= Contributions to the Community = == Ubuntu Advocacy & Outreach == {*} I started volunteering at FreeGeek in 2010 where I worked on building FreekBoxes which run Ubuntu LTS and go to good causes like low income families and non-profits. {*} I have been working to advocate for FreeGeek to continue to ship Ubuntu as it's operating system on all devices it distributes which could be difficult with Unity. {*} Working with FreeGeek to start offering Ubuntu Beginner and Advanced classes which will I will teach. {*} Working closely with Salem LUG to try and revive their user group which has become dormant. {*} Working to advocate for Ubuntu with OSU LUG and PLUG offering them any resources I can. == Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Involvement == {*} Ubuntu Oregon Team Lead {*} Currently working to kickstart the LoCo which had become dormant and had two previous Team Lead's who gave up or did not have the time to continue. {*} Increased IRC participation from 2-3 IRC users to 20+ {*} Ran OSCON 2011 Ubuntu Booth in cooperation with Ubuntu Washington LoCo {*} Active Ubuntu Oregon LoCo member, and coordinator of the 2011 Ubuntu Global Jam {*} Active member/lead of Ubuntu PNW LoCo which is currently converting to coordinate LoCo work with Oregon, Washington and Idaho LoCo. {*} Very outspoken Ubuntu advocate who is called the "Ubuntu Evangelist" by various lug users in Oregon. {*} Regularly travel to install Ubuntu on individuals laptops or desktops and provide them a basic understanding of what Ubuntu is and how to learn more through the LoCo. == Ubuntu Bugs Involvement == {*} I continue to help triage bugs and also encourage and teach others how to effectively report bugs. == Ubuntu Documentation Involvement == {*} Contributed to multiple releases documentation {*} Contributed to release notes for three cycles {*} Revived the Ubuntu Documentation Team after former lead departed == Ubuntu Development Involvement == {*} I'm a Ubuntu Contributing Developer and Debian Co-Maintainer having worked on bugs in Ubuntu and it's flavors plus upstream in Debian and other upstream projects. == Upstream Involvement == {*} I'm involved in various upstream projects in a variety of capacities. == Ubuntu IRC/Forums Involvement == {*} Active Participant in multiple channels where I keep regular communications with teams I am apart of and additionally provide support occasionally in #Ubuntu and #Ubuntu-Server and help out in other channels where needed when nobody else is available. == Ubuntu Americas Involvement == {*} Contributed one post so far to Ubuntu-us.org although have plans to continue to contribute long-term as other things priorities are accomplished.