
Revision 6 as of 2021-07-05 14:04:37

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This document describes the policy for updating the fwupd, fwupdate, fwupd-signed and fwupdate-signed packages to new upstream versions in a stable, supported distro (including LTS releases).

fwupd is the firmware updating daemon used for performing updates on a variety of devices. Updates outside of the OS are performed using UEFI capsules.

fwupd versions older than 1.1.x used the fwupdate package and its EFI binary for performing UEFI capsule updates. fwupd versions 1.1.x and newer have subsumed fwupdate and now maintains and fully manages the lifecycle of the EFI binary.

Signed versions of the EFI binaries are in the respective *-signed packages.

The entire firmware update stack is maintained by Richard Hughes and Mario Limonciello.

Due to the nature of the coverage of various UEFI implementations across OEMs it's often difficult or impossible to foreshadow the impacts of a given fix on other OEMs implementations. OEMs that run into a problem on a particular version of fwupd/fwupdate can place information into the metadata to prevent updates from running on versions of fwupd/fwupdate that have known bugs.

Upstream does maintain stable release branches for distros like Ubuntu to pick up when applicable without going to the latest version of fwupd but still adopting fixes.


Due to this, upstream highly recommends distros to not backport individual patches so that OEMs can control only running fwupd/fwupdate updates on safe combinations.

OEMs can add the following to their metadata:


  • <id compare="ge" version="1.4.1">org.freedesktop.fwupd</id>


What can be SRUed

New versions of fwupd and fwupdate can both be SRU'ed into older releases provided following process is followed:

On an Ubuntu release that uses fwupd but not fwupdate (after bionic):

fwupd within the same stable release: For example 1_3_X to 1_3_Y branch.

fwupd across stable version: For example, SRU from 1_3_X to 1_4_Y branch.

On an Ubuntu release that uses both fwupdate and fwupd (such as xenial and earlier):

fwupdate: tarball releases only. No backported individual patches. If a tarball release isn't available, make upstream release one.

fwupd: fwupd releases in the 1.0.x series.

Full QA Process across stable releases

When a new version of fwupd (or fwupdate) is uploaded to -proposed, the following verification needs to be done:

  • Test that UEFI capsule updates still work properly on an OEM system pulling from LVFS with secure boot enabled.
  • Test firmware upgrade or re-install that a system that offers a variety of in OS devices enumerate (example Thunderbolt, NVME)
  • The appropriate signed packages have been uploaded, and incompatibility should be properly prevented by Breaks if needed.
  • Make sure the updated fwupdmgr command line utility is backward compatible:
    • fwupdmgr update / install / reinstall sub-command needs to be checked.
    • Run the old and new version of in fwupd-tests deb on the new version of fwupd and review the failure test cases, if any.
  • Make sure the dbus interface is compatible:
    • New methods or enum values are fine.
    • Renaming, removing and changing is not ok.
    • Command to dump dbus interface ex: “dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.fwupd / org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect”
  • Test updating firmware from the Ubuntu Software user interface, both snap and gnome-software deb.

If all the testing indicates that the image containing the new package is acceptable, verification will be considered to be done and the package can be released from -proposed after the standard aging period.

Requesting the SRU

The SRU should be done with a single process bug for this stable release exception, instead of individual bug reports for individual bug fixes. However, individual bugs may be referenced in the changelog but each of those bugs will need to be independently verified and commented on for the SRU to be considered complete.