
About the Podcast

The Podcast was originally to complement the Full Circle Magazine, it has since been replaced by the Full Circle Weekly News


Was released monthly (or thereabouts), each episode covered the latest Ubuntu news, preview/review of the next Full Circle Magazine issue, opinions, reviews, interviews and feedback. Each episode was usually around an hour long.



Guest Hosts

Full Circle 'Side-Pod'

The Side-Pod was an addition. It was an extra, irregular, short-form podcast, which was intended to be a side-branch of the main Full Circle Podcast. It was somewhere to put all the general technology, non-Ubuntu news and opinions, hobby-horses and general kipple that didn’t fit anywhere else. When Blackpool LUG took over the recording and production of the main show to try and increase the regularity of the main show, Robin Catling, Dave Wilkins and Ed Hewitt continued to produce th Side-Pod.

It was meant to be a short show that doesn't take an age to edit. Also, the Side-pod took the pressure off the team getting together to record, since they were quite bad at it... Not intending the Side-Pod to turn into just another episode of the main show. That's not the point.

The running order - especially for news - is a random selection of stories we've spotted, not necessarily the most important. Other people might want to nominate topics. It is, as Ed Hewitt has said, "opinionated news."


The Podcast has become dormant since the Blackpool LUG Team had to stop work on the show due to time and venue constraints for recording.

Email: podcast@fullcirclemagazine.org

If you'd like to revive the podcast, get in touch with Full Circle Magazine Editor: Ronnie Tucker (aka: RonnieTucker) - ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org

UbuntuMagazine/FullCirclePodcast (last edited 2018-03-30 15:15:42 by olly-clark)