
Get rid of the console/X keymap confusion in our installers, and the various problems it causes.


Currently, we configure the keyboard on installation by selecting a console keymap (either from a list or by asking the user to press some keys), and then having xserver-xorg automatically generating an X keymap from that later on. This sort of works, but is fragile and buggy. Furthermore, there are currently many more possibilities for X keymaps than console keymaps, and the live CD installer cannot let you test a console keymap since you're running in X, and therefore it is forced to duplicate keymap generation code from xserver-xorg.

Some work has been done by interested Debian developers to revamp keyboard configuration so that we can simply select an X keymap and then generate a console keymap from that on the fly as required, which would be a vast improvement. Investigate the current status of this work, help it along where necessary, and figure out how to tie it into our text-mode and live CD installers.

Use cases


Anything to do with how the installer configures the console and X keymaps.

Survey of existing tools

Core console utilities

Debian is apparently switching from console-tools back to kbd at present. Since console keyboard tool maintenance has historically been spotty and you take what you can get, we should investigate and probably follow whatever happens here if it comes before Edgy's upstream version freeze. console-setup needs either kbd or console-tools. A reimplementation might not, but of course it would then need to recreate the infrastructure.

Ubuntu-specific utilities

Several releases ago, we implemented a "press keys to discover your keymap" mode in the installer. This consists of two components:

These utilities are currently only used for console keymaps, although they do include some X keymap support.

New console keymap utilities

console-setup (see Useful links below) consists, among other things, of a console font infrastructure (modernised to get rid of duplicate fonts where not needed; console fonts have a maximum of 512 glyphs so e.g. all ISO-8859-* fonts can be consolidated) and a ckbcomp utility which works roughly like setxkbmap but compiles to loadkeys format. There are other support utilities too. The utilities are written in Perl, which means that they cannot be used directly in d-i for kbd-chooser.

Size constraints

Size comparison of all current console keymaps, all current X keymaps, and all current X keymaps precompiled to console keymaps:

.tar.gz of console keymaps: 260684 bytes

.tar.gz of X keymaps: 291589 bytes (or 247210 bytes with only keycodes, rules, symbols)

.tar.gz of X keymaps precompiled to console keymaps: 1168124 bytes

It's obvious that ckbcomp makes no attempt to optimise for size; typical entries in its output have 64 entries per keycode, representing all possible combinations of modifiers. This could be optimised. That said, we would have to include all xkb data, whereas it's possible to drop large chunks of console keymap data depending on the architecture.


At present, we seem to have a choice between the ideal solution and something we can implement now.

Right now, ckbcomp implements its own XKB rules parsing in Perl. This is obviously not ideal, and it would be much better if it were using an XKB parsing library common with X, so that for example if new keycode symbolic names are added to X then they only need to be implemented in one place. Thus, we would like to write such a library and push it upstream so that X uses it (nothing sensibly reusable exists at present).

On the other hand, ckbcomp has the advantage of working already, and by comparison with the existing situation in Dapper it doesn't make the quantity of duplication any worse (it moves duplication from new keymaps to new symbols, and the latter are much less frequent). It makes sense to use this to precompile console keymaps in the first instance and switch to parsing XKB on the fly once an appropriate library is available.

This leads to the following pair of parallel implementation plans. We will definitely execute the first to ensure that we get at least something workable, and go as far along the second path as we can.



Teach console-setup to create reduced keymaps from XKB data, separating out basic keymaps from keymaps representing each XkbOptions possibility. According to the console-setup author, such keymap fragments can be concatenated to produce complete working keymaps. [done upstream]

Construct console-keymaps-* udebs from console-setup. [done upstream, console-setup-*-ekmap]

Turn console-setup's config script (which is in shell, so suitable for use in the installer) into the core of a kbd-chooser replacement, and add any other pieces which are needed, such as setupcon. console-setup's config script sets various console-setup/* debconf questions, which can eventually replace the old debian-installer/keymap. [done upstream]

Teach keymapper and cdebconf-keystep to be able to select new-style keymaps. Since they can already mostly handle X keymaps, this should be relatively straightforward (i.e. a matter of iterative debugging rather than writing lots of new code). [done]

Make sure translations (from xkeyboard-config) are available for the X keymap models, layouts, and variants as far as possible.

Ensure that the new debconf questions are copied to the installed system by pkgsel so that xserver-xorg.postinst can use them. [done, actually in a console-setup post-base-installer hook]

Adapt anything in the installer which uses debian-installer/keymap to be able to use the new questions if available.

Modify xserver-xorg.postinst to use these new questions if available instead of the lookup table based on debian-installer/keymap; eventually, that lookup table can be removed. [done]

Modify ubiquity to use the new console keymaps, and remove the mapping to X keymaps, since console-setup will do that now. [done]

Modify oem-config to use the new console keymaps. [done]

Replace kbd-chooser with console-setup-udeb in the d-i initrd once everything works without it, and drop console-keymaps-* udebs from console-data. [done]

Upstream (Anton) is willing to implement at least some parts of this. We expect that we'll have to deal with keymapper and cdebconf-keystep ourselves, and may want to get involved in large chunks of the installer integration.

Additional console-setup changes

Some changes are required to make console-setup work as smoothly as possible with X configuration. We will:

Future Work

Using XKB rules on the fly

Write a library to parse XKB rules, such that it can replace the existing code in X to do this.

Port ckbcomp to use this library, or libxkbfile.

Teach ckbcomp to be able to tell the kernel to set the console keymap directly, rather than having to output data for loadkeys.

If size comparisons between precompiled console keymaps and XKB data plus libraries are favourable, then change console-setup-udeb to work directly in terms of X keymaps (i.e. use ckbcomp or a similar from-scratch tool on the fly rather than concatenating precompiled keymap fragments), and simply ship XKB data in appropriate udebs instead of precompiled console keymaps.

Data preservation and migration

We need to ensure that console-setup uses the keymap configured in console-tools by default.

Once console-setup is working, we need to make console-tools stop doing anything.

BoF agenda and discussion

Notes from console-setup author

ColinWatson sent a mail to Anton pointing to this specification and asking for comments. Paraphrasing, he made the following points:

These comments are now incorporated above, but are retained for reference.


SaneInstallerKeyboard (last edited 2008-08-06 16:21:53 by localhost)