1 [03:00] <jcastro> Ok, I'm going to give it another minute or so, since DBO isn't around yet.
   2 [03:00] <jcastro> In the meantime feel free to familiarize yourself with Unity:
   3 [03:00] <jcastro> http://unity.ubuntu.com/
   4 [03:01] <jcastro> and you can see other Unity questions people have been asking us over the past 4 months: http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity?sort=votes&pagesize=50
   5 [03:01] <jcastro> I'll give it another minute and then I'll start to take questions, so smoke if you got em!
   6 [03:01] <ClassBot> Logs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/01/30/%23ubuntu-classroom.html following the conclusion of the session.
   7 [03:02] <jcastro> Hi DBO!
   8 [03:02] <DBO> howdy
   9 [03:02] <jcastro> we're just going to give it another minute before we begin
  10 [03:02] <DBO> awesome
  11 [03:02] <jcastro> I gave people some links to familiarize themselves with Unity
  12 [03:02] <jcastro> and a link to the Unity tag
  13 [03:03] <jcastro> So for this hour we're going to do questions about Unity, and we have Jason Smith (DBO) here to answer your technical questions
  14 [03:03] <jcastro> then the last hour you can ask me about anything coming up in 11.04 in general
  15 [03:03] <jcastro> DBO: Ok let's start, introduce yourself!
  16 [03:04] <DBO> my name is Jason Smith, I am a developer on the Unity project
  17 [03:04] <DBO> I have worked largely on BAMF and the launcher aspects of unity
  18 [03:04] <DBO> however I have a good high level view of all parts of the project
  19 [03:04] <jcastro> What other projects have you worked on?
  20 [03:05] <DBO> panel, nux (the toolkit behind unity), compiz, mutter when we were using that, and quicklists
  21 [03:05] <ClassBot> mhall119 asked: can we still use the 2-panel Gnome layout?  I've heard that the global menu changes have broken it
  22 [03:06] <jcastro> I can field that one
  23 [03:06] <jcastro> yes, the GNOME 2.x desktop is actually our 2D fallback for 11.04
  24 [03:06] <jcastro> in GDM there's a "Classic GNOME" session that you can select to get the same desktop you have today
  25 [03:07] <DBO> to answer the other half of the question
  26 [03:07] <jcastro> DBO: and I believe we're doing something with detecting wether the driver can support unity or not and making a smart choice about that?
  27 [03:07] <DBO> I am not aware of any conception break in the global menu for gnome 2.0
  28 [03:07] <DBO> however if there is one, we will fix it before release
  29 [03:08] <ClassBot> sebsebseb asked: What is Canonical doing to help other distro's include Unity in their repo's? if anything?
  30 [03:08] <DBO> i got this one :)
  31 [03:08] <DBO> we are getting interest from several packagers involved with other distros
  32 [03:09] <DBO> I know fedora and suse have shown interest recently
  33 [03:09] <DBO> we communicate with them and help answer packaging questions
  34 [03:09] <DBO> in a couple cases we have helped them either build unity without upstream patches or helped remove patches altogether
  35 [03:10] <DBO> next :)
  36 [03:10] <ClassBot> habeous asked: Is Unity going to completely replace GNOME? OR will they be shipped together?
  37 [03:10] <DBO> got it
  38 [03:11] <DBO> Unity is not a replacement of GNOME at all
  39 [03:11] <DBO> GNOME is collection of applications and frameworks
  40 [03:11] <DBO> among those things is a window manager and a "shell" (panel)
  41 [03:11] <DBO> in Ubuntu we have not been defaulting to the GNOME window manager for some time, opting for Compiz instead
  42 [03:12] <DBO> The only real change here is we will now also be replacing the GNOME Panel
  43 [03:12] <DBO> everything else remains the same, GTK, EDS, menu framework
  44 [03:12] <DBO> its all still GNOME :) just a new shell
  45 [03:12] <ClassBot> sebsebseb asked: Why exactly was it decided to go with Unity for 11.04 desktop as well as netbook, instead of going with Gnome Shell by default?
  46 [03:13] <jcastro> This one is best answered by this article:
  47 [03:14] <jcastro> in which Mark is interviewed and explains on why we chose to go with Unity for 11.04: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2010/10/shuttleworth-unity-shell-will-be-default-desktop-in-ubuntu-1104.ars
  48 [03:14] <ClassBot> mhall119 asked: Is there any sharing going on with the GNOME Shell developers in terms of usability testing?
  49 [03:15] <DBO> none that I know of but I know both the design team and the DX team look at what GNOME Shell does, both good and bad. We also publish our findings, so I figure they must do the same.
  50 [03:16] <ClassBot> Sashin asked: What are the plans in regards to Unity post Natty Narwhal?
