
Revision 4 as of 2009-05-14 16:41:13

Clear message

UbuntuOne is a cloud computing storage service from Canonical.

The back end is not released under any license at the moment, the client is Free Software licensed under the GPL3

The log file is at ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log

There is as yet no indicator of the remaining time/bytes.

The sync algorithm handles partial downloads of files and resumes from interruptions.

If a file changes the entire file is re-copied, it does not do deltas at the moment.

At the moment it will only sync files in the ~/Ubuntu One folder, but it could do more in future, perhaps synchronising /var/www from a server for example.

The plans are 2GB of free storage and a paid for 10GB option.

==Areas needing extensive testing== ==Reporting bugs== The IRC channel is #ubuntuone on irc.freenode.net

You may be requested to submit part of your log file. Please bear in mind this contains filenames when posting a public bug report or posting on IRC.

The command

tail -n 100|pastebinit

will put the last 100 lines of your logfile on pastebin and give you a URL suitable for discussing on IRC