
Currently on Maverick there's no automatically way to update core boot files, like the boot loader, in case of updates and bug fixing. For Maverick it was decided that the boot loader should be treated like a x86 BIOS, that almost never gets updated, but we later noticed that these tools are not stable, and we should be able to give a procedure and tool to the user to be able to update them.

Release Note

Ubuntu now can receive boot loader updates on ARM, warning the user when a new update arrives and pointing the user to the procedure.


ARM devices in general need their own boot loaders to initialize the device. It's common give the boot loader the responsibility to initialize the memory, set the GPIOs, and other pieces that are not handled by the Kernel. On Maverick it was decided that the boot loader should only be installed at image creation time, without giving the user any automatically way to update in case new versions appear. During Maverick cycle it was proven that boot loader tools are not stable as we thought (we considered it like a x86 BIOS, that is almost never updated), and frequently receive bug fixing and updates. To solve this problem a tool to update the boot loader should be provided, that can handle subarch differences, with additional documentation about the procedure.

User stories




BoF agenda and discussion

Currently problem is that the core boot files, like x-loader and u-boot are selected while generating the image.



raw boot mode:

harware boot:



Manual update:


Actions: (check whiteboard from other-arm-n-handle-core-boot-files-update)


Specs/N/ARMUpdateCoreBootFiles (last edited 2010-11-18 19:31:35 by 187-35-200-9)