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'''website:'''........http://en.cypherbios.org (en)

'''website:'''........http://br.cypherbios.org (pt_BR)

About Me


Real name:...Rafael Proença



Googled:........[http://www.google.com/search?hl=pt-BR&q=ubuntu+cypherbios+OR+%22Rafael+Proenca%22&btnG=Pesquisar&meta= Search about me]

e-mail:............MailTo(cypherbios AT ubuntu.com)

e-mail:............MailTo(cypherbios AT gmail.com)

Jabber ID:......cypherbios AT jabber.org

OpenPGP:.....[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xBB903BD69728088EA91B761C301A280E52E14602 52E14602]

irc nick:..........CypherBIOS on network Freenode in channel #ubuntu-br-doc and #ubuntu-br)

where:............When I'm not in cyberspace? hum... ohh, I live in Curitiba, Brazil.

pt_BR wiki:....http://wiki.ubuntubrasil.org/RafaelProenca

Ubuntu and I...


I have used Linux on and off since 2003, but it was only after I discovered Ubuntu that I started to dedicate my time to the brazilian Ubuntu community. I feel that none of the many distros I had tried in the past gave me the same "out of the box" completeness that Ubuntu does. Now, I'm hooked for life!

Ubuntero? Yes, I am. Official member? Yes, I am.


Ubuntu and -br LoCo

  • Mantainer of [http://www.cypherbios.org CypherBIOS.org]

    Blog dedicated to Ubuntu topics. It has been online since September of 2005, and that is where I post news, tips'n tricks, articles and others things, but only about Ubuntu Wink ;)

  • Contribuiting with [http://guia.ubuntubrasil.org/ pt_BR Unofficial Ubuntu Starter Guide] One of the mantainers of our own Unofficial Guide, helping to bring to the end and intermediary user the tips and tricks to make Ubuntu rock even more!

  • In the [http://forum.ubuntubrasil.org Ubuntu Brazilian Forums]

    I'm biocypherismo, where I try to help others and bridge the information gap between Forums and Documentation.

  • Organizining an helping the [http://www.ubuntubrasil.org Ubuntu Brasil] community site I've help to migrate and construct the new interface of principal Brazilian Community meeting place. And working to make standards to maintain a organized layout and guide-lines.

  • Alpha-tester of all Ubuntu branches (daily, flight/knot, beta, RC)

    Whenever a new version gets seeded in your repositories, I get it! Doing a dist-upgrade, reporting and sharing the results, giving tips to make it easer to upgrade. I'm using FeistyFawn at this moment!


  • [http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/ http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/images/logo.png]

    The CD/DVD 2 Creator for Ubuntu

  • APTonCD is my precious project! I'm working very hard to develop this tool for all Ubuntu Community.
  • What is APTonCD?
    • APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs (you choose the type of media) with all of the packages you've downloaded via APT-GET or APTITUDE, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers. APTonCD will also allow you to automatically create media with all of your .deb packages located in one especific repository, so that you can install them into your computers without the need for an internet conection.
  • To learn more about the projet, please, visit the [http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net APTonCD project page] in sourceforge.net or [:APTonCD:APTonCDSpecPage] on this wiki.

Things that I want to do

  • Create a trustworthy repository of Documentation of Ubuntu in Brazilian portuguese.
  • When released, put APTonCD on the Universe repository to be accessible for everyone.
  • Spread Ubuntu Word for entire World.
  • Contribute more, much more to Ubuntu Linux!

a Quote

"One OS to rule them all,

One OS to find them.

One OS to join them all,

And in the Freedom bind them."

  • by [:PaulOmalley:ompaul], I think.


  • I met CypherBIOS (Rafael Proença) after the metting in which the ubuntu-br-doc was created. Since then we did a huge work to [http://wiki.ubuntubrasil.org/TimeDeDocumentacao organize the activities] and to develop the structure necessary to the growth of the team. Particularly I like to work with him and I can say his my best partner in the community (fortunately we have a good sinergy). Rafael has the collaborative spirit of Ubuntu and has a great envolvement in the [http://listas.ubuntubrasil.org/mailman/listinfo/docteam mailing list]. He also does an excelent job on APTonCD, a promising software which in my opinion deserves a special attention of Edubuntu developers. - [:sfair:Rafael Sfair]

  • Rafael Proença, or CypherBIOS as he's known in the brazilian community, is one of the new volunteers who stood out from the crowd. When we needed someone to organize and lead the newly created Documentation Team for the brazilian community, he stepped up to the plate! Together with an amazing group of volunteers (sfair, guilherme, birula, josevitor, AlexRocha, to name a few), he's done a great job of creating a brand new repository of documentation as well as getting new volunteers to colaborate. He's got my support on his candidacy to the Ubuntu Team! OgMaciel

  • Rafael is a very good document writer and organizer. He is responsible for great part of the force of the documentation team. [:AndreNoel3:AndreNoel]

  • I'm a linux user for less than one year and I was surprised by the receptivity of the brazilian team, whose participants are always opened to new members. This spirit is also found in Rafael, which is my friend and always incentive my work on the documentation team. Rafael's abilities to manage projects and to leadership make him responsible for the volume and quality of the informations in the brazilian wiki. [http://wiki.ubuntubrasil.org/JoseVitor Jose Vitor]

    • Sou usuário de Linux a menos de um ano e me surpreendi com a receptividade da comunidade pois seus membros recebem todos de braços abertos. Este é o espírito que se vê no Rafael, nele encontrei um grande amigo e incentivador do meu trabalho na documentação. Sua capacidade de gerenciar grandes projetos e instindo de liderança o fazem responsável direto pelo volume e qualidade das informações no wiki brasileiro. [http://wiki.ubuntubrasil.org/JoseVitor Jose Vitor]

  • Documentation should be treated as software is. With reviews, versions, mockups, testing, stabilization. This kind of treatment CypherBIOS does to our Brazilian Documentation. I wouldn't expect anything better than he does from anyone in this task. He has been developing a good work in several areas in our local community and has obviously some experience to share worldwide. KurtKraut

Thank you my friends Big Grin :)


RafaelProenca (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:11 by localhost)