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Who I am

My name is Peter Stölzgen. I am coming from and living in Germany.

I studied 'Mechatronics' at the 'University of Applied Sciences' in Kaiserslautern, Germany. During the first two terms my interest in Programming/Informatics/IT roused. If finished my studies in Sep 2004 but received my final certificate in Jan 2005.

In March (of the same year) I started working for RUETZ TECHNOLOGIES GmbH in Munich, Germany. For RUETZ I worked as a consultant at BMW Group in Munich. The department I was working for is named 'Passive Safety Electronics' and I took part in the development of airbag control units. To be more specific: I was testing the software running on the control units mentioned above. In the beginning I did this work manually but after a few month I joined a team which members were concerned with automating these tests. That was the time when I got to know the Python programming language. I stayed with RUETZ for three and a half years - did most of the programming in Python and VBA during that time. What I missed very much was a mentor who would review my code, pointing out all the mistakes I made and how to do things right. One who would have turned my attention towards the popular design concepts earlier.

After three years doing the same kind of work I decided it was time for a change and started to apply for a new job. I found a new company and was hired as a 'Software Developer Robotics'. I began working on Okt 2008 and had to leave on Apr 2009 because the department I worked for was hit by the (worldwide?!) economic crisis. I didn't find a new employment since then.

After taking a deep breath I thought it would be a good idea to gather some knowledge in the field of software development. Learning the theory of 'Design Patterns' was a revelation (special thanks to the 'Gang of Four' at this point).

Learning theory and applying for a new job still leaves at least one hour per day to work on some code respectively joining the 'OpenSource Community' and taking part in the development of ubuntu.

My Ubuntu Story

I was a pure 'openSUSE' user for more than four years and didn't care to much about all the other distributions. Two years ago I took the first glimpse on ubuntu. After 'KNOPPIX' it was the second distribution I explored via a live CD. After overhearing some colleagues talking about ubuntu and how much they like it I installed it for the first time and was astonished how easy the installation procedure was (compared to openSUSE).

I updated openSUSE a couple of weeks ago and tried hard to like KDE 4.1.x. To be honest: It didn't work out, because KDE doesn't work as it should (a point of view at least some people in the fora share with me). Learning that a lot of the new features of KDE 4.1.x already running quiet well and stable on kubuntu didn't bring things in line and I decided to part from openSUSE.

Yes! (As all the other people before me) I want to contribute to Ubuntu and its community as a developer. I want to be assigned to a project I am really going to devote myself to.

My Involvement

I prefer to get involved in application level programming but would still be honored to get involved in a project which is concerned with low level programming.

Things I am Proud Of

  • I am proud that after 34 years I dared to say: No.
  • I am proud to rather feel like an inhabitant of this globe than one of the country named Germany.
  • I am proud that in the end I made the move and joined ubuntu.

Areas of work

  • I'm comfortable with Python and VBA in the first place, but have basic knowledge of C, C++, C# and Java as well.
  • I worked with some simple text editors, hex editors, with Eclipse (Java, Python), MonoDevelop (C#) and SharpDevelop (C#).

  • I am experienced in working with CVS software (WinCVS) and file comparison tools (ExamDiff).

  • I recently gathered knowledge about Design Patterns and UML but wasn't able to apply it yet.
  • I have basic knowledge in using MySQL and PostgreSQL as well as in database design.
  • I am comfortable with OpenOffice and MS Office especially with spreadsheet.

  • Firefox, Chrome, KMail, Thunderbird, Konqueror, Dolphin, MPlayer, Kaffeine, Xine, Amarok, Gimp, Gwenview, Pidgin, Okular, kpdf, K3b are the applications I am using most often when working with Linux.
  • I surely am a friend of a graphical desktop environment but I am experienced in working from a terminal window (Konsole) at the same time.
