
Revision 1 as of 2005-05-28 21:07:02

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I'm a second year physics student at the University of Manchester who likes using Linux.

I have tied a few distributions, and like Ubuntu a lot.

I have an Apple Powerbook (Ti 15 inch 1GHz) and a Via Epia MII, both running Ubuntu hoary.

I have added a few bits and pieces to the wiki

  • [DropShadows]

  • Realplayer stuff on [RestrictedFormats]

  • Mac-on-Linux networking to [MacOnLinuxHowto]

  • Installing fonts [FontInstallHowto]

  • [Ubuntu scientists]
  • [HowToZeroconf] zeroconf is a very cool network technolgy. if you have used Mac OS X then you will know it as Bonjour (formerly Rendezvous), its how iTunes finds music on your network, and how iChat find other iChaters. Anyways, the ground work exists on Linux, and you can already use it for things like ssh.

I have a webpage at