
Use ltspfs as follows:

When new device appears at client, client calls:

ltspfs-device does the following things:

On the client, we replace the dbus-notifying udev script with a script which:

(No dbus is needed at the client end since all the necessary dbus communication is done by ltspfs-server)


ltspfs will need slight hacking to cope with separate reading and writing fds (currently it uses only one socket, but of course the ssh connection involves two fds, both pipes).

ltspfs will either need support for mounting unmounting and ejecting, or a very simple wrapper protocol will have to be invented.

The machinery uses by Nautilus for ejecting, mounting and unmounting will have to be provided with a new mechanism which talks to the ltspfs-device "server" (eg, via dbus).


Data preservation and migration


Outstanding issues

BoF agenda and discussion


ThinClientLocalDevicesForwardConnection (last edited 2008-08-06 16:23:37 by localhost)