<> ||<>|| = Introduction = ## Please provide a general introduction to your distribution. ## Any uniqueness of your distribution. ## Who might be interested in using your distribution. Blubuntu - The Media Remix This derivative is for users of Ubuntu to have more media included in the distribution. This is to included clip art, fonts, sound samples, video clips, movies, and games. Overall this will be setup for those who want to create and design new content and have a base of publicly usable content. Also the distribution will be considering using the Playstation 3 as the main platform for distributions. Though current focus will be for the x86 type systems, then using the PPC. = Contact Information = ## List the contact information for your distribution: Web site, Mailing-lists, IRC channels and any other communication channels that may apply. Provide a link to the Launchpad page as a Team Member list if applicable. Consider how people will get in touch with you based on the contact information you supply. Contact information may be found on the lauchpad.net site using this link: http://www.launchpad.net/blubuntu; [[http://www.launchpad.net/blubuntu]] = Audience = ## List a more detailed assessment of your distribution's target audience: Target audience, approximate audience size, specific audience needs. The audience will be a variety of individuals and organizations. They will include: * Gamers * Editors * Graphic Artists * Individuals = Mission = ## Please provide you distribution's mission statement. = Goals = ##Please provide information about your distributions goals and development road map. = Collaboration Focuses = ## Please list the areas in which you are interested in working more closely with Ubuntu. ---- [[CategoryDerivativeTeam]]