
Revision 20 as of 2008-08-07 20:47:38

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Mario Limonciello


e-mail:............<superm1 AT>

e-mail:............<mario_limonciello AT>

IRC nickname:.....superm1 on Freenode network

Physical Location:.......Austin, TX.

Ubuntu Community Contributions


About a year and a half ago I started the Mythbuntu project that centers around getting a MythTV box setup with a lightweight Ubuntu based environment. From this project there have been parts all over Ubuntu both in universe and main that have had to be touched.


I work mostly on multimedia related applications. You can take a look at my last 50 uploads at and see that a majority of them end up being things that would be touched in a multimedia environment, but that also benefit the distro.


For Mythbuntu, we have a custom written frontend that inherits functionality from the GTK frontend. I've kept up maintenance on this and also have had some contributions that benefit ubiquity overall. An example of this was one of my really early contributions that split Ubiquity into a lot of glade files loaded at startup rather than a monolithic glade file that was very difficult to deal with.


I have been tracking down bugs with Dell hardware and either coordinating patches or writing patches.

AMD Driver

I am on the AMD beta team and act as a liaison to the Ubuntu community a lot. I maintain a set of scripts that is distributed as part of the AMD driver that will produce debian packages for usage on an Ubuntu system. For Intrepid, these packages are identical to the packages that are distributed in the Ubuntu archives. I've added an Ubuntu/source target to those scripts that will produce source packages that can be GPG signed and uploaded directly to the archive. If there are changes in the archive between drivers, I update a git tree with these scripts for those changes. You can look at this git tree here:


I've been maintaining the LIRC package (which is in main) for some time now. I've gone through and moved all the kernel modules into the Ubuntu kernel and have written some extensive debconf scripts to make it a simpler experience to use a remote.


Since working at Dell on the Ubuntu team, I try to make all of the changes necessary to enable Dell hardware available in the current development release of Ubuntu prior to the machines shipping out of the factory. I end up working with a lot of the above teams to keep efforts in sync and regularly have to interact with a lot of people in the community.


I have been tracking down additional bugs that were found near or shortly after release and working on SRUs to get these taken care of as well. Here is an example of a recent SRU that I've worked on:


One of the specs that I've been helping to make happen was to move the proprietary drivers out of LRM and into their own packages. Centering around this spec is a tool to allow the kernel modules to be built on your running kernel. This is what DKMS provides. I am the upstream maintainer for DKMS ( ) and have also been doing simultaneous uploads to Ubuntu when I do releases upstream.

DKMS is now in main so that restricted drivers can be installed without activating universe.