  51 [03:16] <jcastro> ooh, good question
  52 [03:16] <jcastro> tell us something cool DBO
  53 [03:17] <DBO> Well from a developer standpoint this question is a bit tricky because its hard to tell sometimes when a feature will land, however!
  54 [03:17] <DBO> Post natty we will see better web integration inside of unity
  55 [03:18] <DBO> as well as standard design iterations and maintenance tasks
  56 [03:18] <jcastro> UDS is coming up in May, we'll have a better idea then -- we're not quiet about things we plan at UDS, so I guess stay tuned.
  57 [03:18] <ClassBot> jmarsden asked: Are there perceived performance issues with Unity compared to "Classic GNOME" -- put another way, is there a minimum hardware recommendation (CPU? RAM? video card?) for using Unity without being annoyed by it seeming slow?
  58 [03:19] <DBO> the Dell Mini 9 is our target bottom end machine for an optimal performance
  59 [03:19] <DBO> currently we feel we are hitting that
  60 [03:20]  * jcastro pops in with a subquestion: Does unity add any hardware requirements on top of normal compiz?
  61 [03:20] <jcastro> If I was running compiz fine before will I have problems I mean
  62 [03:20] <DBO> Frame buffer objects are the only additional requirement
  63 [03:20] <DBO> most video cards made after 1998 or so support this
  64 [03:21] <DBO> so yeah, if you can run compiz, you should be able to run Unity
  65 [03:21] <ClassBot> mhall119 asked: I want to get involved with Unity development, but I'm not a C/C++ developer, what are my options?
  66 [03:21] <DBO> well we have some projects that are in Vala, which might be even more obscure for you
  67 [03:21] <jcastro> well, we could always use help triaging  bugs
  68 [03:21] <DBO> oh yeah, that too!
  69 [03:22] <jcastro> also, by merely building and testing unity you can help report bugs
  70 [03:22] <jcastro> either by running natty or running a daily build on top of natty
  71 [03:22] <DBO> some of the best contributors to the project are guys who build trunk, report bugs and get us awesome stack traces
  72 [03:22] <jcastro> and since now Unity can run in Virtualbox 4.0 that's an easy way to get started
  73 [03:23] <jcastro> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/InstallationGuideFromSource
  74 [03:23] <DBO> those who test our patches... we cant help but love that :)
  75 [03:23] <jcastro> ^ here are the instructions on how to build unity from source
  76 [03:23] <jcastro> https://launchpad.net/~unity/+archive/daily
  77 [03:23] <jcastro> or you can fire up some of those daily builds if you are crazy
  78 [03:24] <ClassBot> Sashin asked: Will the full screen dash and application menu make an appearance on netbooks again? Will there be any distinguishing between Desktop and Netbook in Unity?
  79 [03:24] <DBO> the only difference between netbook and desktop unity is the default options
  80 [03:24] <DBO> otherwise they are the exact same code
  81 [03:25] <DBO> the full screen dash will be back however (as an option in some form)
  82 [03:25] <ClassBot> mhall119 asked: follow-up, anything for a Python developer to do?
  83 [03:26] <DBO> you can make plugins as places using python
  84 [03:26] <jcastro> https://wiki.ubuntu.org/Unity/Places
  85 [03:26] <jcastro> places aren't ready yet, expect me to make a bunch of noise about places after Alpha 2
  86 [03:26] <jcastro> you'll be able to make your own Dash things we call Places
  87 [03:26] <DBO> it is worth noting the API for places wont change between maverick and natty
  88 [03:27] <jcastro> there will be tons of places you could make, they'll be similar to things like Firefox search extension things, except system wide and they'll be able to talk to zeitgeist
  89 [03:27] <jcastro> so you can do "super key" + "batman" and the imdb place would return movies into the dash, etc.
  90 [03:28] <jcastro> but we'll need people like you to make them!
  91 [03:28] <ClassBot> sebsebseb asked: Have any of the developers of other distros contributed any Unity code yet? Or is it still mainly Canonical and the Ubuntu Community making it?
  92 [03:28] <DBO> I dont know if we have had code contributions yet from other distro developers
  93 [03:29] <jcastro> I don't think so, but I could be wrong
  94 [03:29] <ClassBot> Omega asked: Are there any plans for a merge between Unity-2D and Unity-3D? What is the relationship between the two?
  95 [03:29] <DBO> I know a fedora guy found some missing header licenses for us
  96 [03:29] <DBO> No :) The 2D version is simply a 2D realization of the 3D version
  97 [03:30] <DBO> its simply designed to be identical to the 3D version minus 3D :)
  98 [03:30] <jcastro> (You can find the 2d version here: https://launchpad.net/~unity-2d-team/+archive/unity-2d-daily)
  99 [03:30] <jcastro> it's pretty nice for older laptops, I have this old junky laptop with a crap graphics card and 2d unity runs great on it
 100 [03:31] <ClassBot> charlie-tca asked: Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts used in Unity?
