Plan to develop automatic package creation from PyPI


Author: VincenzoDiMassa


This wikipage describes the ongoing effort to develop an auto package builder for python modules. The auto package builder will be able to create packages by:

  1. downloading the package distribuntion from PyPI

  2. downloading and building the package source distribuntion from PyPI

  3. using the of a modules's source distribution

WARNING: the structure of the created package will be compatible with the goals of PythonModulePackaging: a single package of each module will be installed and will work with all python implementaions ubuntu supports.


SetupTools can download a module from PyPI, create an egg (a sort of python callable package) and install it.
It requires a modificaion to the .pth file in site-packages to make the python eggs available on sys.path.
A python-egg can be considered as a directory containing a module and its packaging related files ( EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO ~= debian/control ).

Planned usage of Setuptools

Because Setuptools:

  1. can already download and install packages from PyPI
  2. is actively developed
  3. exists

I think using them would be a good idea. (thanks Matthias)
My plan is:

  1. create a SetupTools updated debian package

  2. provide an addon module that can generate an ubuntu package using SetupTools]

  3. After step 2 actually generate the pakage

Addon Module

The addon module will just be a script like which will create a python module debian package of the module specified as argument.
For example to create the debian package for the graph module:

$ easy_install_deb graph
$ ls 


I'm actually understanding what requirements are unmet as of now:

PackagesFromPyPi (last edited 2008-08-06 16:21:27 by localhost)