
Revision 11 as of 2005-11-02 01:43:25

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Reviewer Comments

  • MarkShuttleworth:

    • WHAT seed changes? Make some concrete proposals please, don't just push it off.

In general, this spec is too hand-wavy and incomplete to be approved.


The "server edition" of Dapper will be supported for 5 years. We need to make sure that we have thought of things that will be attractive for system administrators, to raise interest in Ubuntu as a server OS. This specification lists ideas for the server edition.


We would like to improve the profile of Ubuntu as a server platform, and help system administrators to get things done quickly and efficently.

Use cases

Bob wants to stress test his shiny new server before he puts it into production

Sandra wants to check the integrity her server system after an intrusion attempt.

Naomi wants to have SSL that just works for postfix and apache.

Felicia wants to be able to administer her HP Smart Array without downloading tools from hp and configuring them herself.


Create tools to make system administrators life easier. This focuses on low hanging fruit, and avoids using tools like webmin which we don't want to have to support in main.



  • We need to ship the server testsuite from TestingServerHardware on the server CD.

    • -- should talk to the server certification spec team .... perhaps there will be some overlap (~6-8 weeks delivery time from the server cert. team)
  • We should have a central snakeoil SSL setup that all our shipped SSL/TLS-using packages can use (postfix, apache2, slapd, exim4, imap/pop, etc); these packages should be designed to look to the central SSL cert by default.
    • -- should provide an easy way to replace the central snakeoil SSL setup with user-generated certificates (infinity/lamont ~ 4 weeks)
  • We need an MD5 checker in the recovery mode; an idea was floated to host a that has known-good md5sums of everything in the archive, and a tool on the CD to check against that. should be indexed by package_version, so we are sure we're checking against the correct version. Layout the server as archive.u.c and ships only .md5 files.
    • -- this will start on rookery (server side), and be moved off to a separate server if the need arises. -- write deb/udeb to run the test client side).
    (fabbione ~ 2/3 weeks)
  • The rest is adjustments to the seed list, and package configuration files.
    • (James would like request tracker in the server seed - request-tracker3.4 package) (fabbione to collect info from the community ~ always in progress)
  • We should seed any libraries that third-party binary sever admin tools will depend on
  • Packaging or installer wrappers for third-party hardware monitoring/admin tools from major vendors would be nice. (fabbione to package and write wrappers - james/znarl to test what's possible at the DC ~ as fast they come in)

Outstanding Issues

Bling is not really something system administrators value on the server. They want stability, they like things that just work, and sane defaults.

It would be nice to investigate other tools which system administrators love.

BoF agenda and discussion