
Revision 46 as of 2010-05-31 21:55:23

Clear message

danfish will chair the meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for 2nd June 2010, 20:00 UTC (21:00 BST) and will be held in #ubuntu-uk-meeting on

The chair of the meeting should endeavour to ensure that key points are discussed in an appropriate time. The chair will paste in items from the agenda during the meeting, please try to keep comments within the relevant topic, when the chair closes a topic by posting the next one you may finish the line you are typing and return to it in any other business or after the meeting. MootBot is used in meetings, please familiarise yourself with the functionality available prior to the meeting. If a vote is called you can say +1 0 or -1 to record your vote. You can do this with a private message to the bot if you don't want your vote to be public.

General Agenda Items and Proposals

Please put a brief statement of the issue to be discussed here, and link to a more detailed description or summary elsewhere in the wiki.

[TOPIC] popey - Setup Ubuntu ISO testing team

[TOPIC] popey - Non-tech conference attendance

[TOPIC] AlanBell - July 13th London Canonical/Community event promoting Ubuntu in the workplace

[TOPIC] Brobostigon - review of action items from last meeting

The only person who needs to speak to each point is the person assigned, or someone delegated to speak on their behalf

  • [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in April, please place it in the report
  • [PROGRESS REPORT] Daubers to write a talk for Oggcamp on the proposed support guidelines
  • [PROGRESS REPORT] Daubers to send a mail to the list explaining the guidelines
  • [PROGRESS REPORT] Daubers to organise a meeting following the trial
  • [PROGRESS REPORT] Anyone in the vicinity of the Scottish Release Party to go, be sociable and enjoy themselves while celebrating Lucid
  • [PROGRESS REPORT] People attending the London launch part to enjoy themselves immensely
  • [PROGRESS REPORT] People attending Banbury release party to enjoy themselves
  • [PROGRESS REPORT] Daubers to organise support meeting on the 19th of May

[TOPIC] danfish - Any Other Business

[TOPIC] danfish - Date of next meeting

Previous Meetings

Minutes of last meeting