About Me

Hi! I'm a biomedical engineer. I'm studding micro technology. I'm a big fan of technology in general. I enter in the free software something like 10 years ago, but it's been thanks to Ubuntu that helps me to immerse really dip in this great world. I also learn something about programming, in fact I have a blog about ruby and python. Nowadays I use Ubuntu and python with a lot of FS tools at work and home. I also join the bugsquad team a few months ago, and I'm trying to get involve as much as I can.

In a nutshell

Local community

Global community

Programming skils

Studding really hard python and ruby. You can take a look at some code in Github and Launchpad or you can visit my programming blog or my http://code.malev.com.ar/.

Contact Information

Marcos Vanetta

Where in the world

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Launchpad ID



malev @ irc.freenode.org

Personal website




I would like to



marcosvanetta (last edited 2010-04-29 00:51:17 by 190-172-6-7)