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Roadmap for bringing more functionallity into student-control-panel


Student control Panel is an application to control LTSP client conections on a standalone edubuntu server. It was first introduced in edgy on the edubuntu CD and is installed by default in the edubuntu classroom server. The spec for edgy done in paris wasnt completely implemented and additional requirements have come up from the users. this spec describes the advanced needs for the program like working with multiple servers, filter options for the userlist, screen sharing and deep vnc integration as well as removing the edubuntu branding to make it a rather generic LTSP connection control tool.

Use cases

Dr. Miller teaches biology in an LTSP equipped class. He has several students he suspects to secretly browse the web while he is not looking. Using the "Class overview" button in student-control-panel he is able to get a fullscreen view of tiled small VNC windows for the whole class to monitor the students desktops.

Miriam teaches about free software in a class that uses a LTSP setup. She wants to demonstrate several free software apps she wants to start up on all students desktops. She hits Ctrl-a to select all students in student-control-panel and clicks on the execute button which brings up a dialog to execute a command on all selected desktop simultaneously.

Anselmo is school administrator and has several classes that connect to the LTSP server at the same time. He gets a call from the biology teacher who wants all his students to be locked out. To be able to administer only a single class, he uses the predefined filter from the pulldown filter menu in the gui he has set up earlier and manages the task.

Michael has several students who are not listening in his lesson, he presses Ctrl-a to select all students, clicks the lock button from within student-control-panel and the students desktops are all locked with a blank screensaver.


Enhancement of the easy handling of student LTSP connections on a single LTSP server.

Design and Implementation

Multiple server control

Assistance Applet

Blank / Lock Workstations

Generalisation of SCP

Filter functionallity of the userlist

Remote desktop access

Sharing teachers screen

Tiled class overview via VNC

Outstanding issues

CategorySpec CategoryEdubuntuSpec

StudentControlPanelSpec (last edited 2009-07-24 03:09:44 by 201)