
If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with Toddc


  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
  3. TBA
  4. TBA
  5. TBA
  6. Agenda for next week


[21:00] <toddc> Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 [21:01] <toddc> +1 [21:01] <paul928> +1 [21:01] <LostPenguin> ++ [21:01] -->| Dazed_75 (~larry@173-16-160-52.client.mchsi.com) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:01] <toddc> Star Date 64757.8 just in time I was just starting [21:01] <Dazed_75> Hiyas [21:01] <toddc> hey [21:01] <toddc> Our launch pad site https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-arizona [21:01] <toddc> Our web site is azloco.com [21:01] <toddc> azlocobbb.banditti.com Big Blue Button sever-- Audio Video Chat with others but still in testing [21:02] <toddc> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. [21:02] <toddc> Anyone here new tonight please introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself? [21:02] <toddc> rav is still sleepng it off [21:03] <toddc> I will start the news and see if more show up [21:03] <toddc> Here is new news from ubuntu news: [21:03] <toddc> how to disable unity and use gnome with 11.04 [21:03] <toddc> http://www.zdnet.com/blog/hardware/how-to-disable-unity-and-go-back-to-the-classic-interface-in-ubuntu-1104-natty-narwhal/12176 [21:04] <toddc> 6 handy sites for ubuntu news tricks and tips [21:04] <toddc> http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/6-handy-sites-learn-ubuntu-tweaks-tricks/ [21:04] <toddc> How to install Firefox 4.0 on 10.10 [21:04] <toddc> http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-firefox-4.0-deb-package-on-ubuntu-10.10 [21:04] <toddc> how to control ubuntu from the command line tutorial for starting level command line [21:04] <toddc> http://apcmag.com/how-to-control-ubuntu-from-the-command-line.html [21:04] <toddc> ubuntu 11.04 new app will allow you to test new apps be for installing them [21:04] <toddc> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/ubuntu-software-center-lets-you-test.html [21:04] <toddc> Ubumatic is a tool that build simple scripts to make configuring ubuntu easy for us none coders [21:04] <toddc> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubumatic-simple-script-to-configure-most-basic-activities-on-ubuntu-11-0410-1010-04.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ubumatic-simple-script-to-configure-most-basic-activities-on-ubuntu-11-0410-1010-04 [21:05] <toddc> ACCESS linux partitions from windows OS(why?) Ext2Explore [21:05] <toddc> it reads ext2,ext3,ext4, [21:05] -->| [R] (~rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:05] <toddc> http://www.ubuntu-how-to.com/2011/02/windows-ext3-ext4-partition.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+UbuntuHowTo+%28Ubuntu+How+To+-+Ubuntu+and+Kubuntu+Tutorials%2C+News+and+Live+support%29 [21:05] <toddc> hi [R] [21:06] <toddc> NOTICE ubuntu 9.10 end of life april 30 [21:06] <toddc> JOB LIST [21:06] <toddc> Linux Developer: Linux open source development using C with Security expertise. Location-Chandler,AZ...contact me mdutta@volt.com [21:06] -->| bj0_ (~bjp@ip70-190-25-45.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:07] -->| slofgren (~slofgren@ has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:07] |<-- slofgren has left freenode (Changing host) [21:07] -->| slofgren (~slofgren@unaffiliated/slofgren) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:07] <toddc> TEAM SERVER NEWS [21:07] <toddc> hi bjo [21:07] <toddc> his week we tried to set up a video feed to ABLEconf simple right? Well we are now proud to show [21:07] <toddc> off Big Blue Button try it and let us know what you think of it http://azlocobbb.banditti.com [21:07] <toddc> I need help updating Drupal for azloco.com if some one has time or willing to figure it out then we should add some content etc afterwards. We have had several uses fail to sign up due to failed captcha. [21:08] -->| paul928_ (~paul@192.sub-75-207-44.myvzw.com) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:08] <toddc> hi paul928 [21:08] <toddc> I also would like some help copying meeting logs to out team