de el installfest que duro toda la semana del festival realizando aproximadamente 80 instalaciones de UbuntuGalería de fotos CampusParty

  • Installfest en el SENA Bogotá en los computadores prestados para la primera jornada de Software Libre en esta institución. Galería de fotos

  • Se llevo a cabo la primera Bogotá, donde dimos diferentes charlas y contamos con una sala de demostraciones y talleres. Galería de fotos

  • Ubuntu y Cali Underground se unieron para compartir el Software Libre junto a el Rock, concierto y demostraciones de Linux en un mismo evento.


  • We were part of Campus Party Colombia in no official way, as a team and organizing two activities about desktop and graphic enviroments modding, additional to being part of the install fest that lasted the whole week long, doing around 80 Ubuntu installations. Campus Party photo Gallery.

  • Installfest on SENA Bogota, on the borrowed computers for the first free software journey on this institution. Photo Gallery.

  • The first Free Software Journey took place on SENA Bogotá, where different talks were given and had a demostration and workwhops room. Photo Gallery.

  • Ubuntu and Cali underground got together to share free software among Rock music, there was a concert and linux demostrations on the same event.

ColombianTeam/TeamReportsOld/Julio2008 (last edited 2010-03-01 18:50:45 by adsl190-2574166)