
Revision 14 as of 2015-08-28 10:16:12

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This describes the machinery we use to run autopkgtests for gating uploaded packages into the development series.

Architecture Overview


(Dia source)

Swift result store and layout

The swift object store is being used as the central API for storing and querying results. This ensures that logs are kept safe in a redundant non-SPOF storage, and we do not keep primary data in any cloud instance. Thus we can completely re-deploy the whole system (or any part of it can fatally fail) without losing test results and logs. Swift also provides a flexible API for querying particular results so that consumers (like web interfaces for result browsing, report builders, or proposed-migration) can easily find results based on releases, architectures, package names, and/or time stamps. For this purpose the containers are all publicly readable and browsable, so that no credentials are needed.

Logs and artifacts are stored in one container adt-release for every release, as we want to keep the logs throughout the lifetime of a release and thus it's easy to remove them after EOLing. In order to allow efficient querying and polling for new results, the logs are stored in this (pseudo-)directory structure:

  • /release/architecture/prefix/sourcepkg/YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS@/autopkgtest_output_files

"prefix" is the first letter (or first four letters if it starts with "lib") of the source package name, as usual for Debian-style archives. Example: /trusty/amd64/libp/libpng/20140321_130412@/log.gz

The '@' character is a convenient separator for using with a container query's delimiter=@ option: With that you can list all the test runs without getting the individual files for each run.

The result files are by and large the contents of autopkgtest's --output-directory plus an extra file exitcode with adt-run's exit code; these files are grouped and tar'ed/compressed:

  • result.tar contains the minimum files/information which clients like proposed-migration or debci need to enumerate test runs and see their package names/versions/outcome: exitcode, testpkg-version, duration, and testbed-packages. All of these are very small (typically ~ 10 kB), thus it's fine to download and cache them all in e. g. the debci frontend for fast access.

  • log.gz is the compressed log from autopkgtest. Clients don't need to download and parse this, but it's the main thing developers look at, so it should be directly linkable/accessible. These have a proper MIME type and MIME encoding so that they can be viewed inline in a browser.

  • artifacts.tar.gz contains testname-{stdout,stderr,packages} and any test specific additional artifacts. Like the log, these are not necessary for machine clients making decisions, but should be linked from the web UI and be available to developers.

Due to Swift's "eventual consistency" property, we can't rely on a group of files (like exit-code and testpkg-version) to be visible at exactly the same time for a particular client, so we must store them in result.tar to achieve atomicity instead of storing them individually.

AMQP queues

RabbitMQ server

AMQP (we use the RabbitMQ server implementation) provides a very robust and simple to use job distribution system, i. e. to coordinate running test requests amongst an arbitrary number of workers. We use explicit ACKs, and ACK only after a test request has been fully processed and its logs stored in swift. Should a worker or a test run fail anywhere in between and the request does not get ACK'ed, it will just be handed to the next worker. This ensures that we never lose test requests in the event of worker failures.

RabbitMQ provides failover with mirrored queues to avoid a single point of failure. This is not currently being used, as RabbitMQ is very robust and runs in its own cloud instance (Juju service rabbitmq-server).

Queue structure

We want to use a reasonably fine-grained queue structure so that we can support workers that serve only certain releases, architectures, virtualization servers, real hardware, etc. For example: debci-wily-amd64 or debci-trusty-armhf. As test requests are not long-lived objects, we remain flexible here and can introduce further granularity as needed; e. g. we might want a trusty-amd64-laptop-nvidia (i. e. running on bare metal without virtualization) queue in the future.

A particular test request (i. e. a queue message) currently just consists of the source package name. Additional fields, such as "PPA name" or perhaps version constraints may be added in the future.

Juju service

This uses the standard charm store RabbitMQ charm with some customizations:

  • Remove almighty "guest" user
  • Create user for test requests with random password and limited capabilities (nothing else than creating new messages); these are the credentials for clients like proposed-migration

As usual with the charm, worker services create a relation to the RabbitMQ service, which creates individual credentials for them.

The rabbitmq-server Juju service is exposed on a "public" IP (, but accessible only within the Canonical VPN and firewalled to only be accessible from (the proposed-migration host running britney) and any external workers.



Integration with proposed-migration (britney)


debci results browser

The debci project provides all the autopkgtest machinery for Debian, and is deployed at Ubuntu's CI deviates from this (tests are triggered by britney instead of debci-batch, and we use swift for the results instead of sending them through AMQP requests), but the result web browser/feed generator can be used more or less unmodified (all necessary changes and tools to support swift artifacts landed upstream).

The debci-web-swift charm sets up debci by installing the necessary dependencies, checking out debci's git, and applying the following customizations:

  • Change /doc symlink to point to which is more appropriate for Ubuntu developers

  • Replace the debian.png logo with an Ubuntu logo

  • Install Apache 2 instead of lighttpd, as Apache is Ubuntu's (only) supported web server (in main).
  • Adjust the public/font-awesome/fonts symlink to the older target directory of fonts-awesome in 14.04.

