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Revision 2 as of 2009-11-21 18:53:44
Size: 1874
Editor: 12
Revision 3 as of 2009-11-21 18:59:03
Size: 1934
Editor: 12
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Rick Spencer
rickspencer3 on freenode
Based in Seattle, WA, USA
Rick Spencer<<BR>>
rickspencer3 on freenode<<BR>>
Based in Seattle, WA, USA<<BR>>

Contact Info

Rick Spencer
rickspencer3 on freenode
Based in Seattle, WA, USA

Launchpad Profile



As the Engineering Manager for the desktop team, I have had the privilege of contributing to Ubuntu in many ways, such as being the direct manager for the 10 or so Canonical folks hired to work on the desktop, working with other Canonical teams to help them properly land code on a FOSS desktop, etc... I'd like to highlight my community contributions ore though ...

Desktop Track Lead for Jaunty, Karmic, Lucid UDS

My first UDS was Jaunty UDS. As track lead I arrange blueprints, approve blueprints, schedule sessions, facilitate sessions, document sessions, etc... Lots of work to help the community coordinate and communicate at UDS.

Deliver of Jaunty and Karmic

I handled tracking work items and other commitments from Canonical desktop team members, as well community contributors.

Hosted desktop team meetings

Hosted the desktop team irc meeting weekly and (mostly) sent the summary of the meeting to the ubuntu-desktop list. I have kept the desktop team meeting totally open and transparent.


I started the bughugger project (used to be bug-zapper) to create a desktop way to search for and sort bug tasks. Currently being maintained by the bughugger team in that team's PPA.


I started the Quickly project to help make it easy and fun to develop for Ubuntu. In fairness, didrocks did all the really hard work, but still, I got the project started with my code, and also wrote the ubuntu-project template. I also promote the project when I get the change.


I added code to desktopcouch.records to make it easy to bind pygtk to a desktopcouch database.


RickSpencer (last edited 2011-09-09 07:24:22 by 194)