Personal Data

Name: Arturo Hernández C.

Alias: Toluxero

Origin City: Toluca, México State

Born Date: June, 1990

Actual Location: Toluca, Mexico State

Languages: Spanish, and English

Email: <toluxero AT SPAMFREE ubuntu DOT com>

My Public Profiles

I'm recognized in internet as Toluxero. My link to the public profiles in diferents places:



IRC: toluxero, channels #ubuntu-mx @

History with Linux

User of Linux since December, 2005

First Distribution Contact: Fedora

Ubuntu Contribution

Ubuntu today's and the future

Ubuntu is an excellent OS for any person, the use of ubuntu is vital, and my wish is to support the project in México with the official LoCo Team, in collaboration with fetova leader of ubuntu-mx. I will find the possibility of stablish special events and other projects for ubuntu distribution in México.

Support for membership

I met Toluxero at, and I can say he is a responsible man able to help others and focused on every goal. jamesjedimaster

Well, I've known Toluxero since the very first time I joined the Ubuntu wagon, back in April of 2009(Jaunty Jackalope had just been released). He's been very helpful and whenever he's available, he's ready to give you a hand (no matter how much of a n00b I was ). I have also witnessed that he's always willing to help at whatever needed in the LoCo, and he's a responsible and humble leader. -- JorgeVazq

I meet Toluxero in Ubuntu Mexico Team, I've seen his support for community organizing, contributing, giving support. We've discussed issues related to the group and I could be able to corroborate that really has a genuine interest in the community and support for Ubuntu Mexico. -- xbitcarry

Gracias por apoyar en nuestro idioma toluxero, es una excelente persona que apoya,un lider que muestra paciencia y sobre todo trasmite confianza a proseguir en el aprendizaje de linux y sobre todo UBUNTU. "Soy porque nosotros somos" encaja perfectamente en la manera de recibirnos a los novatos. SpArTaKo

Toluxero is a kind people and very patient, He always is helpful with all, also he know work in team.. I`ve talk with him and I can say he is very loyal, honest, and respect person. Actually we are wonrking in "UbuntuMexicoPOdcast" with more people, and colaborate with people like him is really good. zotoluco zotoluco

Toluxero es una persona de muy buena capacidad que ha apoyado a los que tienen problemas en distintos temas dentro del software libre, nos resuelve dudas a los novatos y sugiere algunos buenos debates que a veces se llevan acabo en IRC n.n. rkgarcia

This guy is a great person. Most part of his time is helping in serious projects on Ubuntu México and it makes a wonderful job. Is committed to his work and always willing to help others. -- magia154

We need people like Toluxero... his work is good and he is helps to Ubuntu México, we know this is a big and amazing project for this reason we need people with energy and love for Ubuntu Project... Go toluxero +1 DKcross Ubuntu Member leader of Ubuntu El Salvador and Ubuntu Centroamerica

Toluxero has proven to be a young man committed to the philosophy of Software Libre,the Information within everyone's reach! Toluxero ha demostrado ser un joven comprometido con la filosofía del Software Libre, la Información al alcanze de todos! -- aztk


toluxero (last edited 2010-10-07 00:14:31 by dsl-189-247-226-228-dyn)