
server-logs addresses the problem that nearly all /var/log data relates to either a specific service, or general error conditions. server-logs keeps routine data relating to general system parameters. server-logs will be installed by default. State data is collected regularly about networking, filesystems, some vital files, statistics exposed in /proc, anything typed at the commandline (using cloba), and all programs run. The overhead is designed to be minimal, and no new tools are required. Where logging to a remote server is enabled (normal on significant networks) server-logs enables easy forensic event reconstruction when a server crashes or is destroyed beyond repair.

This spec is about logging. Monitoring is a different spec.

This spec does not address rate-limiting or possible resource exhaustion. See another spec for that.

Release Note

server-logs uses a combination of existing packages (acct, inotify-tools, cloba, X, Y) and a little bash scripting called from cron. These record data vital for knowing what Ubuntu Server has been doing when functioning normally in order to help when things go wrong. In addition to the log files kept by the acct, cloba and X packages, a new /var/log/system-log/ directory is populated with output from standard system commands such as ip, vmstat, iostat, cat /proc/sys/XXX. In /var/log/apt records are kept of dpkg --get-selections from cron, and the apt system is configured to log its invocation commands, ie packages requested but not any automatic dependencies. These logs can also be sent to a remote syslog server, meaning server-logs also gives a new way of debugging after a system disaster.


Administrators need a logging scheme that will let them look into the history of problems they never anticipated. They will be also pleased to have a tool for tracking down the biggest single cause of problems on a network: the administrator themselves.

Use Cases




There are three parts to the package:



UI Changes


Code Changes




Test/Demo Plan

Install the server-logs package. Then:

Outstanding Issues



UbuntuServerLogs (last edited 2008-11-04 10:55:29 by bl6-120-77)