

Use cases

  1. Home Use - shopping list
  2. School Use - working on a group project
  3. Children working together on a story or group project. I think we can get a few more use cases from the olpc project
  4. Corporate use - ad-hoc groups from different companies working on a project (It is almost impossible to do it now) This use case has to also show robust security; we might not want to support this in the beginning, but this can be a good motivator
  5. Public collaborative Wikis - for example art or museum or concert ... (This needs to be thought thru due to security concerns)



Information Model

Six pieces of information

  1. Title
  2. Stuff
  3. Private/Public (combo box)
  4. Category (Combo box)
  5. Space
  7. Tags

User level features

Lists of all kinds



Data preservation and migration


Background information for now and future

BoF agenda and discussion

We discussed this project on June 22,2006. Discussion summary follows:

Parking lot (for notes, various questions - relevant and irrelevant)



  1. Is Atom hub-spoke or P2P or both ?
  2. Copy - how do we handle conflicts ?
  3. There will the concept of private and public space. One can only publish items in the public space. The private/public space would be an easy checkbox item (which can be toggled anytime) and also will have different colors, so that it is apparent which one is publishing.
    • Too complex ?
  4. Symbolic links (?)
  5. Template creation - separate ? Create template based on current ?
    • Template hierarchy ? Now It becomes too complex. So simple one level template, with Wiki-like codes
  6. Publish and sync technology
    • ZeroConf based locator framework for publishing and subscribing topics

    • P2P based sync
    • Granular sync
    • Publish and sync semantics - based on zeroConf publishing
    • mateedit

    • KDE ZeroConf interview


[May 7,2006 - e-mail from Trent]If you want a network-interactive wiki, you might want to have a look at tomboy and see if you can base something off that. <KS> Yep, Tomboy is simple and has good search and spell check capabilities.</KS>

<SebastianDröge> You probably want to talk to the guy making the Networked Tomboy SoC project:

<KS> Yep, good idea. Alex's ideas for SoC here are similar to what we are looking for. Have sent an e-mail to ALex and see what he thinks.

Tomboy remainder looks good as well as an add-on -

MikeMcway: could be underestimating Tomboy, but have you considered expanding another wiki program like Newton? (less like post-its and more like a local wiki/sharing of info tool) similarly good search and spell checking with an simple interface, although the switch between editor mode and navigation could be annoying

<KS> yep, Newton looks good and might be easier. Only advantage of Tomboy is that it is a good notetaking tool as well and would be a good addition to Edgy. Let us discuss in detail today (June 22,2006 2:00-3:00 PM)

You may be interested in the Bouillon project at In short, it is WYSIWYG P2P wiki with reputations deployed over Jabber network. Every page in such wiki is assembled from pieces your agent retrieves from your trusted social vicinity. This gives you nearly perfect openness and spam protection. It also has natural syncing, versioning etc -- VictorGrishchenko, 30 Jun

<KS> Yep, very good capabilities. My thought is for us to hook up to them via APIs and leverage their systems. July 02,06 </KS>


WikiForEft (last edited 2008-08-06 16:31:45 by localhost)