
When failures or errors are encountered while performing tests in Checkbox, users should be encouraged to file bugs. Ideally this should be immediately to a) ensure the bug is filed and b) attached relevant information to the bug.

How we handle this from a user experience perspective is the focus of this blueprint.


Currently there is no facility for filing bugs within Checkbox. Bugs could discovered in any of the following:

If a failure is encountered for either of the latter two, then the user should be encouraged to file a bug immediately against the relevant package or project.

While this could result in a proliferation of hardware related bugs being filed, it is felt that these would not on the whole be new bugs, just providing visibility to existing ones.

Use Cases



When a test fails or a failure is detected, the user will be prompted to file a bug or link to an existing bug.

New Bugs

If they choose to file a new bug, then apport is triggered to collect and upload the relevant information (using the debugging field in the test definition), and then the whole bug filing process is continued in line with current apport processes.

When the user returns to Checkbox, they are prompted to enter the bug number for the bug they have just filed which is then recorded along with the test results.

Existing Bugs

If they chose to link an existing bug, then they are prompted to enter the bug number for the bug they have just filed which is then recorded along with the test results.

No Bug

If they chose not to file a bug, then Checkbox continues.

Info <!> Should this bug number be validated?


UI Changes

For more detail, please see the CheckboxUI spec.

Test/Demo Plan

Unresolved issues

Can Apport be used in this way - if not we can use the same processes in Launchpad to attach information to the bug.

How will this work on proxied systems?

BoF agenda and discussion

When performing tests, users should be encouraged to file bugs immediately to a) ensure the bug is filed and b) attach relevant information to the bug. How we handle this from a user experience perspective is the focus of this blueprint.


* How does this relate to apport? Do we use apport to file the bug or simply use the same LP calls?

* How do we note that a bug is a regression?

Can apport queue up bug reports for filing later or report bugs from the console, ie in a server environment?


QATeam/Specs/CheckboxFilingBugs (last edited 2009-01-20 14:14:51 by schwuk)