  • The start Juju hook sets up a cron job for retrieving new results from swift (via debci-collect-swift) for all supported releases and architectures, and applies a workaround for a bug.

The charm does not need any credentials or relations, it's entirely independent from britney, the workers, and all other components.


Single-script deployment from wendigo

Everything that's necessary to deploy and configure all services into a freshly bootstrapped Juju environment are contained in It gives a short help when called without arguments, but usually you would call it like that:

  prod-ues-proposed-migration@wendigo:~$ autopkgtest-cloud/deployment/ worker.conf  ~/.scalingstack/lcy01 ~/.scalingstack/lgw01

I. e. you give it the following arguments:

  • The local worker.conf file (see below) which gets copied to the worker service. This contains the Swift credentials and Ubuntu specific configurations for which releases/archtitectures to run and which environment specific proxies to use, etc.

  • A nova RC file for the first cloud to run the actual tests in (should be ScalingStack).

  • Optionally, a second nova RC file; then tests will be run in both clouds. (ScalingStack has two more or less equal regions)

You can also use for re-deploying a single service after you juju destroy-service'd it. deploys basenode/ksplice/landscape into all instances, deploys the above RabbitMQ, worker, and debci charms, and does the necessary public IP attachments and exposes. At the end it prints credentials to be used by britney (or other entities requesting tests): These credentials can only be used to publish new test requests, not for consuming them or doing any other queue administration. This needs to be copied to britney.conf on


This is complete except for the swift password, which you need to copy from ~/.novarc. Note that the [AMQP] section should be empty, it gets filled in automatically by relating the worker services to the RabbitMQ service.

host = 
user =
password =

region_name = bootstack-ps45
auth_url =
username = prod-ues-proposed-migration
tenant = prod-ues-proposed-migration_project
password = S3KRIT-CHANGEME

checkout_dir = /home/ubuntu/autopkgtest
releases = precise trusty vivid wily
architectures = i386 amd64
# testbed backwards compat for trusty
setup_command = if grep -q trusty /etc/lsb-release; then apt-get install -y build-essential; fi
big_packages = binutils chromium-browser glibc libreoffice linux python2.7 python3.4 tdb firefox akonadi
long_tests = gutenprint gmp-ecm
backend = nova

image_pattern = ubuntu/ubuntu-$RELEASE-.*-$ARCHITECTURE-server
flavor = m1.small
big_flavor = m1.large
novaopts = --keyname=testbed --net-id=net_ues_proposed_migration -e 'http_proxy=http://squid.internal:3128' -e 'https_proxy=http://squid.internal:3128' -e 'no_proxy=,,localhost,localdomain,novalocal,internal,,,' --mirror=http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu

container = adt-$RELEASE
lxcopts = --eatmydata --sudo


  • The worker charm currently fails to set the correct --keyname in worker.conf. Set this manually for the time being: --keyname=testbed-$(hostname). (UbuntuBug:1480962)

  • Rebooting the worker instance stops the relation to RabbitMQ without re-relating at boot. If you need to reboot, manually call juju add-relation rabbitmq-server autopkgtest-cloud-worker from wendigo afterwards. (UbuntuBug:1475231)

  • The very first time after ProdStack gets set up, you need to add a firewall rule to allow it to talk to ScalingStack:

    • nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 22 22

    (This is only relevant if ProdStack ever gets torn down and rebuilt).


  • Reqesting manual runs is done with britney's run-autopkgtest script on snakefruit. Due to firewalling this currently can only be run on snakefruit, so define this shell alias:

     alias run-autopkgtest='ssh sudo -i -u ubuntu-archive run-autopkgtest'

    Then you can run run-autopkgtest --help to see the usage. E. g.

     # specific architecture
     run-autopkgtest -s wily -a armhf libpng udisks2
     # all configured britney architectures (current default: i386, amd64)
     run-autopkgtest -s wily libpng udisks2
  • Show queue lengths, until that gets shown in debci:

    ssh -t sudo -H -u prod-ues-proposed-migration \
        juju ssh rabbitmq-server/0 sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues
  • Show currently running tests:
    ssh sudo -H -u prod-ues-proposed-migration \
        juju ssh autopkgtest-cloud-worker/0 "'ps ux|grep runner/adt-run'"
  • Show all "temporary testbed failure" results, which in most cases are infrastructure bugs; there should be zero. (Brandon is working on showing them in debci.)
    ssh sudo -H -u prod-ues-proposed-migration \
        juju ssh debci-web-swift/0 grep -l tmpfail 'debci/data/packages/*/*/*/*/latest.json'
  • Re-run all tmpfail tests:
    ssh sudo -H -u prod-ues-proposed-migration \
        juju ssh debci-web-swift/0 grep -l tmpfail 'debci/data/packages/*/*/*/*/latest.json' | \
        { export IFS='/'; while read _ _ _ r a _ p _ ; do run-autopkgtest -s $r -a $a $p; done; }