 101 [03:31] <DBO> evil answer: currently no
 102 [03:32] <DBO> less-evil answer: you can look in ccsm
 103 [03:32] <DBO> better answer: we need to make a wiki page :)
 104 [03:32] <jcastro> right now the super key invokes the launcher
 105 [03:32] <jcastro> and you guys are bringing back the super-1, super-2, etc shortcuts right?
 106 [03:32] <DBO> yes
 107 [03:33] <jcastro> mhall119: making a wiki page of the shortcut keys would be a good place for a non-C++ programmer to start ... :)
 108 [03:33] <jcastro> I'll start on a page on Monday I think, this would be quite useful
 109 [03:33] <ClassBot> Sashin asked: What's happening with the proposed unity people's place?
 110 [03:34] <DBO> I think Seif Lofty has written the code for this already
 111 [03:34] <jcastro> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/unity-ppl.png
 112 [03:34] <DBO> ideally this will be packaged and placed in Universe repositories
 113 [03:34] <jcastro> yep, he's been working on that
 114 [03:35] <ClassBot> mhall119 asked: What's the status of accessibility in Unity?
 115 [03:35] <jcastro> Pendulum: want to field that one? I am totally in the dark on a11y
 116 [03:35] <Pendulum> The current status is "it's being worked on"
 117 [03:36] <Pendulum> They're hoping to get the initial bits of the framework into alpha2, but I'm not sure if it'll happen or not
 118 [03:36] <jcastro> ok, thanks
 119 [03:36] <Pendulum> I do believe, however, (and charlie-tca can correct me in chat if I'm wrong about this) that the accessible installer works, but that's about it
 120 [03:36] <Pendulum> otherwise we need the documentation on keyboard control ;)
 121 [03:36] <jcastro> DBO: while we wait for more questions can you fill us in on what we can expect in the launcher over the next coming weeks?
 122 [03:37] <jcastro> Pendulum: I'll get on a wiki page on monday, that shouldn't been too hard to set up
 123 [03:37] <DBO> Drag and Drop support is the biggest work item coming soom
 124 [03:37] <DBO> we are also getting some edge scrolling effects, and quite a few stability fixes
 125 [03:37] <jcastro> drag and drop like applications and stuff into the launcher?
 126 [03:37] <DBO> correct
 127 [03:38] <jcastro> how about folders and whatnot? or things like my favorite document I am working on or something?
 128 [03:38] <DBO> so you could say drag a file onto the launcher and launch an application with that file as an argument
 129 [03:38] <jcastro> finally. :)
 130 [03:38] <DBO> Im not sure if we are going to allow storing files on the launcher itself yet
 131 [03:38] <DBO> I hope so... but I have my doubts :P
 132 [03:38] <ClassBot> Sashin asked: What's multimonitor support like in unity? Does the top panel extend across both monitors? Is it one virtual desktop per monitor?
 133 [03:39] <jcastro> I can field this one as I use unity in twinview
 134 [03:39] <jcastro> right now there are 2 annoying issues, first is the top panel still isn't multimonitor aware, so it streches across
 135 [03:39] <jcastro> though neil tells me he's working on that
 136 [03:40] <jcastro> and the second is if one monitor is larger than the other the launcher gets confused, but alex launi (our QA/testing dude for Unity) has a grasp on that one
 137 [03:40] <jcastro> the multiple workspaces are just like how they used to be pre-unity
 138 [03:40] <jcastro> that is when I move around both panels switch to a new workspace
 139 [03:40] <jcastro> maybe someday we'll get independant workspaces per panel (that would be sweet)
 140 [03:41] <DBO> dream big
 141 [03:41] <DBO> :P
 142 [03:41] <jcastro> so what else are you guys going to put in the dash?
 143 [03:42] <jcastro> I see the search field there but it's not working right now
 144 [03:42] <jcastro> can you explain a bit how search will work?
 145 [03:42] <DBO> search is a "live search"
 146 [03:42] <DBO> so as you type, the results will update
 147 [03:42] <DBO> there is a really cool cross fade blur animation planed for that, I dont envy the GL programmers job for that...
 148 [03:43] <jcastro> how many GL programmers on the team?
 149 [03:43] <DBO> results will be organized in much the same way they are in the maverick version
 150 [03:43] <DBO> 3 GL gurus, 2 more GL competent
 151 [03:43] <ClassBot> Sashin asked: Are you going to reduce the Icon to tile ratio to make it like Maverick Unity? ( I think it looks cleaner with more spacing)
 152 [03:44] <DBO> Nope :)
 153 [03:44] <jcastro> can you explain what he means?
 154 [03:44] <DBO> yeah
 155 [03:44] <jcastro> he means the size of the icons inside the little tile things right?
