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Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase

The Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase is an opportunity to show off high quality free culture content in Ubuntu. At the heart of Ubuntu's ethos is a belief in showcasing free software and free culture, and with each development cycle we open the opportunity for any artist to put their work in front of millions of Ubuntu users around the world.

What is Free Culture?

The free culture movement is a social movement that promotes the freedom to distribute and modify creative works in the form of free content. Our aim is to promote a culture of creativity and sharing which is embodied by Ubuntu and the open source software available for it.

Taking part

The Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase will include photographic wallpapers, illustrative wallpapers, music and video contributions. The creative brief is open but all submissions must follow the Ubuntu Code of Conduct (That means no nudity, swearing or anything that would upset your Mum!).

Photographic wallpaper

The Ubuntu Artwork Team is running a Photo competition for the desktop background image. Submission is done on flickr to the Ubuntu Artwork Pool.

Illustrative wallpaper

The Ubuntu Artwork Team is running an illustrative competition for the desktop background image. Submission is done on deviantart to the Ubuntu-Free-Culture group.


Budding directors, animators and performers can make video submissions on the Ubuntu Free Culture group on Vimeo. For more information see Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase group on Vimeo.


Want to make beautiful music together? Audio submissions can be made via Soundcloud. Join our Soundcloud group here.


The deadline for submissions for 10.10 is yet to be determined but get cracking, it's less than 6 months away!

Submission License Requirement

Art and Open Source Tools

Below are some of the tools that you can use to create your own submissions to the Free Culture Showcase. If you're a maintainer of any of the applications below and would like to give newcomers more advice edit this page directly or contact a member of the artwork community.

Image editing


GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) should be installed by default and accessible via Applications > Graphics > GIMP Image Editor. It is a full-featured raster graphics editor, comparable to Adobe Photoshop. http://www.gimp.org


This is an amazingly powerful toolset. It is command line driven, but you will soon learn that you can do things with the toolset that you cannot do with anything else. For those of you out there who know about pixel bit depth limitations, Imagemagick let's you work at a plethora of depths including colourspaces and such. It can also render SVG and a very large file assortment. It is wonderful for creating, altering, and adjusting files.

Install imagemagick

Complete documentation is available at http://www.imagemagick.org


Inkscape is a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor. You can also use it to export raster type images. http://www.inkscape.org

Install inkscape


Blender is a cross platform application for 3D modeling, animation and rendering. http://www.blender.org/features-gallery/

Install Blender



JACK is system for handling real-time, low latency audio (and MIDI). It can connect a number of different applications to an audio device, as well as allowing them to share audio between themselves.



SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. It provides an interpreted object-oriented language which functions as a network client to a state of the art, realtime sound synthesis server.



Bristol is synth emulation package for a diverse range of vintage synthesisers, electric pianos and organs. The application consists of a multithreaded audio synthesizer and a user interface called brighton.



Pd (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. It is the third major branch of the family of patcher programming languages known as Max.



Ardour is a multi-track audio recording and non-destructive editing application. For example, you can record an entire band, arrange the material, use effects and export a mix-down as single audio file. You can find out more at:



Audacity® is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds.




PiTiVi is a free, intuitive and featureful movie editor for the Linux desktop.

Open Shot



Thank you!

A HUGE thank you to all those who've contributed in the past and in particular to our previous winners who've contributed. We have a list of winners and links to their contributions on the page linked below.

Previous Winners