
  • PaulGear sent out various excess stickers and CDs from AustralianTeam/LCA2011Brisbane Open Day to a number of people who requested them on the mailing list. There are still quite a few CDs to give away.

  • PaulGear approached Redland City Library about providing Ubuntu training sessions and free CDs for their upcoming Explore IT Expo. The librarian had not heard of Linux at all (that just proves how widespread bug #1 is), but agreed to research it. Unfortunately i did not have any of my own or the team's business cards to give her, so she had to rely my messy handwriting to get the web site addresses. I will make another approach in a more prepared fashion in the near future.

  • February Meeting - Regular Team Meeting held 8th February, chaired by nisshh) and attended by 18 team members.

  • JaredNorris has been appointed as the replacement team contact made vacant by MelissaDraper's impending move overseas - mailing list announcement

AustralianTeam/TeamReports/11/February (last edited 2011-03-02 14:51:34 by CPE-121-208-64-131)