Services Admin dialog redesign


The current "Services" administration dialog is very useful, but not extremely intuitive. It merges the current state of the service (is it running, currently) and the fact that it should be launched at startup time. This specs describes how we could enchance this.


The dialog should provide, for each service it lists, two options:

(See the "Design" section).

Use cases


To be discussed

Should the dialog have a "Cancel" button, since it has "instant-apply" changes? If it should have one, what should this button cancel: the launch-at-startup part, or the "start/stop" part (is that very hard to do?), or both? How can we let the user know what it will do exactly ?

sklp: gnome prefs windows normally have instant-apply and simply a close-button, should be the case here aswell (IMO)

bcreitz: Could/should this spec be broadened to include a commandline service editor, a la RHEL's chkconfig? I normally install sysv-rc-conf immediately to fulfill that need, AFAIK Ubuntu doesn't ship with one.


I'll be glad to do the coding if this spec is accepted.

It turns out that knowing whether a service is currently running is not trivial. Update: a good way to know this is to run something like:

sudo start-stop-daemon --exec which klogd --test --start

(Woops, I don't know how to make those back quotes appear normally)

If the service (klogd here) is running, it ouputs "... already running", and if not, it outputs "Would start ...". However, upstart might be able to do this more easily next cycle (ie edgy + 1).


ServicesAdminRedesign (last edited 2008-08-06 16:29:25 by localhost)