
Differences between revisions 3 and 4
Revision 3 as of 2005-10-31 21:46:22
Size: 1766
Editor: 187_220_103_66-WIFI_HOTSPOTS
Revision 4 as of 2005-10-31 22:12:50
Size: 2754
Editor: 187_220_103_66-WIFI_HOTSPOTS
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We need a server test script that we can put on the server CD.
We need a simple to use recovery mode on the server CD.
We need an MD5 checker on the recovery CD
The rest is adjustments to the seed list, and package configuration files.
 * We need to ship the server testsuite from TestingServerHardware on the server CD.
 * We should have a central snakeoil SSL setup that all our shipped SSL/TLS-using packages can use (postfix, apache2, slapd, exim4, imap/pop, etc); these packages should be designed to look to the central SSL cert by default.
 * We need a simple to use livefs recovery mode on the server CD, with nothing but recovery and pen-test tools, so people can use known-good binaries for recovery. Apparently, there is enough free space on the server image for a livefs currently.
 * We need an MD5 checker in the recovery mode; an idea was floated to host a that has known-good md5sums of everything in the archive, and a tool on the CD to check against that. should be indexed by package_version, so we are sure we're checking against the correct version.
 * The rest is adjustments to the seed list, and package configuration files.
 * James would like request tracker in the server seed
 * We should seed any libraries that third-party binary sever admin tools will depend on
 * Packaging or installer wrappers for third-party hardware monitoring/admin tools from major vendors would be nice.
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== issues == == Outstanding Issues ==


Brainstorm ideas for making Ubuntu a fun and exciting server platform


We would like to improve the profile of Ubuntu as a server platform, and help system adminitrators to get things done quickly and efficently.

Use cases

Bob wants to stress test his shiny new server before he puts it into production

Sandra wants to check the integrity her server sysystem after an intrusion attempt.

Bill wants to set up a postfix and imap server for his small company.

Naomi wants to have SSL that just works for postfix and apache.

Frank wants tools to monitor all of the servers in his network


Create tools to make system administrators life easier. This focuses on low hanging fruit, and avoids using tools like webmin which we don't want to have to support in main.




  • We need to ship the server testsuite from TestingServerHardware on the server CD.

  • We should have a central snakeoil SSL setup that all our shipped SSL/TLS-using packages can use (postfix, apache2, slapd, exim4, imap/pop, etc); these packages should be designed to look to the central SSL cert by default.
  • We need a simple to use livefs recovery mode on the server CD, with nothing but recovery and pen-test tools, so people can use known-good binaries for recovery. Apparently, there is enough free space on the server image for a livefs currently.
  • We need an MD5 checker in the recovery mode; an idea was floated to host a that has known-good md5sums of everything in the archive, and a tool on the CD to check against that. should be indexed by package_version, so we are sure we're checking against the correct version.
  • The rest is adjustments to the seed list, and package configuration files.
  • James would like request tracker in the server seed
  • We should seed any libraries that third-party binary sever admin tools will depend on
  • Packaging or installer wrappers for third-party hardware monitoring/admin tools from major vendors would be nice.

Data preservation and migration


Outstanding Issues

Bling is not really thing system administrators value on the server. They want stability, they like things that just work, and sane defaults matter.

Xen would be cool, and would make nice server bling, but it's beyond the scope of this spec.

BoF agenda and discussion

ServerCandy (last edited 2008-08-06 16:18:50 by localhost)