Hi I'm Charlie Burnett (Paradigm on the Wiki and Launchpad, and cgb223 on the forums) Hoping to help out more with Ubuntu so I figured that I should put out my info for people to contact me for what ever reason. (more on my experiences later, time is limited atm)

Planning on learning C++ to help with the Bugs, (especially #1) and in the mean time I'm gonna help the laptop Testing team. (I have yet to see a Lucid Lynx post up there) anything else i can do let me know.

Email = ackdrummaster (at) aol (dot) com

(I've had that email since I was seven years old lol, and yes I do play the drums ;-))


Paradigm (last edited 2009-12-27 06:28:51 by ip98-169-90-251)