(excuse me for my english)


A config set value to assign a default pin-code for use if there aren't running Xserver with kbluetoothd or bt-applet . It may be on hcid.conf as a old style same to passkey "1234" or pin_helper and a cat or text on plain file.


Its very hard to make a bluetooth central data server and accept all connections or define a pinkey which each mobile telephone or PDA. This bluetooth central data server don't have any Screen, and now, I use a vncviewer, FreeNX or Xdmcp to accept manually the connections from mobile dispositives.

Use Cases

Example on my House: ACTUALLY * My mother want send a photo to bluetooth central server for show on her blog. * She noticed me about it and me connect to the server. * I see that there are a pin request, and I put the standard family pincode. * The mobile and the Server can connect and send the photo. * The photo are in the server.

With this feature: FUTURE * My mother want send a photo to bluetooth central server for show on her blog. * The mobile ask to my mother for a pincode to send to obexserver. * If the pin is correct, then the mobile send the photo to server.


Are very usable for: * Unique PC with bluetooth posibility. * It really necessary for control remote of LOGs and aislated actions make with a mobile or PDA. (Domotic System). I am working on this, azulremoto.sf.net per example. Maybe I will send the request of this domotic system and others on 8.04 .


It is enough with the old option pin_helper or pinkey. In the best case, it could be to assign a pin for each mobile dispositive (identified by MAC)


Outstanding Issues

BoF agenda and discussion


bluetooth-pin-on-tty (last edited 2008-08-06 16:32:28 by localhost)