 156 [03:44] <DBO> so there are two parts of the tile
 157 [03:44] <DBO> there is a "tile" and an "icon" part
 158 [03:45] <DBO> the tile part in maverick is 48x48 and the icon is 32x32
 159 [03:45] <DBO> in natty the tile is 52x52 and the icon is 48x48
 160 [03:46] <ClassBot> Omega asked: Will Ubuntu Light still be powered by Unity? Can you tell us a little more about that?
 161 [03:46] <DBO> Ubuntu Light isn't really part of my pervu, but as far as I know it will remain unity based
 162 [03:46] <DBO> thats all I really know :/
 163 [03:47] <jcastro> me either, but  basically Ubuntu Light = Unity + Normal Ubuntu customized for specific hardware
 164 [03:47] <jcastro> DBO: I hear we support icon sets in the launcher now
 165 [03:47] <DBO> yeah we more or less follow whatever the selection icon set is
 166 [03:47] <jcastro> so people can make all sorts of crazy icon sets for the thing right?
 167 [03:48] <DBO> yeah I guess they could
 168 [03:48]  * DBO fears the results
 169 [03:48] <jcastro> (about 10 minutes left for questions folks, keep them coming)
 170 [03:49] <ClassBot> Omega asked: Some people have been making Unity mockups, have you guys taken a look at those? link: http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/01/4-beautiful-ubuntu-unity-ui.html
 171 [03:49] <DBO> I can say with 100% certainty the whole team looks at them, sometimes we oggle, sometimes we giggle
 172 [03:49] <DBO> I love that the community is making mockups
 173 [03:49] <DBO> you guys come up with some great ideas
 174 [03:50] <jcastro> those mockups remind me of a question
 175 [03:50] <jcastro> for 11.04 will we be able to switch to a light theme like Radiance?
 176 [03:50] <DBO> probably not
 177 [03:51] <DBO> if not in 11.04, for sure in 11.10
 178 [03:51] <ClassBot> Sashin asked: Why is the menubar hidden without mouseover?
 179 [03:51] <ClassBot> There are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.
 180 [03:51] <jcastro> DBO: your favorite question!
 181 [03:51] <DBO> I wont lie to you
 182 [03:52] <DBO> I have absolutely no idea, I dont like it myself
 183 [03:52] <jcastro> http://askubuntu.com/q/22486/235
 184 [03:52] <DBO> im not really a designer however
 185 [03:52] <jcastro> Mark answers that specific question himself ^
 186 [03:52] <DBO> awesome
 187 [03:52] <jcastro> now you don't have to. :)
 188 [03:52] <DBO> whew, close call
 189 [03:53] <jcastro> We have time for  like 2-3 more questions
 190 [03:53] <DBO> is there a session with Otto or John Lea?
 191 [03:53] <jcastro> nope
 192 [03:53] <DBO> sweet
 193 [03:53] <ClassBot> Sashin asked: What significant changes will come to the unity interface by final release?
 194 [03:54] <DBO> The dash will undergo major visual changes (as well as become functional)
 195 [03:54] <DBO> it currently does not reflect our design goals
 196 [03:54] <jcastro> And we'll have places
 197 [03:54] <jcastro> https://wiki.ubuntu.org/Unity/Places/Ideas
 198 [03:54] <jcastro> here are some ideas for places we have ^
 199 [03:55] <DBO> the BFB will also have some design changes
 200 [03:55] <jcastro> what's the bfb?
 201 [03:55] <DBO> the Big Friendly Button
 202 [03:56] <jcastro> the button with the ubuntu logo you mean?
 203 [03:56] <jcastro> what kind of changes?
 204 [03:56] <DBO> yeah that one :)
 205 [03:56] <ClassBot> There are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.
 206 [03:56] <DBO> when the dash is open it will have a visual appearance similar to it being integrated with the launcher
 207 [03:56] <DBO> its cool looking
 208 [03:56] <jcastro> i don't suppose you have a teaser screenshot?
 209 [03:56] <DBO> I do not :)
 210 [03:56] <jcastro> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Places/Ideas  <-- correct URL from before, sorry
 211 [03:57] <jcastro> ok welll, thanks Jason for joining us
 212 [03:57] <jcastro> we'll take a short break
 213 [03:57] <DBO> sure :)
 214 [03:57] <jcastro> and then you guys can Q+A me on the rest of 11.04 for another hour
 215 [03:57] <jcastro> cheers!
 216 [03:57] <jcastro>  Bitesize Bugs you can help with: http://goo.gl/i1WA1 and http://goo.gl/tiheb
 217 [03:57] <jcastro> ^^ For those of you who want to dive in and help with Unity!
 218 [04:01] <jcastro> ok, taking a quick break to go to the bathroom, chill out for a few, mingle amonst yourselves, and then we'll begin!

UserDays/01302011/Unity (last edited 2011-01-30 04:34:49 by ptr)