wiki and azloco this would be weekly and should only take a few minutes [21:08] <paul928_> hello...other netsplit? [21:08] |<-- slofgren_ has left freenode (*.net *.split) [21:08] |<-- paul928 has left freenode (*.net *.split) [21:09] |<-- bj0 has left freenode (*.net *.split) [21:09] <toddc> yes they are working on it so it may happen again [21:09] =-= paul928_ is now known as paul928 [21:10] <toddc> Future BBB server thoughts are a log in screen and copy chat to IRC and back and syn-ack is writing [21:10] <toddc> a blog for azloco.com on thoughts after he installed and configured it. [21:10] <toddc> TUCSON INSTALLFEST NEWS [21:10] <toddc> The good: We got there and got setup. We had a lot of great help doing this with a total of around twelve people helping out and setting up. [21:11] <toddc> The great: I had a wonderful time meeting all the /southern az members and putting faces to names and nicks. I think next time I may take photos and notes since I am bad at that area. And after the event we went to Oregano's and had a great meal. [21:11] <toddc> The bad: due to several large outdoor events that weekend we had poor attendance 1 install on my spare box (thanks to all those that actually did it) and one repair-install [21:11] <toddc> the Result is we need to plan better we had great location and support. [21:11] <toddc> Thanks to Lost Penguin for all the help on getting the ball rolling and contacts [21:11] <toddc> thanks also goes out to azmike for posting the flyer's for the event [21:12] <toddc> TEMPE INSTALLFEST NEWS [21:12] |<-- paul928 has left freenode (Changing host) [21:12] -->| paul928 (~paul@unaffiliated/paul928) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ [21:12] <toddc> Azloco/plug installfest is Saturday 4/23 at UAT 48st and Baseline road Tempe across from Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 [21:13] <toddc> The last several installfests have been very busy so if you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up. [21:13] <toddc> UBUNTU TRAINING [21:13] <toddc> Last week I had the chance to use the lernid irc program and take all the ubuntu cloud training classes [21:13] <toddc> and found it a great way to learn more about cloud computing for free let me know if you heed help [21:13] <toddc> but is was very easy and I learned a lot. [21:13] <toddc> April 1-15 will have several classes appdevel check it out [21:14] <toddc> FUTURE EVENTS [21:14] <toddc> Are there any interests in doing any other group projects--installfests or server projects? [21:14] <toddc> Any thoughts for a 11.04 release Party? [21:14] <Dazed_75> Actually, the IF is 4/30, not 4/23 (thought that might be the server installfest) [21:14] <toddc> I need to change my notes thanks [21:15] <toddc> ASUlugs have asked for help and want to do some events with us they have a hackfest on 4/9 [21:15] <toddc> from 12-3 I will post it on azloco calender also they have a installfest 4\16 9am-5pm that I will post to azloc calender. both events are at ASU [21:15] <toddc> PLUG EVENTS [21:15] <toddc> Thursday 19.30 developer meeting UAT [21:15] <toddc> Linux Security Hackfest 12-3 Sat AT Gangplank [21:15] <Dazed_75> Which are they looking for help on? and what kind of help? [21:16] <toddc> install and project support [21:16] <toddc> they also want to do some our events so we will let them know what where and when [21:17] <toddc> that is it for current news any comments or questions? [21:18] <LostPenguin> Wish I could have been there on saturday, the job I had was a nightmare [21:18] <toddc> we missed you but understand [21:18] <toddc> job 1 [21:19] <Dazed_75> Ubuntu User Magazine #7 has a good article on High Dynamic Range photo processing in Linux (just FYI) [21:19] <toddc> cool [21:20] <toddc> my 11.04 failed to boot tonight so the ride must have shook it up so reinstall tonight and see maybe drive going bad [21:20] <toddc> FernHans if you are here do you have any news for us? [21:21] <toddc> thanks for coming tonight but I will be here a while}}} block.

Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam


ArizonaTeam/Meetings/11April03 (last edited 2011-04-05 06:07:51 by ip98-177-246-154)