These notes are on getting Zope3 setup with Ubuntu. (inspired by the ZopeOnUbuntu page). The easiest way to get started is to use synaptic to install the zope3-sandbox package. More details will be added later. = Zope3 + MySQL = This combination is needlessly difficult. A specification has been proposed here: A feture request has been filed here: Here is a braindump of more-or-less what is necessary to get this setup working: I've elided starting and stopping the Zope3 process, the false starts, and dead ends. Install the zope3-sandbox package, which gets all dependencies for Zope3, and sets up a sandbox instance at /var/lib/zope3/instance/sandbox/ Add my Ubuntu login user to the 'zope' group (makes editing easier). Make sure the sandbox and all subfolders are writable by group: sudo chmod -R g+w /var/lib/zope3/instance/sandbox/ install mysql-server package install mysql-client package install mysqladmin package Install setuptools with, as described here: Install SQLObject by running: sudo easy_install 'sqlobject' (this is because the Dapper package of SQLObject conflicts with SQLOS) Install SQLOS (Zope3 SQLObject Support) by running: sudo easy_install 'sqlos' Download a tarball of SQLOS: From the tarball, extract the four files in /sqlos-0.2.1/includes/ to /var/lib/zope3/instance/sandbox/etc/package-includes/ After that, I had to do some fiddling to get the sample app included with SQLOS working with MySQL: Go to /var/lib/zope3/instance/sandbox/lib/python/ and do a subversion checkout of the MySQLdbDA trunk: svn co svn:// mysqldbda Create a file named 'mysqldbda-configure.zcml' inside /var/lib/zope3/instance/sandbox/etc/package-includes/ with the following contents: Edit /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sqlos-0.2.1-py2.4.egg/sqlos/ftesting.zcml to use the 'mysql' DB adapter predefined in the file instead of the 'sqlite' one. Added a testdb to MySQL, and a testuser (with a password of testuser) with full privileges on that DB: mysqladmin --user=root -p create testdb mysql> grant select, insert, update, create, alter, delete, drop ON testdb.* to testuser@localhost identified by 'testuser'; Create the required sample_person table: CREATE TABLE `sample_person` ( `fullname` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `username` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', `password` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Create the required dog and sample_isolated_person tables: (details elided) After accomplishing all of that, Zope now has a new 'SQLObject MultiContainer' available that you can add through the web, and to which you can then add simple 'Person' objects that are persistent in the table. Adding a second container shows the same person objects as exist in the first. Deleting a person deletes the record. Deleting the containers does not. After deleting all the added containers, deleting the sqlos.ftesting-configure.zcml file from /var/lib/zope3/instance/sandbox/etc/package-includes disables the sample app objects from being addable in Zope. = Requested enhancements = 1) Add a package to Ubuntu for MySQLdbDA, so a subversion source checkout is not necessary (Debian bug: 2) Updating SQLObject under Dapper to 0.7 in order to support SQLOS. (Edgy has the newer version) 3) Add a package to Ubuntu for SQLOS for gluing Zope3 and MySQL together via SQLObject. ---- CategoryLookMergeDelete