
This spec includes improvements to Euca2ools package to:

Release Note

The euca2ools package has been improved. It can now read account information from a config file rather than the environment or command line, and is improved as a "drop-in" replacement for ec2-ami-tools and ec2-api-tools.


The ec2-ami-tools and ec2-api-tools are common utilities for interacting with ec2. However, these tools are in multiverse because they are not free software. We want to provide suitable free software replacements in main. Much of the functionality needed is already provided by python-boto and euca2ools, but some improvements are needed.

User stories



There isn't really any significant design changes needed. The changes will be applied to the euca2ools package in a way consistent with its current code base. The most visible change will be in supporting a system wide and per-user config file.

Fix the following bugs:


These changes should all be backwards compatible.


See work items in status whiteboard.

Test/Demo Plan

TODO This need not be added or completed until the specification is nearing beta.

Unresolved issues


BoF agenda and discussion

Euca2ools are the preferred command line clients for UEC. There are some improvements that could be made to these, those include, but are not limited to:

The following are bugs/issues that were brought up in the session, or soon after:


ServerLucidEuca2ools (last edited 2009-12-02 15:38:44 by d14-69-66-169)