
This page assumes you already have an Orchestra setup working, and that you have linked juju to control this Orchestra setup. This page discusses using juju to install Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure, an openstack based private cloud solution

It should be assumed that the user deploying this has a functioning Orchestra + Juju environment bootstrapped and all nodes have two network interfaces linked to two seperate physical networks. Deploying with a single network is possible with some hacking and workarounds, see original document for that. It's also assumed the user has sufficient number of nodes available in Orchestra. This does not make use of the '--placement=local' Juju hack to conserve hardware by deploying things to the bootstrap node. The minimum deployment outlined below requires a minimum of 6 machines including the juju bootstrap node.


1. Bootstrap

With Orchestra Provisioning server configured and Juju bootstrapped, 'juju status' should show something similar to:

ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju status
2011-09-17 18:02:22,148 INFO Connecting to environment.
  0: {dns-name: mabolo.lan, instance-id: MTMxNDMwNzI0OS40ODkyODE2MzAuODE5ODY}

2. Clone Charms

Create local branches of the following Juju charms in ~/charms

ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ mkdir -p charms/oneiric
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ cd charms/
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~/charms$ bzr branch lp:charm/rabbitmq-server oneiric/rabbitmq-server
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~/charms$ bzr branch lp:charm/mysql oneiric/mysql
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~/charms$ bzr branch lp:charm/nova-compute oneiric/nova-compute
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~/charms$ bzr branch lp:charm/nova-cloud-controller oneiric/nova-cloud-controller
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~/charms$ bzr branch lp:charm/glance oneiric/glance

3. Set Global Configuration

We'll need to set some global configuration for the installation. Create a file /home/ubuntu/charms/openstack.yaml:

  nova-release: distro
  nova-config: /etc/nova/nova.conf
  db-user: nova
  nova-db: nova
  rabbit-user: nova
  rabbit-vhost: nova
  network-manager: FlatDHCPManager
  bridge-interface: br100
  nova-release: distro
  nova-config: /etc/nova/nova.conf
  db-user: nova
  nova-db: nova
  rabbit-user: nova
  rabbit-vhost: nova
  flat-interface: eth1
  virt-type: kvm
  glance-release: distro
  registry-config: /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf
  api-config: /etc/glance/glance-api.conf
  db-user: glance
  nova-db: nova

Note: Most of these are defaults. The only option specific to our example deployment is 'flat-interface: eth1'. This will configure the virtual network on eth1. Later, nova will create a virtual network on these bridges for instances.

4. Deploy Services

After branching the necessary charms to /home/ubuntu/charms/ and setting our configuration at /home/ubuntu/charms/openstack.yaml, we can begin deploying the services.

MySQL and RabbitMQ

First, deploy the MySQL and RabbitMQ services.

ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ export REPO=~/charms
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ export CONFIG=~/charms/openstack.yaml
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju deploy --repository=$REPO local:mysql
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju deploy --repository=$REPO local:rabbitmq

Nova and Glance

Deploy nova-cloud-controller, nova-compute and glance to their own nodes:

ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju deploy --repository=$REPO --config=$CONFIG local:nova-cloud-controller
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju deploy --repository=$REPO --config=$CONFIG local:nova-compute
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju deploy --repository=$REPO --config=$CONFIG local:glance

6. Add Relations

Now we can add the necessary relations between the services.

Give nova-cloud-controller, nova-compute and glance access to the database:

ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju add-relation mysql nova-cloud-controller
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju add-relation mysql nova-compute
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju add-relation mysql glance

NOTE: The first of these 3 relations runs the initial database migration. It's a good idea to allow it time to complete entirely before adding the others.

Give the Nova components access to the messaging queue:

ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju add-relation rabbitmq nova-compute
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju add-relation rabbitmq nova-cloud-controller

Configure the compute node for the network manager specified in our config.

ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller:nova-network nova-compute:nova-network

Let both the cloud controller and the compute nodes know where to fetch virtual machine images:

ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju add-relation glance:image-service nova-cloud-controller:image-service
ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju add-relation glance:image-service nova-compute:image-service

7. Use Your Cloud

At this point, the Openstack cloud has been deployed and should be functioning. If you login to the nova-cloud-controller node (as reported by 'juju status'), you can create the first nova users, projects, networks and export credentials to be used with euca-tools or other API tools.

ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju ssh 2
ubuntu@marula:~$ sudo nova-manage user admin admin
ubuntu@marula:~$ sudo nova-manage project create novaproject admin
ubuntu@marula:~$ sudo nova-manage network create \
                  --label=novanet \
                  --fixed_range_v4= \
                  --num_networks=1 \
                  --network_size=255 \
                  --bridge=br100 \
                  --bridge_interface=eth1 \
                  --multi_host=T \
ubuntu@marula:~$ sudo nova-manage project zipfile novaproject admin

Now we can unzip our credentials and begin using the cloud.

ubuntu@marula:~$ unzip
ubuntu@marula:~$ . novarc
ubuntu@marula:~$ wget
ubuntu@marula:~$ uec-publish-tarball ./ubuntu-11.10-beta1-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz images
ubuntu@marula:~$ euca-add-keypair adam >
ubuntu@marula:~$ euca-run-instances -k adam ami-00000002

We still have 1 extra machine. We can easily be added as a compute node through Juju to increase our resources:

ubuntu@orchestrasrvr:~$ juju add-unit nova-compute

ServerTeam/UbuntuCloudOrchestraJuju (last edited 2011-10-18 08:44:10 by host-41)