
Differences between revisions 1 and 16 (spanning 15 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2006-12-13 18:01:43
Size: 1648
Editor: ottawa-hs-209-217-66-95
Revision 16 as of 2007-12-04 20:43:42
Size: 3441
Editor: c-71-59-213-167
Comment: Added link to Bugs/Assignment
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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'''The UbuntuQA team is ''not'' the Quality Assurance (QA) team for Ubuntu.'''

'''The real QA team is the Ubuntu

Rather, it's the team of people
who can change the [:Bugs/Importance] and Milestone fields for any Ubuntu bug. You do this when you are [:Bugs/HowToTriage:triaging].
## page was renamed from UbuntuQA
The Ubuntu Bug Control team (ubuntu-bugcontrol in Launchpad), formerl
y known as ubuntu-qa, is a subset of the BugSquad who can change the [:Bugs/Importance] and Milestone fields for any Ubuntu bug. You do this when you are [:Bugs/HowToTriage:triaging].
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You need to show three things: You need to show four things or have an Ubuntu Core Developer vouch for you and your ability to triage bugs:
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 1. You promise to be polite to bug reporters, even if they don't deserve it. Even if they are rude to you, you have to respond gracefully and not take it personally.
 2. You need to know [:Bugs/HowToTriage] and have read the [:Bugs/Importance] page. There's a particular procedure for triaging and Importance has a specific meaning, so we want to make sure you know the conventions.
 3. Have a list of triaged bugs that demonstrate you understand triaging.
 1. You promise to be polite to bug reporters, even if they don't deserve it. Even if they are rude to you, you have to respond gracefully and not take it personally.  
 2. You need to understand [:Bugs/HowToTriage] and [:Bugs/Assignment] and also have read the [:Bugs/Importance] page. There's a particular procedure for triaging and Importance has a specific meaning, so we want to make sure you understand the conventions.
 3. You also need to be aware of the considerations to ta
ke when making an Apport crash report publicly visible. Documentation regarding this can be found at [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#head-f46ac7bd66be716a03d2d4fb0788725cc9cc7ba0 Triaging Apport crash reports].
 4. Have a list of triaged bugs that demonstrate you understand triaging.
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 * triage: [https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=Unconfirmed&field.importance%3Alist=Undecided&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.owner=&field.component=1&field.component=2&field.component-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_no_package.used=&search=Search some bugs].  * [https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct sign] the [http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct Ubuntu Code of Conduct].
* triage: [https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=Unconfirmed&field.importance%3Alist=Undecided&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.owner=&field.component=1&field.component=2&field.component-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_no_package.used=&search=Search some bugs] and keep a short list (about 5) of your best ones.
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 * apply: to the [http://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-qa UbuntuQA team].
 * show up to an UbuntuBugDay and contact [:SimonLaw:sfllaw] in the `#ubuntu-bugs` [:IRC] channel on `irc.freenode.net`.
 * apply: to the [http://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-bugcontrol Ubuntu Bug Control team] and reply to the Ubuntu Bug Control team application you will receive '''or'''
 * apply and e-mail BrianMurray directly with responses to the application provided below '''or'''
 * show up to an UbuntuBugDay and contact [:BrianMurray:bdmurray] in the `#ubuntu-bugs` [:IRC] channel on `irc.freenode.net`.

== Application ==
  1. Do you promise to be polite to bug reporters even if they are rude to you or Ubuntu? Have you signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct?
  2. Have you read [:Bugs/HowToTriage], [:Bugs/Assignment] and [:Bugs/Importance]? Do you have any questions about that documentation?
  3. What sensitive data should you look for in a private Apport crash report bug before making it public? See [:Bugs/HowToTriage] for more information.
  4. Is there a particular package or group of packages that you are interested in helping out with?
  5. Please list of five or more bugs which you have triaged. These bugs should demonstrate your understanding of the triage process and how to properly handle bugs. If there is a bug in your list that does not have an importance indicate what importance you would give it after becoming a member of Ubuntu Bug Control. Please use urls in your list of bugs.
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 * [http://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-qa UbuntuQA in Launchpad]  * [:Bugs/Importance]
 * [:Bugs/Assignment]
 * [http://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-bugcontrol Ubuntu Bug Control in Launchpad]


The Ubuntu Bug Control team (ubuntu-bugcontrol in Launchpad), formerly known as ubuntu-qa, is a subset of the BugSquad who can change the [:Bugs/Importance] and Milestone fields for any Ubuntu bug. You do this when you are [:Bugs/HowToTriage:triaging].

Requirements for joining

You need to show four things or have an Ubuntu Core Developer vouch for you and your ability to triage bugs:

  1. You promise to be polite to bug reporters, even if they don't deserve it. Even if they are rude to you, you have to respond gracefully and not take it personally.
  2. You need to understand [:Bugs/HowToTriage] and [:Bugs/Assignment] and also have read the [:Bugs/Importance] page. There's a particular procedure for triaging and Importance has a specific meaning, so we want to make sure you understand the conventions.
  3. You also need to be aware of the considerations to take when making an Apport crash report publicly visible. Documentation regarding this can be found at [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#head-f46ac7bd66be716a03d2d4fb0788725cc9cc7ba0 Triaging Apport crash reports].

  4. Have a list of triaged bugs that demonstrate you understand triaging.

In order to join:


  1. Do you promise to be polite to bug reporters even if they are rude to you or Ubuntu? Have you signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct?
  2. Have you read [:Bugs/HowToTriage], [:Bugs/Assignment] and [:Bugs/Importance]? Do you have any questions about that documentation?
  3. What sensitive data should you look for in a private Apport crash report bug before making it public? See [:Bugs/HowToTriage] for more information.
  4. Is there a particular package or group of packages that you are interested in helping out with?
  5. Please list of five or more bugs which you have triaged. These bugs should demonstrate your understanding of the triage process and how to properly handle bugs. If there is a bug in your list that does not have an importance indicate what importance you would give it after becoming a member of Ubuntu Bug Control. Please use urls in your list of bugs.

[:CategoryBugSquad]BR [:CategoryUbuntuTeams]

UbuntuBugControl (last edited 2019-02-21 10:13:37 by brian-murray)