This is a list of things that teachers (and in some cases, school administrators) have said they would like to have on their schools' computers. ---- *'''A better typing tutor''' - The teachers I (HedgeMage) have shown [[|TuxTyping]] to don't think it is as good as proprietary alternatives. They want something that will start a user off with one or two keys in the home row, and gradually add keys a couple at a time, while showing proper fingering, assessing WPM and accuracy during each lesson. The proprietary package it is most often compared to is Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. *'''Word puzzle generator''' - An app that will take a list of words input by the teacher, or from a text file, and create a puzzle the teacher can print. Puzzle type should include: crossword puzzle, word search, word scramble, etc. *'''Quick math quiz generator''' - An app to let teachers quickly generate printable math drills... for example, the teacher could select "addition" "25 problems" "1-18" "no fractions" and "no decimals" and get a quiz to print with 25 random addition problems using whole numbers from 1 to 18. *'''Library Management Software''' - An app to create and search a card catalog, create barcoded book labels to scan on checkout and checkin, keep track of library patrons, books they have checked out, fines, etc. ---- CategoryEdubuntuCleanup