Contributions to the Community

Ubuntu Advocacy & Outreach

Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Involvement

Ubuntu Bugs Involvement

Ubuntu I continue to help triage bugs and also encourage and teach others how to effectively report bugs.

Ubuntu Documentation Involvement

Ubuntu Contributed to multiple releases documentation Ubuntu Contributed to release notes for three cycles Ubuntu Revived the Ubuntu Documentation Team after former lead departed

Ubuntu Development Involvement

Ubuntu I'm a Ubuntu Contributing Developer and Debian Co-Maintainer having worked on bugs in Ubuntu and it's flavors plus upstream in Debian and other upstream projects.

Upstream Involvement

Ubuntu I'm involved in various upstream projects in a variety of capacities.

Ubuntu IRC/Forums Involvement

Ubuntu Active Participant in multiple channels where I keep regular communications with teams I am apart of and additionally provide support occasionally in #Ubuntu and #Ubuntu-Server and help out in other channels where needed when nobody else is available.

Ubuntu Americas Involvement

Ubuntu Contributed one post so far to although have plans to continue to contribute long-term as other things priorities are accomplished.

bkerensa/Ubuntu (last edited 2015-05-25 21:05:52 by c-71-56-152-20)