VoteBot - A simple IRC bot used in FreeNode's #ubuntu-beginners channel.


perl ./


VoteBot is a simple IRC bot used in FreeNode's #ubuntu-beginners IRC channel and possibly in other rooms to establish some official form of voting. VoteBot includes public and private voting, and the public display of vote results. In addition to voting relating functions, VoteBot also prints the titles of URLs posted in the IRC channel and automatically warns users when compiledkernel post links as well as incorporates the ubotu database of factoids.

VoteBot is pre-release code and is by no means complete. Furthermore, it is to be expected that VoteBot will always be changing in functionality to meet the needs of the users and channels using the bot.


The following commands can be issued to VoteBot by any user (unless otherwise specified) via /msg (/msg VoteBot COMMAND). Upon receiving these commands VoteBot will send the output back via a /msg to the user.

.join #CHANNEL (Admin Only!)

.leave #CHANNEL (Admin Only!)

.say $MESSAGE to #CHANNEL/$PERSON (Admin Only!)

.me $ACTION to $NICK/#CHANNEL (Admin Only!)

.addFactoid $FACTOID|$RESPONSE (Admin Only!)











.shutdown (Admin Only!)

.ck (Admin Only!)

.ignore $NICK (Admin Only!)

.block $PHRASE (Admin Only!)

.unignore $NICK (Admin Only!)

.unblock $PHRASE (Admin Only!)

.refreshIgnored (Admin Only!)

.refreshBlocked (Admin Only!)

.refreshAdmins (Admin Only!)

.refreshFactoids (Admin Only!)

.addChannel #CHANNEL (Admin Only!)

.removeChannel #CHANNEL (Admin Only!)

.removeFactoid $FACTOID (Admin Only!)



.manurl $PACKAGE


.temp $TEMP


.wiki $TOPIC

.google $QUERY

!FACTOID (Voiced Users Only!)



.vstatus (Admin Only!)

.vote (Admin Only!)

+1, -1, and 0


The following commands can be issued to VoteBot by any user (unless otherwise specified) in the same IRC channel as VoteBot. Upon receiving these commands VoteBot will post a message to the IRC channel.







!FACTOID (Voiced Users Only!)




.cklinks | $NICK

.manurl $PACKAGE


$URL from compiledkernel (Automatic CK Link Protection must be enabled!)

$URL (URL Title Fetching must be enabled)

.block $PHRASE (Admin Only!)

.unblock $PHRASE (Admin Only!)

.refreshBlocked (Admin Only!)


.addFactoid $FACTOID|$RESPONSE (Admin Only!)

.shutdown (Admin Only!)

.meeting [$TITLE] (Admin Only!)

.url (Admin Only!)

.ck (Admin Only!)

.factoids (Admin Only!)

.temp $TEMP


.wiki $TOPIC

.weather $LOCATION

.google $QUERY

.join #CHANNEL (Admin Only!)

.leave [#CHANNEL] (Admin Only!)

.say $MESSAGE to #CHANNEL/$PERSON (Admin Only!)

.me $ACTION to $NICK/#CHANNEL (Admin Only!)







.vote [--non-voiced] [--no-msg] [--notify] ["$TITLE"] (Admin Only!)

+1, -1, and 0


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in the /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL file.


Nathan Handler <>


Please report all bugs at

VoteBot (last edited 2009-10-06 06:15:51 by adsl-75-57-76-217)